aga, pavasariukų nemažai
Noa, už tai pavasariai "žizneradosnije" . net nežinau koks geresnis žodis begali geriau apibūdint
QUOTE(inc @ 2013 11 28, 21:02)
aga, pavasariukų nemažai
Noa, už tai pavasariai "žizneradosnije" . net nežinau koks geresnis žodis begali geriau apibūdint
Noa, už tai pavasariai "žizneradosnije" . net nežinau koks geresnis žodis begali geriau apibūdint
O kiti kokie? Aš pavasaris su vasaros įtaka, noriu žinot, su kokia aš įtaka
Žizneradostnas... Džiugus, nu. Kaip mano katinai ima nė iš šio, nė iš to porą kartų per dieną lakstyt po namus ir gyvenimu džiaugtis, be jokios priežasties. Veiksmą vadinu skraidymečiu, o katinus tada - gluškačiais.
Nu tai va, gluškačiai
Na, morčius gi pavasarį
QUOTE(Noa @ 2013 11 28, 19:48)
bright spring - Mute
true spring - Erszebeth
light spring - Noa, Pumpica
light summer - Dilukai
cool summer - Hiver
soft summer
soft autumn - Tynka
true autumn
dark autumn- Inc
deep winter - pear, LinaGustė
true winter
bright winter
true spring - Erszebeth
light spring - Noa, Pumpica
light summer - Dilukai
cool summer - Hiver
soft summer
soft autumn - Tynka
true autumn
dark autumn- Inc
deep winter - pear, LinaGustė
true winter
bright winter
Aš irgi noriu į chebrą įsirašyt Tik kaip ta beždžionė iš anekdoto, nebežinau, ar graži, ar protinga...
Reikės kartoti spėju fotosesiją, kad galutinai prisirašyčiau, ar visgi light summer, ar light spring
QUOTE(Be-bop-a-lula @ 2013 11 28, 21:34)
Aš irgi noriu į chebrą įsirašyt Tik kaip ta beždžionė iš anekdoto, nebežinau, ar graži, ar protinga...
Reikės kartoti spėju fotosesiją, kad galutinai prisirašyčiau, ar visgi light summer, ar light spring
Reikės kartoti spėju fotosesiją, kad galutinai prisirašyčiau, ar visgi light summer, ar light spring
Pasimatuok kokiam Rimi kakavinę ir smėlio - ir pati žinosi
o man liga stebiu zmones aplink ar gatvej, ar tv, ir bandau kazkuriam tipui pripaisyt jum irgi taip buvo pradzioje?
[quote=bytte,2013 11 28, 15:55]
čia prie plaukų spalvų įmetu vasarines mergaites (dar nedažytos ), pirma light summer, o antra soft summer, nu ir žiūrim koks skirtumas...
visai susibalamutinau,kazkaip mazai info randu apie softines
kiek save maza atsimenu tai buvau sviesi,bet ne baltapuke
tos antros mergiotes plaukai i rusvuma kazkokie
čia prie plaukų spalvų įmetu vasarines mergaites (dar nedažytos ), pirma light summer, o antra soft summer, nu ir žiūrim koks skirtumas...
visai susibalamutinau,kazkaip mazai info randu apie softines
kiek save maza atsimenu tai buvau sviesi,bet ne baltapuke
tos antros mergiotes plaukai i rusvuma kazkokie
QUOTE(Calmness @ 2013 11 28, 23:23)
visai susibalamutinau,kazkaip mazai info randu apie softines
kiek save maza atsimenu tai buvau sviesi,bet ne baltapuke
tos antros mergiotes plaukai i rusvuma kazkokie
kiek save maza atsimenu tai buvau sviesi,bet ne baltapuke
tos antros mergiotes plaukai i rusvuma kazkokie
Aš įsivaizduoju, kad soft tai reiškia, kad ežiukas rūke Mažai spalvos, daug rūko Kontrasto mažai. O light - tai spalvos kaip ir yra, bet ta spalva šalta ir šviesi. O rūko tai ne fontanai, nes pavasaris šalia... Biskutuką tik, dėl kvapo.
Aš galvoju, kad gal tu soft? Tie atspalviai jau tokie delikatūs pas tave.
jei buvai baltapūkis vaikas jau vienas light summer požymių.
aš labai ilgai mėčiausi soft light, o gal išvis cool
aš labai ilgai mėčiausi soft light, o gal išvis cool
baltapūkė nebuvau,bet šviesi
nebežinau visiškai
kas nors pasakykite tiksliai
nebežinau visiškai
kas nors pasakykite tiksliai
QUOTE(Noa @ 2013 11 28, 20:15)
O kiti kokie? Aš pavasaris su vasaros įtaka, noriu žinot, su kokia aš įtaka
Žizneradostnas... Džiugus, nu. Kaip mano katinai ima nė iš šio, nė iš to porą kartų per dieną lakstyt po namus ir gyvenimu džiaugtis, be jokios priežasties. Veiksmą vadinu skraidymečiu, o katinus tada - gluškačiais.
Nu tai va, gluškačiai
Na, morčius gi pavasarį
Žizneradostnas... Džiugus, nu. Kaip mano katinai ima nė iš šio, nė iš to porą kartų per dieną lakstyt po namus ir gyvenimu džiaugtis, be jokios priežasties. Veiksmą vadinu skraidymečiu, o katinus tada - gluškačiais.
Nu tai va, gluškačiai
Na, morčius gi pavasarį
nu jo, džiugus bet nesakyk, tas žodis taip gerai neatspindi to, apie ką aš sakau
mano vieną paną pavasarinę, tai tikrai galima gluškate vadint nes nu tokia pakvaišus. aš tai jas "berazumiais" vadinu, nes nu kartais kai prisiveikia jos, tai ojojoi. tokie du vaikščiojantys sėbrai .būna bėga bėga ir bac į sieną atsitrenkia arba taip įkiša kojas, kad nei ištraukt neina paskui iš kokio tarpo tarp radiatorių
Šiaip minkštos vasaros man labiau ne su rūku, kiek su šešėliais asocijuojas, na gamtos peizaže.
Iš to pačio 12 Blueprints
O jau šviesios vasaros man su tokiu peizažu
Apie vasaras ... galiėtumėt ir išverst, bo aš pusėtinai suprantu
If anyone will stay up till 3 AM cleaning the basement, it will be Light Summer. With Springs energy and Summers deep dislike for disorganized clutter, the crawlspace doesnt stand a chance. Summer will not expect the world to share her needs and she wont be miffed if you go to bed and leave her to it. She cant sleep while the kitchens a mess.
Light Summer likes to talk almost as much as a Spring, but shell tell the entire story, and (this parts important) (really important), in order. Thorough is the word here. She will be easily hurt and irritated if her Autumn sister hijacks the topic to tell her side and interrupts the orderly sequence of her thoughts. For Light and True Summer, it has to go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, not 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 7, 6. Autumn and Winter have more 1,2, 9, 10 tendencies. True Summer will explore every conjugation of a verb, could have, might have, and every option and outcome.
Drawn to quality in clothing. Will notice stitching and buttons. Prefer comfort clothes inside their comfort zone. A True Summer friend who has allowed herself to over-indulge in her diet wears her punishment pants for a day or two to get herself back in line. All they are is structured, stiff, and straight.
Ask a Summer How do you feel about..? Ask a Winter What do you think about ? Ask an Autumn Whats the most efficient way to get this done? And Spring, Whats the fastest way to get this done so we can have a visit?
Summer doesnât like to live alone. Their sense of community, civic responsibility, and desire for domestic intimacy is strong. Winter fantasizes about living alone and takes more convincing to leave their computer.
If True Summers indecisive, its because they want to do the rightest thing. If True Spring is, its because she wants every choice. Autumn decides fast to get it done. Winter didnt see that there were more than two choices to begin with.
True Summers are wonderful teenagers. Their very high sense of personal integrity doesnt let them fall into, or even be attracted by, that which doesnt agree with their moral code. They can easily exclude peer pressure when they want to.
Dont love changes in their routine. As a child, might have been very unhappy when forced to wear new clothes. Might even have been screeching NOOOOOO so loud after being put in a new snowsuit as a 2 year old that they got left in a snowbank by their Dark Winter mother when she went down the driveway to get the mail. Not that that would happen in my house, but you could hear the child loud and clear down a 1000 foot driveway. As a grownup, might be very happy married to a Spring who can get them to do things they wouldnt normally do, especially on short notice, a sticking point for Summer.
As adults, they may still have high expectations of what others should tolerate or how they should behave. A tub of Ben&Jerrys ice cream really does have 4 to 6 servings and it is not necessary to snarf down more than ones share. Are willing to devote time and effort to getting others to meet their highest self, knowing that nobody feels good when they behave beneath themselves. Winter might not be quite so into your Karma because to them, it feels like an ambush intended to control that they wont exert on you  and dont want you to exercise on them. If old people want to go ocean swimming alone, its their business.
Bring the natural gift of just knowing what its like to be the other guy, and caring enough to adjust their behaviour, what the world needs  more of than anything. Every character trait is a double edged sword and empathy is no different. Winter keeps themselves apart and outside of situations. If no offense was intended by spoken words, theyre not likely to hear it. Its not that Winter is cold/distant/remote, their feelings are just less accessible. Summer is so deeply disturbed by rudeness and so strongly empathic that they can substitute the intention of the spoken words as their own, as they would have felt had they spoken the same words, that is, very offended.
Iš to pačio 12 Blueprints
O jau šviesios vasaros man su tokiu peizažu
Apie vasaras ... galiėtumėt ir išverst, bo aš pusėtinai suprantu
If anyone will stay up till 3 AM cleaning the basement, it will be Light Summer. With Springs energy and Summers deep dislike for disorganized clutter, the crawlspace doesnt stand a chance. Summer will not expect the world to share her needs and she wont be miffed if you go to bed and leave her to it. She cant sleep while the kitchens a mess.
Light Summer likes to talk almost as much as a Spring, but shell tell the entire story, and (this parts important) (really important), in order. Thorough is the word here. She will be easily hurt and irritated if her Autumn sister hijacks the topic to tell her side and interrupts the orderly sequence of her thoughts. For Light and True Summer, it has to go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, not 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 7, 6. Autumn and Winter have more 1,2, 9, 10 tendencies. True Summer will explore every conjugation of a verb, could have, might have, and every option and outcome.
Drawn to quality in clothing. Will notice stitching and buttons. Prefer comfort clothes inside their comfort zone. A True Summer friend who has allowed herself to over-indulge in her diet wears her punishment pants for a day or two to get herself back in line. All they are is structured, stiff, and straight.
Ask a Summer How do you feel about..? Ask a Winter What do you think about ? Ask an Autumn Whats the most efficient way to get this done? And Spring, Whats the fastest way to get this done so we can have a visit?
Summer doesnât like to live alone. Their sense of community, civic responsibility, and desire for domestic intimacy is strong. Winter fantasizes about living alone and takes more convincing to leave their computer.
If True Summers indecisive, its because they want to do the rightest thing. If True Spring is, its because she wants every choice. Autumn decides fast to get it done. Winter didnt see that there were more than two choices to begin with.
True Summers are wonderful teenagers. Their very high sense of personal integrity doesnt let them fall into, or even be attracted by, that which doesnt agree with their moral code. They can easily exclude peer pressure when they want to.
Dont love changes in their routine. As a child, might have been very unhappy when forced to wear new clothes. Might even have been screeching NOOOOOO so loud after being put in a new snowsuit as a 2 year old that they got left in a snowbank by their Dark Winter mother when she went down the driveway to get the mail. Not that that would happen in my house, but you could hear the child loud and clear down a 1000 foot driveway. As a grownup, might be very happy married to a Spring who can get them to do things they wouldnt normally do, especially on short notice, a sticking point for Summer.
As adults, they may still have high expectations of what others should tolerate or how they should behave. A tub of Ben&Jerrys ice cream really does have 4 to 6 servings and it is not necessary to snarf down more than ones share. Are willing to devote time and effort to getting others to meet their highest self, knowing that nobody feels good when they behave beneath themselves. Winter might not be quite so into your Karma because to them, it feels like an ambush intended to control that they wont exert on you  and dont want you to exercise on them. If old people want to go ocean swimming alone, its their business.
Bring the natural gift of just knowing what its like to be the other guy, and caring enough to adjust their behaviour, what the world needs  more of than anything. Every character trait is a double edged sword and empathy is no different. Winter keeps themselves apart and outside of situations. If no offense was intended by spoken words, theyre not likely to hear it. Its not that Winter is cold/distant/remote, their feelings are just less accessible. Summer is so deeply disturbed by rudeness and so strongly empathic that they can substitute the intention of the spoken words as their own, as they would have felt had they spoken the same words, that is, very offended.