QUOTE(sidabriukas15 @ 2012 04 02, 17:01)
dBest Ameritek USA va taip vadinasi
Taviskis testas gali parodyti HCG nuo 20 mIU, o va paskaityk info kaip kas gaminasi. Pas tave siandien 13DPO arba 27Cycle day, taip kad tavo HCG gali buti bile kur nuo 5-430. Darei testa ne su rytiniu sysiu, ramiai, as dar nepriimu blogo atsakymo
So lets use this as an example.....
(Assume that this person has a normal 28 day cycle...Ovulates Cycle Day 14 and has a 14 day luteal phase.)
Cycle Day 1-Normal Period
Cycle Day 10-BD
Cycle Day 12-BD
Cycle Day 15-Fertilization of Egg
Cycle Day 26-Implantation of Egg
Cycle Day 27-HCG of 5
Cycle Day 28-HCG of 8 (EXPECTED PERIOD)
Cycle Day 29--HCG of 15
Cycle Day 30-HCG of 20
Cycle Day 31-HCG of 28
If she had implanted earlier......
Cycle Day 1- Normal Period
Cycle Day 23-Implantation
Cycle Day 24-HCG 5
Cycle Day 25- HCG 8
Cycle Day 26-HCG 13
Cycle Day 27-HCG 20
Are ovulation prediction tests worth doing?
Pelvic ultrasound looking at the ovaries is considered the gold standard in ovulation prediction in a research setting but obviously in a practical application of a woman trying to conceive, ultrasound is not used. Urinary LH testing has been shown to have a 100% correlation with ultrasound as far as predicting the timing of ovulation (3). In that same study, they looked at cervical mucous changes, basal body temperature (BBT) charts and salivary ferning. Cervical mucous changes only had a correlation of 48%, salivary ferning correlated 37% and BBT has a 30% correlation.
For the home tests that measure LH surge that immediately precedes ovulation, detection of LH occurs at above 30 mIU/ml. This means that women with polycystic ovarian syndrome who have slightly higher resting LH values are still not falsely detected as ovulating. The urinary LH spike occurs about 24-36 hours prior to ovulation so it is very useful for women trying to conceive because it gives them a window of warning. The test will show positive for one or two days and rarely 3 days if you catch a spike right at the beginning and it is a large release of LH.
Weeks of pregnancy
Week 3 7DPO HCG 0 to 5
Week 4 14DPO (next period due) HCG 5 to 430
Week 5 21DPO HCG 180 to 7400
Week 6 28DPO HCG 1,100 to 56,500
Weeks 7 to 8 35DPO to 42 DPO HCG 7,600 to 230,000
Weeks 9 to 12 49DPO to 70DPO HCG 25,300 to 290,000