QUOTE(BangaS @ 2015 02 02, 10:22)
Madwifi, PHI skaičiuoja pagal išmetamo oro temperatūrą:
Formulė: NVK=(Tpatalpu - Tšalinamas) / (Tpatalpų - Tlauko)
Gal tą ilgą diskusiją šiuo kontra-įrodymu ir užbaigsime.
baik mesltis feistui ir pradek savo galva galvot - va tau feisto "pamastymai" kodel jis buten tokia formule pasirinko :
"Regrettably, current standards for performance rating of
heat recovery ventilation, such as EN 13141 or EN 308, do not
consistently follow that path with the result that the performance
figures obtained according to these standards cannot be
used for passive-house design. They are often even far too
optimistic, which can pose a real hazard to a projects success
(this is mainly due to the unfounded reference to supply air
[SUP] temperature instead of exhaust air [EHA] temperature
and the airflow balancing on the supply air/extract air [ETA]
side instead of outdoor air [ODA]/exhaust air side).
To determine the actual performance of ventilation units
with suitable boundary conditions and to make available other
important properties, such as the measured operational range,
air tightness, and sound emissions, as well as functional
approvals of frost protection, etc., the Passive House Institute
has developed a certification system for ventilation units.With
balanced mass flows on the outdoor air/exhaust air side, the
effective heat recovery rate is determined as follows:"
<toliau tapati formule is sertifikato.>
kaip matai turi teise i vieta po saule ir kitoks paziuris (EN xxx)
neradau ne zodzio apie oro dregme sertifikavimo metu, gal jie bandymus daro labai sausom salygom ir kondensacijos isvis nera, todel ir srautai pasidaro simetriski, Labai keista kad oro dregme neminima sertifikate.
ir dar reiktu atkreipt demesi i Pe/m*Cq... dedamaja., kurios mes imdami medeinos pavyzdi niekad nevertinam ir jau vien delto gaunam mazesnius skaicius. ir si demamoji yra reikalinga butent ismetamo srauto metodo atveju..
Aisku sertifikavimui, ivertinimui ir palyginimui tom paciom laboratorinem salygom tai pilnai tinkama formule, bet i tikslu rezutata, parodanti grazinama silumos kieki realiom salygom, si formule niekaip negali pretenduot.