gal kas gali man pagelbeti

is vakar pirkau kvepalus ir atsiunti va ka, tai man jiems reikia ka nusiusti? uz komunalines kazkokius cekius? gal kam buvo taip, prasau parasykite
Thank you for your order.Please be advised that your order is currently on hold as part of a routine security check in order to verify you are the authorized cardholder. To release your order, please kindly e-mail a copy of a utility bill (such as electricity, telephone or gas bill) in recent 3 months so we can verify your identity and that your billing address is valid.
You can email us a copy at or by replying to this email.
Please understand that this information is needed to confirm that you are the correct cardholder. By helping us confirm this you will help ensure our credit card system stays secure for you and other users.
Please note that if no reply is received within 7 calendar days from the date of your order the charge to your account for this order will be reversed and your order cancelled.