QUOTE(vaya @ 2006 09 25, 15:16)
Gal kazkas ne taip atsisiunte.Pries issokant slaptazodziui paspaudziu ant EABOO1MA.mdf*<->.Cia jau po extract to.Kai ivedu slaptazodi ismeta error.
pasitikslink ar visas dalis parsisiuntei.
tada pirmiau jas isarchyvuok be nieko.
tada prasys paswordo, kuri daviau is 2 zodziu.. su juo isarchyvavus gausis mdf failas. cia ir yra programa, ka su ja daryti, trumpai:
This is how I did it and it worked for me.
1. I used cloneCD to copy from the alcohol120% drive
2. I installed the program in full from the CD rom
3. Once restared, I applied the patch
4. It works without having to input the keycode