QUOTE(shopingas @ 2013 03 20, 03:53)
Na jei norit konkreciu atsakymu, tai cituokit susirasinejima - niekas nezino juk ka tiksliai rasetes.
O siaip jei issiunte, tai issiunte. Ir damoket neprivalot - tiksliau ne nelabai gali prasyt, t.y. paprasyt gali, bet jusu pasirinkimas norit primoket ar ne. Daikta parduodant pardavejas suraso siuntimo kaina, daikto kaina ir tt, t.y. visa informacija, ir sutinka uz ta kaina parduot daikta. Pirkejas statydamas sutinka su duotom salygom ir isipareigoja tiek sumoket laimejimo atveju. Taip, kad abi puses isipareigoje parduot/pirkt su nurodytom sumom.
Na as irgi galvojau, kad jau kaina nustatyta ir dalyvaudama aukcione sutikau su salygom. Prekes aprasyme nebuvo jokios informacijos kad pristatymo kaina gali keistis. Kartais matydavau kitose aukcionuose parasyta, kad pristatymo kaina gali sumazeti, bet neteko matyt kad padidetu.
Prisegu musu susirasinejima, nes nenoreciau kad jis cia taip "geranoriskai" rasydamas, veliau neiskeltu man bylos. Kiek vakar skaiciau ebay salygas ivairias niekur nemaciau, kad kaina gali koreguoti.
Taigi, susirasinejimas po to kai aukcionas laimetas ir jau as sumokejau -
jo --- hi sorry about this but postage is costing more then expected buy £2.50 the weight is 1.350 which costs £7.45 so I must ask for postage cost of £2.50 if its not ok just say I will cancel the auction
mano - Sorry for this, but I calculated all price, and this my maximum cost. So, I didn't agree to pay more than you declared in auction,
then please cancel the aucion and refund money which I payed
jo --- the post office receipt say £7.45 I posted in good faith I tried to upload the receipt but I will not let me
please note that paypal rules and ebay your tracking number is XXXXXX the price is on the lable please check it
my post bill was £40 today so you must understand every penny counts
mano -- So, I didnt understand - will you cancel the auction?
jo --sorry I posted this afternoon you should have it wensday /Thursday that's how I now the price
mano -- Sorry, but this is first time when sender please me to pay more than was in auction. As I understand you posted item, and now if I didnt pay more, I 'll have to resend you. Is it true?
jo -- sorry its cool if you want to pay me when you get it that fine if you don't want to pay the extra its ok my fault for undercharge myself just had not sold anything for a while
Prasyciau man padeti, jeigu galite. Ar tiesiog jam atsakyt, kad tikrai nieko papildomo nemokesiu ir kita kart tegu jis ivertina prekes svori tinkamai ir nustato normalia kaina