kažkoks toks mažiau rėkiantis derinys gaunas
bet šiaip labai įspūdingai su juoda atrodo, apačią pilnai galim juodą palikt...
Ačiū Bandžiau ieškoti tos idealios apačios, bet taip nieko ir neišsirinkau. Gražiausiai atrodė prie geltono (link citrininės) sijono, bet čia jau labai ryškus variantas. Su raudonomis, ugninėmis irgi gražu akiai, bet nesinori kasdienai. O su camel, ryža kažkas ne taip. Hiver įdėtas pavyzdys labai gražus, bet ten violetinė visai kitokia.
Gražiausias akiai variantas
Su juoda man atrodo labai niūru, netgi kažkodėl niūriau, nei vien juoda Su žydra lyg ir pusė bėdos.
QUOTE(inc @ 2013 06 28, 10:41)
Gražiausias akiai variantas
QUOTE(bytte @ 2013 06 28, 13:37)
kažkoks toks mažiau rėkiantis derinys gaunas
bet šiaip labai įspūdingai su juoda atrodo, apačią pilnai galim juodą palikt...
bet šiaip labai įspūdingai su juoda atrodo, apačią pilnai galim juodą palikt...
Su juoda man atrodo labai niūru, netgi kažkodėl niūriau, nei vien juoda Su žydra lyg ir pusė bėdos.
Ui, su juoda taigi klasikinis zelabnas derinys.
O su turkiu gal visai neblogai
http://3.bp.blogspot...color block.png
ar su jade
Aha sitas labai vykes
O su turkiu gal visai neblogai
http://3.bp.blogspot...color block.png
ar su jade
QUOTE(Erszebeth @ 2013 06 28, 19:21)
Gražiausias akiai variantas
Aha sitas labai vykes
partempiu dar vieną jpg. tik pas jus, pavasarius, vos žalesnis šiltesnis atspalvis yra
The Best Hair Color for Your Skin Tone
ka as zinau... kaip jums toks pasiulymas?
"Many women with coloring like Nicole's tend to go for ashy shades, but you don't want your hair color to blend in with your skin tone because that will only wash you out," says Gabay. "Golden shades are going to give you some extra warmth to make you look much more awake and refreshed."
If your skin is: Pale with cool blue or green undertones
Try: Warm golden blonde
Ji laiko Kidman oda salta? O juk ji warm spring.
as maniau kad butent undertone lemia ar oda silta ar salta, pas siltus tipus jis siltas, kaip ir cia aiskinta:
ka as zinau... kaip jums toks pasiulymas?
"Many women with coloring like Nicole's tend to go for ashy shades, but you don't want your hair color to blend in with your skin tone because that will only wash you out," says Gabay. "Golden shades are going to give you some extra warmth to make you look much more awake and refreshed."
If your skin is: Pale with cool blue or green undertones
Try: Warm golden blonde
Ji laiko Kidman oda salta? O juk ji warm spring.
as maniau kad butent undertone lemia ar oda silta ar salta, pas siltus tipus jis siltas, kaip ir cia aiskinta:
Yesterday in the comments of the first part of Discover Your Colours Warm or Cool this comment was left by rb:
This is such a complicated thing. I have about the pinkest skin on earth so am a cool, but I have reddish brunette hair and blue eyes with gold flecks, so Im an autumn. (And have been typed as such by a professional.)
I do think I look better in some warm colors wearing fuschia makes me look like I have a big red nose, while wearing a muted warmer shade calms all that pink down but I have no idea why thats so.
I want today to dispel the myth that pinkish looking skin is always Cool and yellowish looking skin is always Warm.
What Im actually picking up from rb is that her skins overtone is pink, but from the other information: reddish brunette hair (warm), blue eyes with gold flecks (warm) and that fuschia makes her look like she has a big red nose (typical of someone who is warm), that her undertone is warm and thus is the pinkishness is calmed down by warm colours, and inflamed by cool colours. rb is definitely warm and needs warm colours not cool, despite that pinkish overtone.
I for example have a cool undertone, and warm overtone my skin looks yellowish, not the pink were told that a cool person should have but when I wear warm colours I look like I have a case of jaundice.
Ive seen plenty of clients like rb who have that pinkish skin who are warm and theyre always surprised how warmer colours tone down their ruddy complexion, whilst the cool colours make it scream and look almost inflamed.
Now you may be more obvious and have a warm yellow or goldish undertone and overtone and therefore warm colouring, or you may have a pinkish undertone and overtone and be cool.
So how do you choose a makeup foundation to tone with your undertone or overtone?
As foundation sits on the top of your skin, match it to your overtone and it will dissappear rather than be very obvious and change the colour of your skin. So rbs choice will have a slight pink tint, and mine has a slight yellow tint.
When choosing foundation test as many colours as the range has, down the side of your face between ear and chin along your jawline and choose the colour that appears to disappear as this will most closely match your skin and not create tide marks around your chin. This is the colour that matches the overtone of your skin.
is cia http://www.insideout...one-makeup.html
This is such a complicated thing. I have about the pinkest skin on earth so am a cool, but I have reddish brunette hair and blue eyes with gold flecks, so Im an autumn. (And have been typed as such by a professional.)
I do think I look better in some warm colors wearing fuschia makes me look like I have a big red nose, while wearing a muted warmer shade calms all that pink down but I have no idea why thats so.
I want today to dispel the myth that pinkish looking skin is always Cool and yellowish looking skin is always Warm.
What Im actually picking up from rb is that her skins overtone is pink, but from the other information: reddish brunette hair (warm), blue eyes with gold flecks (warm) and that fuschia makes her look like she has a big red nose (typical of someone who is warm), that her undertone is warm and thus is the pinkishness is calmed down by warm colours, and inflamed by cool colours. rb is definitely warm and needs warm colours not cool, despite that pinkish overtone.
I for example have a cool undertone, and warm overtone my skin looks yellowish, not the pink were told that a cool person should have but when I wear warm colours I look like I have a case of jaundice.
Ive seen plenty of clients like rb who have that pinkish skin who are warm and theyre always surprised how warmer colours tone down their ruddy complexion, whilst the cool colours make it scream and look almost inflamed.
Now you may be more obvious and have a warm yellow or goldish undertone and overtone and therefore warm colouring, or you may have a pinkish undertone and overtone and be cool.
So how do you choose a makeup foundation to tone with your undertone or overtone?
As foundation sits on the top of your skin, match it to your overtone and it will dissappear rather than be very obvious and change the colour of your skin. So rbs choice will have a slight pink tint, and mine has a slight yellow tint.
When choosing foundation test as many colours as the range has, down the side of your face between ear and chin along your jawline and choose the colour that appears to disappear as this will most closely match your skin and not create tide marks around your chin. This is the colour that matches the overtone of your skin.
is cia http://www.insideout...one-makeup.html
QUOTE(Erszebeth @ 2013 06 28, 20:21)
Su juoda man atrodo labai niūru, netgi kažkodėl niūriau, nei vien juoda Su žydra lyg ir pusė bėdos.
olandu sarvojimo sales dekoruotos juoda su violetine, tai toks derinys man ta vieta primena. bet tai, aisku asmeninis baubas
Visgi rezultatas gavosi ryškiaspalvis Beje, šitas "Snieguolės" sijonas man prie veido nelabai - "matavau". Na, bent jau nieko įspūdingo. Kaimiško kiaušinio trynio geltona - visiškai kitas reikalas, ji "mano". O tokia kaip sijono geltona lyg ir yra tiek light, tiek bright spring paletėse, tiktai warm nėra. Užtat warm paletėje yra šita baisi violetinė. Aš čia vis dar tikrinuosi, koks pavasario potipis esu...
QUOTE(Erszebeth @ 2013 06 29, 19:13)
Visgi rezultatas gavosi ryškiaspalvis
Dailus derinukas gavosi
Erszebeth, aš kai pamačiau fotkę , tai pirma mintis buvo, kad geria būtų geltonos atspalvį pašiltinti ... ir dar žiūrėjau žiūrėjau ir misliju, kad būtų čiotkai kažką "apjungimui" . gal kokį geltoną papuošalą pvz., a?
QUOTE(Hiver @ 2013 06 29, 20:32)
Bet ir pataikyk man šitaip
QUOTE(inc @ 2013 06 29, 20:58)
Erszebeth, aš kai pamačiau fotkę , tai pirma mintis buvo, kad geria būtų geltonos atspalvį pašiltinti ... ir dar žiūrėjau žiūrėjau ir misliju, kad būtų čiotkai kažką "apjungimui" . gal kokį geltoną papuošalą pvz., a?
Tai jau ir tu sutinki, kad aš warm? Kai tas sijonas apačioj makaluojasi, netrukdo - svarbu, kad prie maikės tinka, o maikė jau tinka prie veido
Radau labai fainą palyginimą - tobulos geltonos kiekvienam pavasariui, lyg ir nebuvo dar šioje temoje. Viršuje - light spring, apačioje - bright (clear) spring, dešinėje warm (true) spring.
Warm spring idealių spalvų suknelė dabartiniame Zara išpardavime - patikrinta, spalva labai gerai tinka, tik pasiuvimas ne itin:
QUOTE(inc @ 2013 06 29, 06:38)
partempiu dar vieną jpg. tik pas jus, pavasarius, vos žalesnis šiltesnis atspalvis yra
O kaip manai kieno čia ta violetinė? aš sau su ja labai patinku...