
Internetinės parduotuvės be tarpininkų

QUOTE(JMD @ 2015 03 15, 21:23)
Kokia siena? Kad ju nera biggrin.gif vezk kiek nori eu ribose. Vezam dezem.

Gal. g.gif Nors pries kokius metus vaziavom su vyru per lenkus su busiku, tai ispurte policija ar muitine, jau nepamenu. biggrin.gif Kazko ieskojo. doh.gif
Vilnietės jau pirkot mytoys.de ?Norėčiau prisijungti arba galiu aš parinkti .Ar būtų norinčių ?Turiu 10 euru nuolaidos koda .
Gal yra planuojančių pirkti iš laredoute.fr? Prisijungčiau su pora daiktų. Vilnius
QUOTE(priklausomybe @ 2015 03 15, 20:14)
Tiksliai nežinau, bet abejoju  g.gif . Jei iš kokios UK net dėl kvepalų kabinasi, atseit alkoholio yra sudėty  g.gif

Argi del alkoholio kabinas g.gif del aerozoliniu kabinas. O kodel tuomet pats skrisdamas lektuvu gali veztis alkoholio kiek nori, kuo cia kitaip g.gif
Renku www.szkla.com
( kontaktiniai lesiai )
Kai pirkot micro paspirtukus vaikams, sau neprigriebet? Sugalvojau, kad ir man reikia biggrin.gif o tai reiks begiot is paskos jei jis vaziuos, o as neturesiu kuo biggrin.gif Bet pries perkant butu gerai "pasimatuoti". Gal zinot kur kaune jais prekiauja?
QUOTE(Anyte_uogyte @ 2015 03 15, 23:47)
Vilnietės jau pirkot mytoys.de ?Norėčiau prisijungti  arba galiu aš parinkti .Ar būtų norinčių ?Turiu 10 euru nuolaidos koda .

Aš būtinai prisijungčiau prie jūsų mytoys užsakymo, čia dar žadėjo jungtis narės kai kurios smile.gif
Sveikutes:) pakartosiu klausima- gal kas pirko riedlente? Reikia 6 meciui. Gal kuri matete kur pigiau?

Uzsakiau rankine is http://www.happybags.co.uk/

Kas suprantate geriau, ar yra galimybe atsaukti uzsakyma. Mokejau paypal.

Kur atsiunte laiska apie priimta uzsakyma, kaip suprantu tai galiu atsaukti g.gif

Order confirmation

When you have successfully placed your order, you'll be sent an email with your order details. If there is a problem with your order, our initial contact will be via e-mail. We will wait one week for a response and will try one more time to contact you. If after a further week we have not received a reply, we will assume your order is cancelled.

Please ensure you check your order details once you are returned to our website after making payment, or by using the automated e-mail confirmation. We do not reinput or check addresses and it is therefore the consumer's responsibility to ensure the correct shipping address is supplied. If Happybags sends an order in good faith to an address which subsequently is reported as incorrect we are not responsible for any losses that occur as a result of being unable to recover the parcel and Happybags will only offer a refund for the missing goods in the event the parcel is returned to us.
QUOTE(irmante @ 2015 03 16, 09:53)

Uzsakiau rankine is http://www.happybags.co.uk/

Kas suprantate geriau, ar yra galimybe atsaukti uzsakyma. Mokejau paypal.

Kur atsiunte laiska apie priimta uzsakyma, kaip suprantu tai galiu atsaukti  g.gif

Order confirmation

When you have successfully placed your order, you'll be sent an email with your order details. If there is a problem with your order, our initial contact will be via e-mail. We will wait one week for a response and will try one more time to contact you. If after a further week we have not received a reply, we will assume your order is cancelled.
Please ensure you check your order details once you are returned to our website after making payment, or by using the automated e-mail confirmation. We do not reinput or check addresses and it is therefore the consumer's responsibility to ensure the correct shipping address is supplied. If Happybags sends an order in good faith to an address which subsequently is reported as incorrect we are not responsible for any losses that occur as a result of being unable to recover the parcel and Happybags will only offer a refund for the missing goods in the event the parcel is returned to us.

zinok neraso, kad gali atsaukti. raso tik, kad jei jiems kils kazkokiu problemu po uzsakymo patvirtinimo, ju atstovas kreipsis i Tave e-mail'u, tokiu atveju, jeigu i ta emaila per svaite neatsakysi, uzsakyma atsauks

QUOTE(Audry @ 2015 03 16, 05:31)
Kai pirkot micro paspirtukus vaikams, sau neprigriebet? Sugalvojau, kad ir man reikia biggrin.gif o tai reiks begiot is paskos jei jis vaziuos, o as neturesiu kuo biggrin.gif Bet pries perkant butu gerai "pasimatuoti". Gal zinot kur kaune jais prekiauja?

as pirksiu paspirtuka vaikui bet ta, kur su dviem ratukais ir atlaiko 100 kg, tai dar pati turbut juo pavaziuosiu biggrin.gif tai cia turbut ir bus tas pats biggrin.gif
Merginos, ar dar bus norinciu jungtis prie bonprix ar jau visos nusipirkot? biggrin.gif jei norit, brukstelkit i yolita_a@yahoo.de

Laba 4u.gif Gal kas zinot/bandet pirkti Vero moda DE? Kad nesiuncia, tai lyg ir supratau, o kazin LT kortos praeina? g.gif