Neiskenciau ir padariau uzsakyma is italu,nu ir kazin ar ne prisidirbau
Smokejau kortele pinigus ir man viskas isnyko ekrane kur mokejomo duomenys,ir iskart atsirado puslapis kur rinktis augalus
jokio patvirtinimo,kad sumoketa .....Bet el laiske yra atsakymas,kad pinigu negauta
vyks patikra su banku.
Siandien vel gavau laiska is ju ,kad atsiusciau emeilu visus korteles duomenis,kad butu saugiau per 2 atskirus laiskus
bijojau tai,todel pernauja pasirinkau uzsakyma ir sumokejau,bet kazkokia velniava,ka jie vel atrase......tipo jusu el pastas gaveju sistemoje neatpazintas
einu pasigert
nekisiu nagu daugiau,tiek perkame daug netu,kad net keista nepavykus siam pirkimui,mano pinigai nuplauks
Papildyta:Dear Client, Key Client's on line payment management system has sent the payment card transaction, as requested on your site, to the issuer/producer of said card, which has NOT authorised the transaction.
The details of the operation are as follows:
Date of payment: 30-10-2012
Time of payment: 15:49:41
Sum: EUR 63,35
Merchant order code: 2831
Payment circuit: MasterCard
Name and Surname: ...................
Please check correspondence between the NON authorised transaction and the order, as well as that the management of any necessary process is carried out with the most suitable means and times, in accordance with the regulations in force.
Yours faithfully.
Key Client Spa
.........ot ir suprask dabar.........