QUOTE(ma @ 2010 11 06, 10:17)
ar matet i koki tinklapi sis filmas patalpintas? sekta ir ne kitaip
o pacioje filmo pradzioje rodo skiepijimus nuo gripo 1918 m. pandemijos metu... kai pats gripo virusas isskirtas tik 1930aisiais
tikriausiai patikrinus kiekviena ten skelbiama fakta, iseitu tas pats
Paiūrėjau pačią pradžią to filmo.
Taigi čia cituoja Eleanor McBean, kuri išgyveno ispaniškojo gripo epidemijos metu 1918 m.
Jos nuomone, ji ir jos šeima išgyveno todėl, kad apskritai atsisakė skiepų, toksiškų serumų, vaistų. ,,Ispaniškojo gripo" simptomai priminė kitų ligų simptomus, kaip supratau.
,,All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever had. [...] The disease had the characteristics of the black death added to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the diseases the people had been vaccinated with immediately following World War 1. Practically the entire population had been injected "seeded" with a dozen or more diseases or toxic serums. [...] As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My family had refused all the vaccinations so we remained well all the time. [...] It has been said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20,000,000 people throughout the world. But, actually, the doctors killed them with their crude and deadly treatments and drugs.[1]"