QUOTE(Gilele @ 2012 07 05, 10:42)
as ka tik gavau el. pastu informacija, jog teks sumoket, ale neparasyta kiek
Passengers not wishing to accept the additional tax will have the option to cancel their flight and receive a full refund.
N.B. All new flight bookings departing from Spanish airports made on or after the 2nd July are not affected by this retrospective clause as the increased departure tax has already been included in the purchased flight price.
Tai dar patikslins. Nes, kaip suprantu, skirtinguose oro uostuose gali būti skirtingi mokesčiai. Kai skaičiau pavasarį, tai prognozavo, kad labiausiai pasijus Barselonai ir Madridui.
Užsklandinių reklamų kiekis Supermamoj užkniso juodai