Šiek tiek pilkos...
...ir pasiguosiu... tęsiau bandymą pavasario spalvų linkme...
įsigijau striukę/treningą... kaip pirmo stulpelio vidurinis bumbulukas... čia sudėtos palyginimui LSp ir LSu paletės... ir mano liūdesiui kitose paletėse tokių salotinių nėr... o įsigijau todėl, kad tiek mama tiek MB sakė pirk, nes atrodau labai gražiai su ta spalva (MB dar kol rankose laikiau, net neapsivilkus, jau sakė pirk, o mama pakomentavo kad su ja atrodau gražiai įdegus, )
...bet man niekaip smegenėlės neneša tokio fakto... bo mano akys labiau tamsios nei šviesios (na kiek gali būt tamsios pilkai mėlsvaai žalsvos akys), plaukai Nr 4 ... (dėjau sruogas prie tų mėginukų kur dažams būna, bet realiai išblunka galūnės manau iki kokio net 6 numerio)... lieka šviesi oda... nus tai kokis aš lightas??? o va clear niekaip negaliu būt, bo mano akių baltymas toks pieno baltumo (su švelniu rausvumu )
Kad Megan Fox tamsiaplaukė - faktas, kuris netrukdo jai būt bright spring... Va juodaakė Selena Gomez irgi pavasaris IMHO:
Čia visai mano nuomonė...
tokia vaikų zviazda serialinė hana montana... mačiau ne vienoje paletėje prie soft summer pavyzdžių, bet niekaip man nedašuto kodėl? dabar va nusibalino visai plaukus ir viskas ok... na tai koks gi ten softas? mano kuklia nuomone jin irgi clear/bright spring:
...beveik megan
Čia visai mano nuomonė...
tokia vaikų zviazda serialinė hana montana... mačiau ne vienoje paletėje prie soft summer pavyzdžių, bet niekaip man nedašuto kodėl? dabar va nusibalino visai plaukus ir viskas ok... na tai koks gi ten softas? mano kuklia nuomone jin irgi clear/bright spring:
...beveik megan
QUOTE(bytte @ 2013 09 03, 09:37)
...ir pasiguosiu... tęsiau bandymą pavasario spalvų linkme...
įsigijau striukę/treningą...
įsigijau striukę/treningą...
Tai va, sakau kad tas skirstymas toks pusgaminis nu kitaip neina pavadint.
Man labai noretusi bent po viena potipi dar iterpt i kiekviena sezona, kad gautusi ne 12 o 16 tu tipu, jau budu zymiai issamiau.
Galbut dar yra tikimybe kad tokia zalia yra kitu tipu paletese? Ar nera?
Sitas skirtymas issamus, bet kur gaut spalvu derinukus aprangai, izimybiu foto pagal juos, paletes ir visa kita?
Cia kiekviena tipas gali buti light, true, vivid arba contrasting, kas man labai prie sirdies, ir turet dar papildoma pavadinima koncentruota daugiau ties atspalviais.
Kaip man aiskino, pagrindas yra zinot savo tipa ir savo kontrastinguma, o tie papildomi grazus pavadinimai atseit skirti daugiau grozio sferos specialistams visazistams ir pan.
Va vien ziemu potipiu/pavadinimu yra 16, plius dar kiekvienas is ju skirstomas pagal kontrastinguma i light, true, vivid, contrasting. Tai is viso gaunam ziemu variantu 64.
Vasaru 15, isskirscius dar i 4 tipus pagal kontrasta, bus 60.
Rudeneliu isvis daug rusiu 31, papildomai suskirscius i kontrastinguma 124.
Pavasariu irgi 31, pridejus kontrastinguma gaunam tuos pacius 124.
Tai is viso 372 tipu sistema. Jeigu gerai suskaiciavau.
is your season name. It tells you your coloring is cool and striking. Your colors are dark and intense, light and icy, or bright and pure.
is your season name. It tells you your coloring is cool, muted, and refined. Your colors are slightly grayed or softened with blue undertones.
is your season name. It tells you your coloring is warm, rich, and earthy. Your colors include rich harvest colors and slightly muted colors with golden undertones.
is your season name. It tells you your coloring is warm, vibrant, and active. Your colors are clear, crisp, and warm. Neutrals have a touch of gold.
Your skin, hair, and eye coloring is light overall. Your best color combinations balance light to mid-range colors. Your best single colors are light to medium.
Your skin, hair, and eye coloring is medium. Your best color combinations are medium worn with dark. Your best single colors are also medium colors.
Your skin, hair, and eye coloring is mid-value to dark. Your best color combinations are bright and dark colors worn together. Your best single colors are bright.
Your skin, hair, and eyes combine lights with darks. Your best color combinations are light and dark colors worn together with a bright accent. Your best single colors are dark or bright.
The deepest of all coloring is here, with ebony I mahogany I or maroon-brown skin tones. Occasionally gray hair is found in this harmony, though mostly deep browns and black predominate with the darkest of all brown and black eye colors.
Tan and soft-brown skin tones range from mink brown through olive brown to olive-taupe. Any eye color can be found in this harmony, though most are deep and dark. Hair can be gray or white, though most often it is black or near-black.
Jet black or deepest brown-black hair combines with deep brown umber skin tones. Eyes are dark in any color range. Occasionally gray and silver hair is found here.
Rose-brown or maroon-brown skin tones combine with a full range of deep eye colors. Hair is black or deepest red-brown, occasionally gray or silver.
Beige-ivory, light olive, or rose-tanned skin tones blend with rich brown, deep brown, or black eye colors and hair colors in the neutral or near-neutral range from jet black to gray-brown, platinum blonde, and silver-gray.
Olive-beige, ivory, and soft tanned skin tones provide a light backdrop for eyes in green-browns-medium to dark and bronze browns. Hair colors range from silver-gray to platinum blonde, gray-brown, black-brown, and black.
Blue, purple-blue, and neutral gray-blue eye colors are a striking accent against neutral hair colors and low-chroma skin tones. Hair colors in the full neutral range from brown-black or jet black to silver-gray and platinum blonde blend with light skin tones in the olive-beige, ivory-tan range.
Deep umber, walnut brown skin tones blend with deep eye colors and hair colors from the darkest brown to black. Hair colors can also be silvering or completely gray.
Skin tones range from maroon. brown to mink brown and cordovan. Eye colors are brown to black, as are most hair colors. Silvering gray hair colors are also found in this striking harmony.
Olive-taupe, suntan, and olive tan skin tones predominate with any color eyes. Eyes are usually deep and rich in color. Hair can occasionally be silver-gray or platinum blonde but more often is darkest brown or black.
Skin tones are mink brown, olive umber, oak brown, even deep tan. All deep eye colors are possible. Black and dark brown hair colors predominate, with an occasional gray or silver-gray.
A subtle range of skin tones-beige, ivory, light olive, pale rose-is striking with steel gray, teal, and deep turquoise eyes. Hair colors are lightest silver-gray or deepest brown or black.
Eye colors in yellow and green hues - deep green umber, clear olive, and gray-green - create an affinity for pale gold. Beige- ivory, tan, and olive skin tones team with lightest and darkest hair colors - platinum blonde, silver, darkest brown, and black.
Soft brown skin tones in rose-brown or rose-taupe blend beautifully with deep eye colors from any hue family. Black and deepest brown hair colors predominate with occasional gray and silver-gray colors.
Skin tones from pale rose, olive, beige-ivory, rose-ivory, and tan are set against jet black or darkest brown hair colors. A platinum blonde or silver-gray hair color is also in this harmony. Jewel-green eyes range from neutral gray to mint green and deep forest green.
Rose-tan, rose-taupe, and deep red-tan skin tones harmonize with the full range of eye colors. Black or black-brown hair predominates, though gray and silver hair colors also appear.
Soft pink, tan, or ivory skin tones harmonize with muted brown hair from darkest through mid-range ash browns and rose- tinged brown. Eyes are from the purple-blue and blue range, whether powdery gray or deep and intense.
Skin tones are soft and muted in pinkish, tanned, or ivory tones. Hair color is medium to light in softest brown and sometimes a hint of red. Eyes are green or soft gray-green, even dark and muted green umber.
Hair color is medium to light in soft blonde, light brunette, gray- mauve, and pearly silver-gray. Skin tones are equally soft, whether tanned, rosy pink, or beige-ivory. Eyes are green-clear to soft gray, occasionally dark green-brown.
Jewel-green eye colors range from soft seafoam green to deepwater turquoise. Skin tones are soft rosy pinks, ivories, or tans. Hair colors are medium to dark, ranging from ash brown to deep brown with a touch of rose-red.
Here is a full spectrum of blondes from lemony blonde to ash and light brown with a touch of rosy-red. Eye colors are steel gray, soft azure, or deepest turquoise. Skin tones are soft pink, ivory, or tan.
Eyes range from muted gray-brown to deep rose-brown. Hair colors are light blonde to dark brunette with ash or rosy-red tones. Skin is soft beige, tan, and rosy-pink.
Shimmering blue or purple-blue eye colors range from gray. blue to deep indigo. Hair is cool blonde, light brown, ash-gray, ash-brown, and rose-gold. Skin tones are soft and refined, whether pink, ivory, or lightly tanned.
Light or tan skin tones in exquisite soft beiges or pinks blend with medium to dark brown hair from softest ash brown to rosy red-brown. Eyes are deep azure blue, steel gray, or soft aqua.
Green, gray-green, even deepest green umber eyes have depth and luster. Hair colors are soft and shimmering browns with either ash, rose-gold, or rose-red highlights. Skin tones reflect a soft rosy-pink, ivory, or tan.
Brown eyes blend with medium to light hair colors in soft blonde, light brown, or ash-gray. Eye colors are rose-red, brown or soft brown. Skin tones are soft and refined in the pink, ivory, or tan range.
Soft gray-green eyes blend with light to medium hair colors-ash gray, cool blonde, soft light brown, or silver gray. Eye colors are deep turquoise and dark forest green. Skin tones are muted pinks, ivories, and tan.
Soft, refined skin tones-beige-ivory, pearly-pink, softly tanned blend with soft blue-green eyes and ash blonde, light ash brown, or gray hair. Occasionally a deeper eye color appears in turquoise, teal, or aquamarine.
Jewel-green is the hue family of eye colors here, with a range from softest mint to deepest forest. Hair colors are blonde-light ash brown to soft gold and lightest rose-brown. Skin tones are pale pink, light tan, and soft ivory.
Intense brown, mauve-brown, maroon-brown, or mink-brown eye and hair colors blend with refined skin tones in a powdery- pink, ivory, and soft tan range.
Blue and silver-blue eyes with an occasional touch of violet blend with blonde; soft, light brown; silver gray; and ash gray hair. Skin tones are soft pink, ivory, and tan.
Spectacular green eyes, whether gray-green, golden olive, or even green umber, combine with soft blonde, light brown, or sandy gray hair tones and golden ivory, peach ivory, or tan skin tones.
Rich auburn or brown hair with red highlights complement eyes from the blue and purple-blue hues. Soft, muted gray-blue, even deep indigo eye colors are found in this harmony. Skin tones are from the peach, tan, or beige groups.
Light brown and blonde hair, sometimes with reddish highlights, combines in rich harmony with skin tones from the ivory, tan, or peach range. Eye colors are steel gray, soft turquoise, or deep teal.
Medium to deep browns and rich auburn hair colors complement eye colors in the jewel-green range from softest mint to deep teal. Peaches-and-cream, golden tan, or creamy ivory skin tones complete the harmony.
Hair is golden blonde to lightest brown, sometimes with reddish highlights. Skin tones range from creamy ivory to a soft peachy tan. Eyes glow with a touch of golden green, olive, moss green, gray-green, or even green umber.
Rich honey, strawberry blonde, or chestnut hair blends with blue, blue-gray, or violet-blue eyes. Skin tones range from golden tans to soft creamy ivories and peachy pinks.
Spectacular skin tones from the peachy-ivory-tan range harmonize beautifully with chestnut, auburn, or rich brown hair. Jewel-green eyes from the softest gray-greens to the deepest forest greens complete the harmony.
Honey blonde, strawberry blonde, red-blonde, and chestnut hair blends beautifully with golden brown eyes and peaches- and-cream skin tones in a range from light beige to suntan.
Luxuriant brown or auburn hair blends with eye colors from the whole range of browns-golden bronze, chestnut brown, even deepest umber. Skin tones are clear and lively, whether golden tan, soft ivory, or apricot.
Sunlit blondes, golden blondes, honey blondes, and light chestnut brunettes harmonize with eye colors from the green- blue hues ranging from sea green and gray-green through deep teal. Skin tones range from soft beiges and ivories to the richer peaches and tans.
Peachy-pink skin tones predominate with occasional golden tans or creamy beiges. Red, strawberry blonde, golden red, and even rich auburn hair sets off eyes from the blue-green hue family. Eye colors range from deepest teal through soft gray-blue and brilliant aqua.
Eyes in jewel-green hues range from soft mint green to deep gray-green or teal. Hair color is a soft chestnut to rich brown, sometimes with auburn highlights, blending with a creamy complexion, whether tanned, golden ivory, or peachy-pink.
Chestnut, soft brown, even sandy-gray hair characterizes this harmony. Beautiful steel-blue eyes predominate with soft aquas and even deep teals. Skin tones are creamy and sometimes peachy or tan.
Spectacular red, golden brown, or deep auburn hair is the eye- catching feature with soft skin tones from tan to ivory. Eyes in the golden to red-browns complete a beautiful color harmony.
Green, gray-green, or olive-green eyes harmonize with apricot cream skin tones. Skin tones range from soft tan to creamy beige. Hair colors range from light to dark brown with golden or auburn highlights.
Hair colors that range from soft medium brown to dark blonde and dove gray blend with blue, gray-blue, or blue-purple eyes. Skin tones are soft, golden tan, ivory, and light coral-pink.
Beautiful eye colors in deepest golden brown, gray-brown, gray, or even black-brown harmonize with hair that is golden honey blonde or light brown with occasional auburn highlights. Skin tones are peaches-and-cream, soft beige, golden ivory, or even soft tan.
Soft or rich golden brown or auburn-brown hair colors display their beauty against peachy-pinks, creamy beiges, or golden tans. Eye colors are from the blue or blue-violet range-gray- purple, blue-gray, and deep indigo.
Strawberry blonde, light to medium brown, and chestnut hair brings out beautiful blue-green eyes. Eye colors range from deep teal through soft gray-blue and brilliant aqua. Skin tones are soft and golden tan, beige, and cream.
Brown, golden brown, red-brown, red, or strawberry blonde hair combines in a glorious way with blue and blue-violet eye colors-gray-blues, gray-violet, and deepest blue. Skin tones are soft and creamy, whether peach-based, ivory, or tan.
Rich brown, brown with golden highlights, strawberry, and red hair blends with clear skin tones ranging from palest ivory and creamy apricot to a creamy, golden tan. Eyes are from the green and yellow-green families-gray-green, moss green, and olive umber.
Beautiful brown hair with golden or red highlights combines with the many colors of blue-green eyes-steel-gray, turquoise, azure, or gray. Skin tones are clear peachy-pink, golden beige, or suntanned.
Beautiful blonde and light brown hair with golden or red highlights blends with intense golden brown or red-brown eye colors. Peaches-and-cream skin tones, beige ivory tones, or soft tans complete the harmony.
Light to medium brown hair colors with golden or auburn highlights and even red hair combines with eye colors in the blue-green range-aqua, steel gray-blue, and soft turquoise. Peaches-and-cream complexions, creamy tans, and soft beiges characterize the skin tones.
Mid-range to deep brown, even black hair sets off light to dark brown and gray-brown eyes. Skin tones are glowing apricot, creamy peach, clear ivory, and even golden tan.
Lively brown to golden blonde hair colors, sometimes with red highlights, set off eye colors of violet, blue-gray, and soft French blue. Skin tones are creamy peach, clear ivory, and golden tan.
Light brown to strawberry blonde hair harmonizes with beautiful green, olive, green-bronze, or gray-green eyes. Skin tones are golden tan, apricot cream, or beige ivory.
The focus is on eye color from the green and blue-green hues with a range from deep forest green through jewel green to a soft gray-green and mint. Strawberry, brown, or red-blonde hair colors are set against creamy ivory, tan, or peach-toned skin.
A warm, soft light reflects from the soft brown or sandy-gray hair color. Eyes harmonize in brown or gray-brown. Skin tones are in soft tan, creamy beige, or peachy-pink.
An essence of softness in blonde, light brown, or sandy-gray hair harmonizes with beautiful creamy skin tones, whether tan, peach, or beige. Eyes range from green-turquoise to soft gray- green and even deep, rich forest green.
Rich brown, auburn, or chestnut hair color is a dominant feature with eyes from the green or green-brown families. Eyes can range from golden brown through gray-green and deep green umber. Skin tones are peachy, tan, or creamy ivory
Beautiful eye colors come in chestnut or golden brown, gray- brown, brown, or even black-brown. Hair is honey gold, blonde, and light brown. Skin tones are peaches-and-cream, soft beige, golden-girl ivory, and even a soft tan.
Golden blonde to light brown hair is an eye-arresting feature. Skin tones range from creamy ivory to a soft peachy tan. Eyes glow with a touch of golden green, olive, moss green, gray- green, or even green umber.
Dazzling green and blue-green eyes range from deep forest green through jewel-green to a soft gray-green and mint. Strawberry, light brown, and red-blonde hair colors are set against creamy ivory, tan, and peach-toned skin.
Lightest blonde to golden strawberry blonde and light brown hair blends with golden tan, ivory, or peachy-pink skin tones. Brown eyes range from chestnut to golden bronze.
luxuriant brown, auburn, or chestnut-color hair is a striking feature, with eyes from the green or green-brown family. Eyes can be olive or golden brown, gray-green, or deep green umber. Skin tones are peachy. tan, or creamy ivory.
Mid-range to deepest brown hair colors, sometimes with auburn highlights, set off rich brown or gray-brown eyes. Skin tones are glowing apricots, creamy peaches or beiges, or soft tans.
Brown, golden brown, strawberry blonde, and red hair colors combine with eyes in the blue-green range-aquas, steel gray- blues, and soft turquoises. Peaches-and-cream complexions, creamy tans, and soft beiges characterize the skin tones.
Strawberry blonde to brown hair brings out beautiful blue-green eyes. Eye colors range from deep teal through soft gray-blue to brilliant aqua. Skin tones are soft and golden tan, beige, and cream.
Bright red to medium brown hair colors, often with golden or auburn highlights. combine with soft skin tones from tan to ivory. Eyes in the golden to red-brown range complete a beautiful color harmony.
Strawberry blonde to chestnut hair harmonizes with beautiful green. olive, green-bronze, or gray-green eyes. Skin tones are golden tan, apricot cream, or beige ivory.
A gentle. soft lightness prevails when light brown, soft blonde, or sandy-gray hair teams with brown or gray-brown eyes and skin tones in tans, creamy beiges, or peachy-pinks.
Light brown, blonde, or rich golden blonde hair harmonizes with blue-green colors ranging from deepest gray-blue to soft aquas and turquoises. Skin tones are light and golden, ranging from apricot pinks through beiges and ivories to creamy tans.
Glowing honey, strawberry blonde, or light chestnut hair is complemented by blue or blue-gray eyes. Even violet-blue eyes are occasionally found in this harmony. Skin tones range from golden tans to soft. creamy ivories and peachy-pinks.
Radiant jewel-green eyes range from the soft mint green to deep gray-green or teal. Hair color is a soft, warm brown to a deeper brown, sometimes with red highlights. It blends with a creamy complexion-tanned, golden-ivory, or peachy pink.
Golden brown to rich auburn-brown hair colors complement eye colors in the jewel-green range from softest mint to deep teal. Peaches-and-cream, golden tan, or creamy ivory skin tones complete the harmony.
Soft brown, medium blonde. or dove-gray hair blends beautifully with blue, gray-blue, or blue-purple eyes. ,Skin tones are also soft and golden. ranging from tan to ivory or light coral-pinks.
Soft blonde, light brown, or translucent sandy-gray hair color characterizes this harmony. Beautiful steel-blue eyes predominate with some soft aquas. Even deep teal blues are possible. Skin tones are creamy and sometimes peachy or tan.
Bright green, mossy-olive, even green umber eyes harmonize with soft ivory skin tones, creamy tans, or apricot pinks. Light brown, soft blonde, or sandy-gray hair completes this harmony.
Peachy-pink skin tones predominate with occasional golden tans or creamy beiges. Light to medium brown hair, often with golden or auburn highlights, or spectacular red hair sets off eyes from the green and blue-green hue family. Eyes range from deepest teal through soft gray-blue to brilliant aqua.
Golden brown, brown, strawberry, or red hair blends with clear skin tones ranging from palest ivory to a creamy golden tan. A creamy apricot skin tone is sometimes found in this harmony. Eyes are from the green and yellow-green families-gray- green, moss green, and olive umber.
Golden brown, brown, strawberry, or bright red hair combines in a lustrous way with blue and blue-violet eye colors-gray- blues, gray-violet, and deepest blue. Skin tones are soft and creamy, whether peach-based, ivory, or tan.
Soft blonde, light brown, or sandy-gray hair harmonizes with beautiful creamy skin tones, whether tan, peach, or beige. Eyes range from green-turquoise to soft gray-greens and even deep forest greens.
Radiant brown or auburn hair blends with eye colors from golden bronze, chestnut brown, even deepest umber. Skin tones are clear and lively, whether golden tan, soft ivory, or apricot.
Deep rich brown or soft golden brown hair colors display their beauty against peachy-pinks, creamy beiges, or golden tans. Eye colors are from the blue or blue-violet range-gray-purple, blue-gray, and deep indigo.
Here are lively hair tones-light golden brown, blonde, and honey blonde-with eye colors from the green-blue hues, whether sea green, gray-green, or even deep teal. Skin tones range from soft beiges and ivories to the richer peaches and tans.
Light to golden blonde hair colors set off eye colors from the blue-purple hues-violet, blue-gray, and soft French blue. Skin tones are creamy peaches, clear ivories, and even golden tans.
Radiant skin tones from the peach-ivory-tan range combine beautifully with chestnut to auburn hair colors. Jewel-green eyes from the softest gray-greens to the deepest forest greens complete the harmony.
Blonde, light brown, or strawberry blonde hair tones blend with golden brown or red-brown eye colors. Peaches-and-cream skin tones, beige ivory tones, or soft tans complete the harmony.
Rich brown or golden brown hair colors combine with beautiful blue-green eyes-steel gray, turquoise, azure, or gray. Skin tones are clear peachy-pink, golden beige, or suntanned.
Beautiful green, gray-green, or olive-green eyes harmonize with apricot cream, soft tan, and creamy beige skin tones. Completing the harmony are golden brown or rich brown hair colors, sometimes with red highlights.
Eye-arresting rich brown to red-brown hair colors combine with eyes from the blue and blue-purple hue families. Skin tones are soft and coral-pink, light beige, or even tanned.
placiau http://seasonalcolor...lliance?page=-1
Cia kiekviena tipas gali buti light, true, vivid arba contrasting, kas man labai prie sirdies, ir turet dar papildoma pavadinima koncentruota daugiau ties atspalviais.
Kaip man aiskino, pagrindas yra zinot savo tipa ir savo kontrastinguma, o tie papildomi grazus pavadinimai atseit skirti daugiau grozio sferos specialistams visazistams ir pan.
Va vien ziemu potipiu/pavadinimu yra 16, plius dar kiekvienas is ju skirstomas pagal kontrastinguma i light, true, vivid, contrasting. Tai is viso gaunam ziemu variantu 64.
Vasaru 15, isskirscius dar i 4 tipus pagal kontrasta, bus 60.
Rudeneliu isvis daug rusiu 31, papildomai suskirscius i kontrastinguma 124.
Pavasariu irgi 31, pridejus kontrastinguma gaunam tuos pacius 124.
Tai is viso 372 tipu sistema. Jeigu gerai suskaiciavau.
is your season name. It tells you your coloring is cool and striking. Your colors are dark and intense, light and icy, or bright and pure.
is your season name. It tells you your coloring is cool, muted, and refined. Your colors are slightly grayed or softened with blue undertones.
is your season name. It tells you your coloring is warm, rich, and earthy. Your colors include rich harvest colors and slightly muted colors with golden undertones.
is your season name. It tells you your coloring is warm, vibrant, and active. Your colors are clear, crisp, and warm. Neutrals have a touch of gold.
Your skin, hair, and eye coloring is light overall. Your best color combinations balance light to mid-range colors. Your best single colors are light to medium.
Your skin, hair, and eye coloring is medium. Your best color combinations are medium worn with dark. Your best single colors are also medium colors.
Your skin, hair, and eye coloring is mid-value to dark. Your best color combinations are bright and dark colors worn together. Your best single colors are bright.
Your skin, hair, and eyes combine lights with darks. Your best color combinations are light and dark colors worn together with a bright accent. Your best single colors are dark or bright.
The deepest of all coloring is here, with ebony I mahogany I or maroon-brown skin tones. Occasionally gray hair is found in this harmony, though mostly deep browns and black predominate with the darkest of all brown and black eye colors.
Tan and soft-brown skin tones range from mink brown through olive brown to olive-taupe. Any eye color can be found in this harmony, though most are deep and dark. Hair can be gray or white, though most often it is black or near-black.
Jet black or deepest brown-black hair combines with deep brown umber skin tones. Eyes are dark in any color range. Occasionally gray and silver hair is found here.
Rose-brown or maroon-brown skin tones combine with a full range of deep eye colors. Hair is black or deepest red-brown, occasionally gray or silver.
Beige-ivory, light olive, or rose-tanned skin tones blend with rich brown, deep brown, or black eye colors and hair colors in the neutral or near-neutral range from jet black to gray-brown, platinum blonde, and silver-gray.
Olive-beige, ivory, and soft tanned skin tones provide a light backdrop for eyes in green-browns-medium to dark and bronze browns. Hair colors range from silver-gray to platinum blonde, gray-brown, black-brown, and black.
Blue, purple-blue, and neutral gray-blue eye colors are a striking accent against neutral hair colors and low-chroma skin tones. Hair colors in the full neutral range from brown-black or jet black to silver-gray and platinum blonde blend with light skin tones in the olive-beige, ivory-tan range.
Deep umber, walnut brown skin tones blend with deep eye colors and hair colors from the darkest brown to black. Hair colors can also be silvering or completely gray.
Skin tones range from maroon. brown to mink brown and cordovan. Eye colors are brown to black, as are most hair colors. Silvering gray hair colors are also found in this striking harmony.
Olive-taupe, suntan, and olive tan skin tones predominate with any color eyes. Eyes are usually deep and rich in color. Hair can occasionally be silver-gray or platinum blonde but more often is darkest brown or black.
Skin tones are mink brown, olive umber, oak brown, even deep tan. All deep eye colors are possible. Black and dark brown hair colors predominate, with an occasional gray or silver-gray.
A subtle range of skin tones-beige, ivory, light olive, pale rose-is striking with steel gray, teal, and deep turquoise eyes. Hair colors are lightest silver-gray or deepest brown or black.
Eye colors in yellow and green hues - deep green umber, clear olive, and gray-green - create an affinity for pale gold. Beige- ivory, tan, and olive skin tones team with lightest and darkest hair colors - platinum blonde, silver, darkest brown, and black.
Soft brown skin tones in rose-brown or rose-taupe blend beautifully with deep eye colors from any hue family. Black and deepest brown hair colors predominate with occasional gray and silver-gray colors.
Skin tones from pale rose, olive, beige-ivory, rose-ivory, and tan are set against jet black or darkest brown hair colors. A platinum blonde or silver-gray hair color is also in this harmony. Jewel-green eyes range from neutral gray to mint green and deep forest green.
Rose-tan, rose-taupe, and deep red-tan skin tones harmonize with the full range of eye colors. Black or black-brown hair predominates, though gray and silver hair colors also appear.
Soft pink, tan, or ivory skin tones harmonize with muted brown hair from darkest through mid-range ash browns and rose- tinged brown. Eyes are from the purple-blue and blue range, whether powdery gray or deep and intense.
Skin tones are soft and muted in pinkish, tanned, or ivory tones. Hair color is medium to light in softest brown and sometimes a hint of red. Eyes are green or soft gray-green, even dark and muted green umber.
Hair color is medium to light in soft blonde, light brunette, gray- mauve, and pearly silver-gray. Skin tones are equally soft, whether tanned, rosy pink, or beige-ivory. Eyes are green-clear to soft gray, occasionally dark green-brown.
Jewel-green eye colors range from soft seafoam green to deepwater turquoise. Skin tones are soft rosy pinks, ivories, or tans. Hair colors are medium to dark, ranging from ash brown to deep brown with a touch of rose-red.
Here is a full spectrum of blondes from lemony blonde to ash and light brown with a touch of rosy-red. Eye colors are steel gray, soft azure, or deepest turquoise. Skin tones are soft pink, ivory, or tan.
Eyes range from muted gray-brown to deep rose-brown. Hair colors are light blonde to dark brunette with ash or rosy-red tones. Skin is soft beige, tan, and rosy-pink.
Shimmering blue or purple-blue eye colors range from gray. blue to deep indigo. Hair is cool blonde, light brown, ash-gray, ash-brown, and rose-gold. Skin tones are soft and refined, whether pink, ivory, or lightly tanned.
Light or tan skin tones in exquisite soft beiges or pinks blend with medium to dark brown hair from softest ash brown to rosy red-brown. Eyes are deep azure blue, steel gray, or soft aqua.
Green, gray-green, even deepest green umber eyes have depth and luster. Hair colors are soft and shimmering browns with either ash, rose-gold, or rose-red highlights. Skin tones reflect a soft rosy-pink, ivory, or tan.
Brown eyes blend with medium to light hair colors in soft blonde, light brown, or ash-gray. Eye colors are rose-red, brown or soft brown. Skin tones are soft and refined in the pink, ivory, or tan range.
Soft gray-green eyes blend with light to medium hair colors-ash gray, cool blonde, soft light brown, or silver gray. Eye colors are deep turquoise and dark forest green. Skin tones are muted pinks, ivories, and tan.
Soft, refined skin tones-beige-ivory, pearly-pink, softly tanned blend with soft blue-green eyes and ash blonde, light ash brown, or gray hair. Occasionally a deeper eye color appears in turquoise, teal, or aquamarine.
Jewel-green is the hue family of eye colors here, with a range from softest mint to deepest forest. Hair colors are blonde-light ash brown to soft gold and lightest rose-brown. Skin tones are pale pink, light tan, and soft ivory.
Intense brown, mauve-brown, maroon-brown, or mink-brown eye and hair colors blend with refined skin tones in a powdery- pink, ivory, and soft tan range.
Blue and silver-blue eyes with an occasional touch of violet blend with blonde; soft, light brown; silver gray; and ash gray hair. Skin tones are soft pink, ivory, and tan.
Spectacular green eyes, whether gray-green, golden olive, or even green umber, combine with soft blonde, light brown, or sandy gray hair tones and golden ivory, peach ivory, or tan skin tones.
Rich auburn or brown hair with red highlights complement eyes from the blue and purple-blue hues. Soft, muted gray-blue, even deep indigo eye colors are found in this harmony. Skin tones are from the peach, tan, or beige groups.
Light brown and blonde hair, sometimes with reddish highlights, combines in rich harmony with skin tones from the ivory, tan, or peach range. Eye colors are steel gray, soft turquoise, or deep teal.
Medium to deep browns and rich auburn hair colors complement eye colors in the jewel-green range from softest mint to deep teal. Peaches-and-cream, golden tan, or creamy ivory skin tones complete the harmony.
Hair is golden blonde to lightest brown, sometimes with reddish highlights. Skin tones range from creamy ivory to a soft peachy tan. Eyes glow with a touch of golden green, olive, moss green, gray-green, or even green umber.
Rich honey, strawberry blonde, or chestnut hair blends with blue, blue-gray, or violet-blue eyes. Skin tones range from golden tans to soft creamy ivories and peachy pinks.
Spectacular skin tones from the peachy-ivory-tan range harmonize beautifully with chestnut, auburn, or rich brown hair. Jewel-green eyes from the softest gray-greens to the deepest forest greens complete the harmony.
Honey blonde, strawberry blonde, red-blonde, and chestnut hair blends beautifully with golden brown eyes and peaches- and-cream skin tones in a range from light beige to suntan.
Luxuriant brown or auburn hair blends with eye colors from the whole range of browns-golden bronze, chestnut brown, even deepest umber. Skin tones are clear and lively, whether golden tan, soft ivory, or apricot.
Sunlit blondes, golden blondes, honey blondes, and light chestnut brunettes harmonize with eye colors from the green- blue hues ranging from sea green and gray-green through deep teal. Skin tones range from soft beiges and ivories to the richer peaches and tans.
Peachy-pink skin tones predominate with occasional golden tans or creamy beiges. Red, strawberry blonde, golden red, and even rich auburn hair sets off eyes from the blue-green hue family. Eye colors range from deepest teal through soft gray-blue and brilliant aqua.
Eyes in jewel-green hues range from soft mint green to deep gray-green or teal. Hair color is a soft chestnut to rich brown, sometimes with auburn highlights, blending with a creamy complexion, whether tanned, golden ivory, or peachy-pink.
Chestnut, soft brown, even sandy-gray hair characterizes this harmony. Beautiful steel-blue eyes predominate with soft aquas and even deep teals. Skin tones are creamy and sometimes peachy or tan.
Spectacular red, golden brown, or deep auburn hair is the eye- catching feature with soft skin tones from tan to ivory. Eyes in the golden to red-browns complete a beautiful color harmony.
Green, gray-green, or olive-green eyes harmonize with apricot cream skin tones. Skin tones range from soft tan to creamy beige. Hair colors range from light to dark brown with golden or auburn highlights.
Hair colors that range from soft medium brown to dark blonde and dove gray blend with blue, gray-blue, or blue-purple eyes. Skin tones are soft, golden tan, ivory, and light coral-pink.
Beautiful eye colors in deepest golden brown, gray-brown, gray, or even black-brown harmonize with hair that is golden honey blonde or light brown with occasional auburn highlights. Skin tones are peaches-and-cream, soft beige, golden ivory, or even soft tan.
Soft or rich golden brown or auburn-brown hair colors display their beauty against peachy-pinks, creamy beiges, or golden tans. Eye colors are from the blue or blue-violet range-gray- purple, blue-gray, and deep indigo.
Strawberry blonde, light to medium brown, and chestnut hair brings out beautiful blue-green eyes. Eye colors range from deep teal through soft gray-blue and brilliant aqua. Skin tones are soft and golden tan, beige, and cream.
Brown, golden brown, red-brown, red, or strawberry blonde hair combines in a glorious way with blue and blue-violet eye colors-gray-blues, gray-violet, and deepest blue. Skin tones are soft and creamy, whether peach-based, ivory, or tan.
Rich brown, brown with golden highlights, strawberry, and red hair blends with clear skin tones ranging from palest ivory and creamy apricot to a creamy, golden tan. Eyes are from the green and yellow-green families-gray-green, moss green, and olive umber.
Beautiful brown hair with golden or red highlights combines with the many colors of blue-green eyes-steel-gray, turquoise, azure, or gray. Skin tones are clear peachy-pink, golden beige, or suntanned.
Beautiful blonde and light brown hair with golden or red highlights blends with intense golden brown or red-brown eye colors. Peaches-and-cream skin tones, beige ivory tones, or soft tans complete the harmony.
Light to medium brown hair colors with golden or auburn highlights and even red hair combines with eye colors in the blue-green range-aqua, steel gray-blue, and soft turquoise. Peaches-and-cream complexions, creamy tans, and soft beiges characterize the skin tones.
Mid-range to deep brown, even black hair sets off light to dark brown and gray-brown eyes. Skin tones are glowing apricot, creamy peach, clear ivory, and even golden tan.
Lively brown to golden blonde hair colors, sometimes with red highlights, set off eye colors of violet, blue-gray, and soft French blue. Skin tones are creamy peach, clear ivory, and golden tan.
Light brown to strawberry blonde hair harmonizes with beautiful green, olive, green-bronze, or gray-green eyes. Skin tones are golden tan, apricot cream, or beige ivory.
The focus is on eye color from the green and blue-green hues with a range from deep forest green through jewel green to a soft gray-green and mint. Strawberry, brown, or red-blonde hair colors are set against creamy ivory, tan, or peach-toned skin.
A warm, soft light reflects from the soft brown or sandy-gray hair color. Eyes harmonize in brown or gray-brown. Skin tones are in soft tan, creamy beige, or peachy-pink.
An essence of softness in blonde, light brown, or sandy-gray hair harmonizes with beautiful creamy skin tones, whether tan, peach, or beige. Eyes range from green-turquoise to soft gray- green and even deep, rich forest green.
Rich brown, auburn, or chestnut hair color is a dominant feature with eyes from the green or green-brown families. Eyes can range from golden brown through gray-green and deep green umber. Skin tones are peachy, tan, or creamy ivory
Beautiful eye colors come in chestnut or golden brown, gray- brown, brown, or even black-brown. Hair is honey gold, blonde, and light brown. Skin tones are peaches-and-cream, soft beige, golden-girl ivory, and even a soft tan.
Golden blonde to light brown hair is an eye-arresting feature. Skin tones range from creamy ivory to a soft peachy tan. Eyes glow with a touch of golden green, olive, moss green, gray- green, or even green umber.
Dazzling green and blue-green eyes range from deep forest green through jewel-green to a soft gray-green and mint. Strawberry, light brown, and red-blonde hair colors are set against creamy ivory, tan, and peach-toned skin.
Lightest blonde to golden strawberry blonde and light brown hair blends with golden tan, ivory, or peachy-pink skin tones. Brown eyes range from chestnut to golden bronze.
luxuriant brown, auburn, or chestnut-color hair is a striking feature, with eyes from the green or green-brown family. Eyes can be olive or golden brown, gray-green, or deep green umber. Skin tones are peachy. tan, or creamy ivory.
Mid-range to deepest brown hair colors, sometimes with auburn highlights, set off rich brown or gray-brown eyes. Skin tones are glowing apricots, creamy peaches or beiges, or soft tans.
Brown, golden brown, strawberry blonde, and red hair colors combine with eyes in the blue-green range-aquas, steel gray- blues, and soft turquoises. Peaches-and-cream complexions, creamy tans, and soft beiges characterize the skin tones.
Strawberry blonde to brown hair brings out beautiful blue-green eyes. Eye colors range from deep teal through soft gray-blue to brilliant aqua. Skin tones are soft and golden tan, beige, and cream.
Bright red to medium brown hair colors, often with golden or auburn highlights. combine with soft skin tones from tan to ivory. Eyes in the golden to red-brown range complete a beautiful color harmony.
Strawberry blonde to chestnut hair harmonizes with beautiful green. olive, green-bronze, or gray-green eyes. Skin tones are golden tan, apricot cream, or beige ivory.
A gentle. soft lightness prevails when light brown, soft blonde, or sandy-gray hair teams with brown or gray-brown eyes and skin tones in tans, creamy beiges, or peachy-pinks.
Light brown, blonde, or rich golden blonde hair harmonizes with blue-green colors ranging from deepest gray-blue to soft aquas and turquoises. Skin tones are light and golden, ranging from apricot pinks through beiges and ivories to creamy tans.
Glowing honey, strawberry blonde, or light chestnut hair is complemented by blue or blue-gray eyes. Even violet-blue eyes are occasionally found in this harmony. Skin tones range from golden tans to soft. creamy ivories and peachy-pinks.
Radiant jewel-green eyes range from the soft mint green to deep gray-green or teal. Hair color is a soft, warm brown to a deeper brown, sometimes with red highlights. It blends with a creamy complexion-tanned, golden-ivory, or peachy pink.
Golden brown to rich auburn-brown hair colors complement eye colors in the jewel-green range from softest mint to deep teal. Peaches-and-cream, golden tan, or creamy ivory skin tones complete the harmony.
Soft brown, medium blonde. or dove-gray hair blends beautifully with blue, gray-blue, or blue-purple eyes. ,Skin tones are also soft and golden. ranging from tan to ivory or light coral-pinks.
Soft blonde, light brown, or translucent sandy-gray hair color characterizes this harmony. Beautiful steel-blue eyes predominate with some soft aquas. Even deep teal blues are possible. Skin tones are creamy and sometimes peachy or tan.
Bright green, mossy-olive, even green umber eyes harmonize with soft ivory skin tones, creamy tans, or apricot pinks. Light brown, soft blonde, or sandy-gray hair completes this harmony.
Peachy-pink skin tones predominate with occasional golden tans or creamy beiges. Light to medium brown hair, often with golden or auburn highlights, or spectacular red hair sets off eyes from the green and blue-green hue family. Eyes range from deepest teal through soft gray-blue to brilliant aqua.
Golden brown, brown, strawberry, or red hair blends with clear skin tones ranging from palest ivory to a creamy golden tan. A creamy apricot skin tone is sometimes found in this harmony. Eyes are from the green and yellow-green families-gray- green, moss green, and olive umber.
Golden brown, brown, strawberry, or bright red hair combines in a lustrous way with blue and blue-violet eye colors-gray- blues, gray-violet, and deepest blue. Skin tones are soft and creamy, whether peach-based, ivory, or tan.
Soft blonde, light brown, or sandy-gray hair harmonizes with beautiful creamy skin tones, whether tan, peach, or beige. Eyes range from green-turquoise to soft gray-greens and even deep forest greens.
Radiant brown or auburn hair blends with eye colors from golden bronze, chestnut brown, even deepest umber. Skin tones are clear and lively, whether golden tan, soft ivory, or apricot.
Deep rich brown or soft golden brown hair colors display their beauty against peachy-pinks, creamy beiges, or golden tans. Eye colors are from the blue or blue-violet range-gray-purple, blue-gray, and deep indigo.
Here are lively hair tones-light golden brown, blonde, and honey blonde-with eye colors from the green-blue hues, whether sea green, gray-green, or even deep teal. Skin tones range from soft beiges and ivories to the richer peaches and tans.
Light to golden blonde hair colors set off eye colors from the blue-purple hues-violet, blue-gray, and soft French blue. Skin tones are creamy peaches, clear ivories, and even golden tans.
Radiant skin tones from the peach-ivory-tan range combine beautifully with chestnut to auburn hair colors. Jewel-green eyes from the softest gray-greens to the deepest forest greens complete the harmony.
Blonde, light brown, or strawberry blonde hair tones blend with golden brown or red-brown eye colors. Peaches-and-cream skin tones, beige ivory tones, or soft tans complete the harmony.
Rich brown or golden brown hair colors combine with beautiful blue-green eyes-steel gray, turquoise, azure, or gray. Skin tones are clear peachy-pink, golden beige, or suntanned.
Beautiful green, gray-green, or olive-green eyes harmonize with apricot cream, soft tan, and creamy beige skin tones. Completing the harmony are golden brown or rich brown hair colors, sometimes with red highlights.
Eye-arresting rich brown to red-brown hair colors combine with eyes from the blue and blue-purple hue families. Skin tones are soft and coral-pink, light beige, or even tanned.
placiau http://seasonalcolor...lliance?page=-1
Hiver čia tik teoriškai gali taip būt... kai kurie pavadinimai neturi vivid arba light potipio... arba contrasting... vien įsiskaičius į aprašymą matos (būna minima plaukų spalva tarkim nuo pelenų blondo iki vidutiniškų rusvų pelenų atspalvio, tai jau nebus nei contrasting, nei vivid to pavadinimo... kažkuri vasara ten, kuri nepamenu)
O žiemų kad ir daug pavadinimų, merginos pėdavojosi, kad paletės gan vienodos... aišku rudeniai spalvingiausi, tai ir paletės įvairesnės. O va carolline dėjau, Noa minėjo kad josios labai jau tokia pat, nors pavadinimas true carolline, ne light. Taip kad ten irgi kiek yra sviestas sviestuotas.
Bet kuriuo atveju tipizavimas pagal metų laikus yra skirtas visažistams ir špakliaus pardavėjams, kad klientams būtų aiškiau ir gražiau. O va prie padoraus spalvinio kažkokio sistematizavimo aš neprieinu, todėl kažkaip labai kritikuot nenorėčiau šio supaprastinto varianto. Tik aš sau esu kiek kitaip įsivardijusi tą tipavimą, man paprasčiau sakyt su kažkurio sezono įtaka + kontrastingumas/šviesumas... tada padaugėja tipų gaunas 9-ni kiekvienam sezonui. Tada Inc būtų kontrastingas ruduo su vasaros įtaka ... nesamonė, nes vasara yra prigesintas tipas , vadinasi lieka ruduo su žiemos įtaka, tskant kas yra deep/dark autumn... va ir viskas
toliau... ryškūs/spalvingi rudenėliai, kurie gali nešioti gan ryškius spalvinius derinius gautusi rudenėliai su pavasario įtaka... uždėjus tokiam rudeniui tamsius plaukus, manau bus žiemos įtaka... o nuplovus - vasaros įtaka... todėl vėl lieka vadinamas warm/true autumn. Na ir t.t. Tiesa man vis vien atsiranda toks dalykas kaip šviesus ruduo, kur būna šiltos/jaukios blondinės tipažas. Jos kaip ir visai šiltos, bet per daug muted, kad būt pavasariais... sakyčiau light warm autumn... nes ir paletė jų tokia ne visai rudeniška turėtų būt
Panašiai man ir kituose sezonuose išlenda koks variantas... bet visgi BFAS sistema labai supainiota... ir aišku kodėl... nes taip pats nenusitipizuosi, reik eit pas konsultanta, siūst duomenis ameriken ir t.t.
...ir dar Hiver tave BFAS tipizavo, ar kas? nu kad esi vasara? Jei taip ką dar paminėjo?
Mano sūnus clear/bright spring, jo plaukai per vasara nuo tamsaus blondino iki visai peroksidinio nubala... ir nebūtinai ilgi, užtenka pora cm ilgio. Visada vasaros pabaigoje būna lyg peroksidu būčiau prasiėjus. Tai nežinau ar galima teigti kad plauko blukimas spalvinio tipo reiškinys... kaip ir įdegio greitumas. Gi yra juodaodžiai, ir jiems tas pats tipizavimas taikomas, o jie visad gerai įdegę. Tiesiog minima kad soft summer labai puošia sruoginis dažymas
Aš visada tokią salotinę laikiau kaip pavasario testinę spalvą (na tik skirtingo tamsumo intensyvumo). Jos apibūdinimas - šilta, šviesi, švari... tskant atitinka pavasarinio spalvinio tipo apibūdinimą.
Aš minėjau kad pereisiu į pavasarį tik radusi tikrai šiltą, man tinkančia spalvą... radau nes prieš tai visos tokios tinkančios drungnos buvo, nei šiltos, nei šaltos...
O žiemų kad ir daug pavadinimų, merginos pėdavojosi, kad paletės gan vienodos... aišku rudeniai spalvingiausi, tai ir paletės įvairesnės. O va carolline dėjau, Noa minėjo kad josios labai jau tokia pat, nors pavadinimas true carolline, ne light. Taip kad ten irgi kiek yra sviestas sviestuotas.
Bet kuriuo atveju tipizavimas pagal metų laikus yra skirtas visažistams ir špakliaus pardavėjams, kad klientams būtų aiškiau ir gražiau. O va prie padoraus spalvinio kažkokio sistematizavimo aš neprieinu, todėl kažkaip labai kritikuot nenorėčiau šio supaprastinto varianto. Tik aš sau esu kiek kitaip įsivardijusi tą tipavimą, man paprasčiau sakyt su kažkurio sezono įtaka + kontrastingumas/šviesumas... tada padaugėja tipų gaunas 9-ni kiekvienam sezonui. Tada Inc būtų kontrastingas ruduo su vasaros įtaka ... nesamonė, nes vasara yra prigesintas tipas , vadinasi lieka ruduo su žiemos įtaka, tskant kas yra deep/dark autumn... va ir viskas
toliau... ryškūs/spalvingi rudenėliai, kurie gali nešioti gan ryškius spalvinius derinius gautusi rudenėliai su pavasario įtaka... uždėjus tokiam rudeniui tamsius plaukus, manau bus žiemos įtaka... o nuplovus - vasaros įtaka... todėl vėl lieka vadinamas warm/true autumn. Na ir t.t. Tiesa man vis vien atsiranda toks dalykas kaip šviesus ruduo, kur būna šiltos/jaukios blondinės tipažas. Jos kaip ir visai šiltos, bet per daug muted, kad būt pavasariais... sakyčiau light warm autumn... nes ir paletė jų tokia ne visai rudeniška turėtų būt
Panašiai man ir kituose sezonuose išlenda koks variantas... bet visgi BFAS sistema labai supainiota... ir aišku kodėl... nes taip pats nenusitipizuosi, reik eit pas konsultanta, siūst duomenis ameriken ir t.t.
...ir dar Hiver tave BFAS tipizavo, ar kas? nu kad esi vasara? Jei taip ką dar paminėjo?
QUOTE(bride @ 2013 09 03, 10:06)
Nuo šaknų per kelis pirštus ataugusi natūrali spalva. Šviesintos sruogelės jau gerokai nuaugusios, o šiaip mano plaukai nuo saulės greitai sruogelėm nušviesėja, kas, kaip kažkur skaičiau, būdinga vasaroms
Mano sūnus clear/bright spring, jo plaukai per vasara nuo tamsaus blondino iki visai peroksidinio nubala... ir nebūtinai ilgi, užtenka pora cm ilgio. Visada vasaros pabaigoje būna lyg peroksidu būčiau prasiėjus. Tai nežinau ar galima teigti kad plauko blukimas spalvinio tipo reiškinys... kaip ir įdegio greitumas. Gi yra juodaodžiai, ir jiems tas pats tipizavimas taikomas, o jie visad gerai įdegę. Tiesiog minima kad soft summer labai puošia sruoginis dažymas
QUOTE(Hiver @ 2013 09 03, 09:27)
Galbut dar yra tikimybe kad tokia zalia yra kitu tipu paletese? Ar nera?
Aš visada tokią salotinę laikiau kaip pavasario testinę spalvą (na tik skirtingo tamsumo intensyvumo). Jos apibūdinimas - šilta, šviesi, švari... tskant atitinka pavasarinio spalvinio tipo apibūdinimą.
Aš minėjau kad pereisiu į pavasarį tik radusi tikrai šiltą, man tinkančia spalvą... radau nes prieš tai visos tokios tinkančios drungnos buvo, nei šiltos, nei šaltos...
QUOTE(Erszebeth @ 2013 09 02, 23:10)
O kaip tokiu atveju su oda? Ar reikia manyti, kad ji specialiai kažką su ja daro, kad išgautų šaltumą, tinkantį prie plaukų? Ar ir su pavasario oda įmanoma būti harmoninga bright winter?
Ką reikia keisti, norint iš pavasario migruoti į rudenį? Kitaip tariant, norint nešioti tegul ir šiltas, bet ne tokias grynas, subtilesnes spalvas? Nuimti ryškumą ir išgauti "muted" efektą, o kaip? Kas duoda pavasarinį "clear"? Ar ne akys?
Ką reikia keisti, norint iš pavasario migruoti į rudenį? Kitaip tariant, norint nešioti tegul ir šiltas, bet ne tokias grynas, subtilesnes spalvas? Nuimti ryškumą ir išgauti "muted" efektą, o kaip? Kas duoda pavasarinį "clear"? Ar ne akys?
kaip ruduo galiu pasakyti, kad uzsidejus pavasario spalvas oda atrodo labai murzina. o su rudeniskomis murzinomis spalvomis viskas ok, graziai isrodo oda. tai gal reikia kazkoki makiaza naudoti "murzinanti"? Beje plaukai mano tokie tamsiai pilki, LT daznai sutinkami,sakyciau arciau neutraliu. o vat akys jau grynai rudeniskos, murzinos pilkai zalios.
migruoti galeciau nebent i TA. NUsidazyti ryzai plaukus , bet tada ir visus veido bruozus reiktu papildomai ryskinti, nes esu softas, kontrasto nerasta. i pavasarius niekaip nenumigruociau, nezinau kiek sluoksniu spakliaus reiktu, kad gauciausi tokia skaidria, svaria veido spalva
QUOTE(Hiver @ 2013 09 03, 10:27)
Tai va, sakau kad tas skirstymas toks pusgaminis nu kitaip neina pavadint.
Man labai noretusi bent po viena potipi dar iterpt i kiekviena sezona, kad gautusi ne 12 o 16 tu tipu, jau budu zymiai issamiau.
Man labai noretusi bent po viena potipi dar iterpt i kiekviena sezona, kad gautusi ne 12 o 16 tu tipu, jau budu zymiai issamiau.
faktas ,kad visu zmoniu i 12 tipu nesukisi. sistema padeda suprasti savo spalvas, o pavadinimas, jau antrinis reikalas.
Va as pati neatitinku tiksliai tipo reiklavimu ir nieko tokio. Esu kazkur tarp SA ir TA. Kaip tipiskas klasikinis SA esu per silta (oda ne neutrali, o vienareiksmiskai silta). Bet kaip TA esu per blanki, nusoftinta. Ivardinau sau, kad reikia ziureti TA spalvas, bet butinai jas gesinti, arba imti is SA spalvas, bet atmesti tas, kurios yra neutralios, nepakankamai siltos. SA save vadinu, nes pagrindine mano savybe soft ir muted , o tik po to jau warm.
QUOTE(bytte @ 2013 09 03, 11:39)
prie padoraus spalvinio kažkokio sistematizavimo aš neprieinu, todėl kažkaip labai kritikuot nenorėčiau šio supaprastinto varianto. Tik aš sau esu kiek kitaip įsivardijusi tą tipavimą, man paprasčiau sakyt su kažkurio sezono įtaka + kontrastingumas/šviesumas... tada padaugėja tipų gaunas 9-ni kiekvienam sezonui. Tada Inc būtų kontrastingas ruduo su vasaros įtaka ... nesamonė, nes vasara yra prigesintas tipas , vadinasi lieka ruduo su žiemos įtaka, tskant kas yra deep/dark autumn... va ir viskas
toliau... ryškūs/spalvingi rudenėliai, kurie gali nešioti gan ryškius spalvinius derinius gautusi rudenėliai su pavasario įtaka... uždėjus tokiam rudeniui tamsius plaukus, manau bus žiemos įtaka... o nuplovus - vasaros įtaka... todėl vėl lieka vadinamas warm/true autumn. Na ir t.t. Tiesa man vis vien atsiranda toks dalykas kaip šviesus ruduo, kur būna šiltos/jaukios blondinės tipažas. Jos kaip ir visai šiltos, bet per daug muted, kad būt pavasariais... sakyčiau light warm autumn... nes ir paletė jų tokia ne visai rudeniška turėtų būt
Panašiai man ir kituose sezonuose išlenda koks variantas... bet visgi BFAS sistema labai supainiota... ir aišku kodėl... nes taip pats nenusitipizuosi, reik eit pas konsultanta, siūst duomenis ameriken ir t.t.
...ir dar Hiver tave BFAS tipizavo, ar kas? nu kad esi vasara? Jei taip ką dar paminėjo?
toliau... ryškūs/spalvingi rudenėliai, kurie gali nešioti gan ryškius spalvinius derinius gautusi rudenėliai su pavasario įtaka... uždėjus tokiam rudeniui tamsius plaukus, manau bus žiemos įtaka... o nuplovus - vasaros įtaka... todėl vėl lieka vadinamas warm/true autumn. Na ir t.t. Tiesa man vis vien atsiranda toks dalykas kaip šviesus ruduo, kur būna šiltos/jaukios blondinės tipažas. Jos kaip ir visai šiltos, bet per daug muted, kad būt pavasariais... sakyčiau light warm autumn... nes ir paletė jų tokia ne visai rudeniška turėtų būt
Panašiai man ir kituose sezonuose išlenda koks variantas... bet visgi BFAS sistema labai supainiota... ir aišku kodėl... nes taip pats nenusitipizuosi, reik eit pas konsultanta, siūst duomenis ameriken ir t.t.
...ir dar Hiver tave BFAS tipizavo, ar kas? nu kad esi vasara? Jei taip ką dar paminėjo?
Man irgi patinka tas tipizavimas, ir sutinku kad BFAS klaidus nors ir atrodo patraukliai, bet sakau, nors viena kita potipi dar iterpt papildomai noretusi. Nu arba tada mest lauk tuos amzinus sablonus kad light summer butinai blondines, cool summer brunetes, o soft summer butinai isblukusios ir be kontrasto. Realiai kas yra soft summer? Vasara maisyta su rudeniu. Tokiu atveju galima butu daryt isvada kad ruduo pats murziniausias tipas is visu keturiu sezonu, bet juk taip nera. Ir va musu abieju pavyzdys, arba goldfish, kiek ratais ejo kol nusprende light summer patapt.
Pala pala, o kaip tau gaunasi tie 9 variantai?
As tai galvoju taip: imam vasara pavyzdziui. Skirstom ja i vasara su pavasario itaka, vasara su ziemos itaka ir vasara su rudens itaka. Ir tada kiekvienam is siu triju potipiu prikabinam po 4 kontrastingumo variantus:
pavasarine vasara / light - sviesios vasaros su pavasario itaka
pavasarine vasara / true(medium)- vidutinio sviesumo vasaros su pavasario itaka.
pavasarine vasara / vivid - tamsios vasaros su pavasario itaka
pavasarine vasara / contrasting - kontrastingos vasaros su pavasario itaka
toliau su likusiom dviem, ziemine vasara ir rudenine vasara, darom ta pati. Gaunasi 12 vasaru potipiu.
Ir gal atsirastu visoms vietos po saule, ne?
Jo, pas tuos pacius dariausi. Dar minejo kad as ta naturalioji, vidutinio kontrastingumo esu. Kad luminant. Kad idegis nieko nereiskia, jis odos nesiltina, gali keistis tik kontrastingumas. Plaukus persidazius galima persokt i kita is tu graziu pavadinimu bet vistiek isliksi vasara...
QUOTE(bride @ 2013 09 02, 21:50)
Kaip sudėtingai Šiuolaikiniam jaunimui nesuprast (čia aš ne apie save). Na, bet svarbu, kad diagnozė buvo daugmaž į temą
Cha cha. Jeigu AŠ tiek lupčiau, tai irgi sakyčiau, kad siunčiu į Amerikę, ir dar paskui į Tibetą ant konsiliumo Negi sakysi, kad pala, tuoj į lentelę pažiūrėsiu? Tada sakys, davai už 25 Lt nustatyk ir nafiga man tavo paletė, internete dykai susirasiu
QUOTE(Erszebeth @ 2013 09 02, 23:10)
Ką reikia keisti, norint iš pavasario migruoti į rudenį? Kitaip tariant, norint nešioti tegul ir šiltas, bet ne tokias grynas, subtilesnes spalvas? Nuimti ryškumą ir išgauti "muted" efektą, o kaip? Kas duoda pavasarinį "clear"? Ar ne akys?
Vat ir aš galvoju. Esu light spring. O jeigu įsistačius linzes... Šaltas mėlynas. Ir nusidažius plaukus... Tamsiai? Bet tada dar antakius nusipaišyt... Ir blakstienas prisilipint... ***, ir dar nusipjaut ragus, nesąmonė kažkokia, labai daug darbo, viena bėda
QUOTE(Hiver @ 2013 09 02, 23:17)
Ziuriu as i tos Meryl Streep akis ir galvoju kokio jos tipo? Man kazkaip gal net rudeniskos http://images6.fanpo...3-2083-3000.jpg Bet tokios lengvai pereinancios i salta tipa.
Aš žinok pati tyliai sau maniau, kad jinai koks dark autumn, kai reikia, permetantis kuntaplius į žiemą... Bet tai dabar palaukitės, o jei jinai gali, tai gal ir aš galiu? Gi iš šilto į šaltą? Aš gi lelabai šiltas, aš jau greta vasaros
Nu jo, bliamba, su holivudo grimuotojų pagalba ... Ne, regis, vis tik tą idėją teks atmest
Įtariu, su paryškintom akim ir su patamsintais arba priešingai - pabaltintais ir papilkintais plaukais aš atrodyčiau ne kaip velnias, dėvintis Pradą, o kaip velnio boba, pageltonavus nuo hepatito, tojest, nė tai ligonis, nė tai soliariuminė višta
QUOTE(bride @ 2013 09 02, 23:36)
Ar čia eina kalba tik apie jos įvaizdį "Devil wears prada"?
Man tai visi aspektai įdomūs - ir kas jinai, tarkim, "mamma mia", kur ji man net į pavasarį neša, ir kas gyvenime...Man ana labai patinka, ir aš tokia būsiu, kai užaugsiu
QUOTE(Hiver @ 2013 09 03, 11:03)
Strawberry blonde to brown hair brings out beautiful blue-green eyes. Eye colors range from deep teal through soft gray-blue to brilliant aqua. Skin tones are soft and golden tan, beige, and cream.
Strawberry blonde to brown hair brings out beautiful blue-green eyes. Eye colors range from deep teal through soft gray-blue to brilliant aqua. Skin tones are soft and golden tan, beige, and cream.
Aš! Aš! O kodėl parašyta, kad beautiful??? Akys??? Su spalva sutinku, o kad beautiful, tai ką aš žinau... Akys kaip akys, objektyviai žiūrint. Pasišpakliuoji - pabjūtifulėja, nusivalai - fig, atbjūra atgal
QUOTE(rytojryta @ 2013 09 03, 11:43)
Ivardinau sau, kad reikia ziureti TA spalvas, bet butinai jas gesinti, arba imti is SA spalvas, bet atmesti tas, kurios yra neutralios, nepakankamai siltos.
Teoriškai. O tu man pasakyk, kaip tatai padaryt praktiškai? Vat man, tarkim, pagal etatą priklauso tokia nudrožta navy, tokia su lašeliuku žalios - dar ne teal, bet jau niekaip ne ink, ne royal blue. Nu ir man reikia tokio drabužio - jolkitumatalki, kur jį rast? Aš džiaugiuosi ir rankom ploju, jei aplamai randu mėlyną, kokį nors Tada didžiuojuosi ir kapsulių temoj giriuosi, ir laukiu pagyrimų, kokia aš šauni, kad nusipirkau NE juodą O kad galėtum pasirinkti, kad čia mol toks atspalvis ar vos vos kitoks - kas tau duos Nenueisi gi į Akropolį ir nepaprašysi megztuko tokio, tik vos vos pagesinto
Ale kaip būtų gerai
Tiesa, su kosmetika gal kažkiek lengviau. Įsisukai į kokį MAC, kur atspalvių milijardas, ir susisabačinai
Ir tarp kitko. Visai čia ne į temą, bet atradau baisiai gerą būdą dažytis! Tinkamą tiems, kurių akys ne vienspalvės, o tokios margės, kad norint nustatyt, reikia žiūrėt iš tolo
Pvz. mano akys aplinkui rainelę tokios ryžavotos, chaki, išorinis kraštas - mėlynas, o kad tos chaki mažai, tai bendras vaizdas gaunasi kažkoks pablukęs turkis.
Tai aš tada viršutinį voką dažau chaki spalvos šešėliais - kaip akies vidus - na ten šviesesniu ir tamsesniu, ten rudas pieštukas, tamsus tušas, kaip priklauso. O apačioj tą waterliniją pravedu ryškiai mėlynos spalvos pieštuku, kaip akies rainelės kraštas, dar ryškiau, bet kiek ten tos waterlinijos, ne kažkas matosi. Baisiai įdomiai atrodo. O jei dar blakstienų galiukus mėlynu tušu - tai dar įdomiau atrodo!
Skaitau, kaliegos kad galima pamėginti ir su kitom spalvom, priklausomainuo rainelės, tik tam apatiniam vokui imti gan ryškią spalvą.
Su turkio linzėm tas atrodydavo gerai su turkio pravedimu apatiniam voke ir turkio tušu. O jei nėr tušo - tai gal pravest apačią ta spalva galima...
QUOTE(Noa @ 2013 09 03, 12:34)
Teoriškai. O tu man pasakyk, kaip tatai padaryt praktiškai? Vat man, tarkim, pagal etatą priklauso tokia nudrožta navy, tokia su lašeliuku žalios - dar ne teal, bet jau niekaip ne ink, ne royal blue. Nu ir man reikia tokio drabužio - jolkitumatalki, kur jį rast? Aš džiaugiuosi ir rankom ploju, jei aplamai randu mėlyną, kokį nors Tada didžiuojuosi ir kapsulių temoj giriuosi, ir laukiu pagyrimų, kokia aš šauni, kad nusipirkau NE juodą O kad galėtum pasirinkti, kad čia mol toks atspalvis ar vos vos kitoks - kas tau duos Nenueisi gi į Akropolį ir nepaprašysi megztuko tokio, tik vos vos pagesinto
Ale kaip būtų gerai
Ale kaip būtų gerai
kas teisybe tas ne melas. su tuo spalvu zinojimu atsiranda beda, kad tu spalvu rasti neimanoma (jei tavos spalvos ne balta ir juoda, o su visokiais pustoniais, pasoftinimais, pazalinimais ar dar kokios ten). Ir tada supranti, kad parduotuve pilna skuduru, o tarp ju tau tinkanciu pagal spalva ant vienos rankos pirstu suskaiciuoti gali. o dar drabuzis turi tikti pagal figuros tipa ir stiliu, tada ir tie keli greit atkrenta. o jei dar turi vizija, kaip tas drabuzis turi atrodyti, turbut iki pensijos tokio nerasi.
Prisipazinsiu, kartais ir as einu i kompromisus
QUOTE(rytojryta @ 2013 09 03, 12:49)
Prisipazinsiu, kartais ir as einu i kompromisus
Tai kad ***** kitaip neina Turi būti kokia Monako princesė, kad tau pagal užsakymą kas nors kurtų rūbus, va tada galima jau ten niekaip nenusižengti. O dabar? Gi be modelio ir spalvos, dar yra rūbo sudėtis, pasiuvimo kokybė, medžiagos kokybė, dydis, ilgis, kaina... Jaučiu, visus tuos įvertinus per 3 PC perėjus atrastum vieną pilnai tenkinantį daiktą - ir tai būtų kokie trūsikai
Man atrodo, kad tas savo spalvas gerai žinoti, bet jei jas laikysi užsakymu - išdurnėsi. Jas gal galima laikyti kokiu ten idealu, kurlink reikia eiti - tarkim, jei renkiesi paltą iš rudo ir mėlyno, tai gali primesti, kad šita konkreti ruda arčiau tavo idealo, negu šita konkreti mėlyna. Ir pasirinkti kokią skarelę, neprastai derančią ir prie palto, ir tau prie žabtų. Bet tai tik ir tiek...
maikuciu ir megztuku dar kazkaip pavyksta rasti, apacia gali buti melyni dzinsai, svarbu, kad nebutu l ryskus. na bet suknele rasti jau sudetinga. pirmiausia ji turi gerai guleti. reiskia turi buti tam tikro modelio ir atitikti kuno ismatavimus ty ugi ir plocius per visas vietas. jau randi tokia ir dziaugiesi, o kad dar spalva tiktu, tai jau kaip loterijoj laimeti. ir dar kaina su svarkais/ paltais ta pati nesamone. vienzo kuo sudetingesnis ir brangesnis gaminys, tuo sunkiau rasti tinkama