paskaičiau delfi, kad nuo žiemos nuima skrydį į Edinburgą, gal ką vietoj jo pasiūlys
QUOTE(grange @ 2012 04 12, 17:11)
man nepavyko tai visa laime, kad jau buvom numate tokia galimybe ir tevai dar buvo orouoste, tai graziai supjausciau; sudejau i dezute ir isidejau i rankine..... norejau aisku taip parsivest, bet deja...
Na jei damokėti 50eur tai jau labai prabangus šakotis gausis
Jaučiu, kad nė nemeginsiu laimės, iškarto susipakuosiu į bagažą
QUOTE(Žalia Rūta @ 2012 04 12, 16:34)
Na man tokios keliones savotiskas stresas, nors ir velniskai idomu Bet lyg isigijau bilietus.. Nors su rainiai antra karta skrendu, bet kaip naujoke vel jauciuos
Priprasit as irgi nerimavau, bet dabar kai pradejau daznai skraidyt i Bremena, tai kaip i autobusa einu, be jokio nerimo ten man dabar jau sunkiau su bahnu iki vietos davaziuot
šiandien vyras norėjo pirkt bilietą į Goteborgą.. i te - nėra, vsio, nebeskrenda
padekite prasau, siandien gavau laiska is Ryanair, ka jie raso nesuprantu tiksliai
Dear Customer
In relation to your flight reference MHJLBX
Ryanair has been advised by the Spanish Government of a budgetary proposal to increase airport charges later this month.
In accordance with our General Terms and Conditions of Travel* we are advising customers with a reservation that includes a flight departing from a Spanish airport that we may be forced to debit passengers for any government imposed increases in airport charges prior to your travel date.
Once the Spanish government budget is published Ryanair will advise affected passengers by email of any additional airport charges that may apply to your reservation before any charges are made.
Please see our website for updates regarding increases in Spanish airport charges.
Yours sincerely
Ryanair Customer Service
4.2.2 Taxes, fees and charges imposed on air travel are constantly changing and can be imposed after the date that your reservation has been made. If any such tax, fee or charge is introduced or increased after your reservation has been made you will be obliged to pay it (or any increase) prior to departure. Similarly, if any such tax, fee or charge is abolished or reduced such that it no longer applies to you, or a lesser amount is due, you will be entitled to claim a refund of the difference from us.
Dear Customer
In relation to your flight reference MHJLBX
Ryanair has been advised by the Spanish Government of a budgetary proposal to increase airport charges later this month.
In accordance with our General Terms and Conditions of Travel* we are advising customers with a reservation that includes a flight departing from a Spanish airport that we may be forced to debit passengers for any government imposed increases in airport charges prior to your travel date.
Once the Spanish government budget is published Ryanair will advise affected passengers by email of any additional airport charges that may apply to your reservation before any charges are made.
Please see our website for updates regarding increases in Spanish airport charges.
Yours sincerely
Ryanair Customer Service
4.2.2 Taxes, fees and charges imposed on air travel are constantly changing and can be imposed after the date that your reservation has been made. If any such tax, fee or charge is introduced or increased after your reservation has been made you will be obliged to pay it (or any increase) prior to departure. Similarly, if any such tax, fee or charge is abolished or reduced such that it no longer applies to you, or a lesser amount is due, you will be entitled to claim a refund of the difference from us.
QUOTE(akušeryte @ 2012 04 15, 10:17)
padekite prasau, siandien gavau laiska is Ryanair, ka jie raso nesuprantu tiksliai
Dear Customer
In relation to your flight reference MHJLBX
Ryanair has been advised by the Spanish Government of a budgetary proposal to increase airport charges later this month.
In accordance with our General Terms and Conditions of Travel* we are advising customers with a reservation that includes a flight departing from a Spanish airport that we may be forced to debit passengers for any government imposed increases in airport charges prior to your travel date.
Once the Spanish government budget is published Ryanair will advise affected passengers by email of any additional airport charges that may apply to your reservation before any charges are made.
Please see our website for updates regarding increases in Spanish airport charges.
Yours sincerely
Ryanair Customer Service
4.2.2 Taxes, fees and charges imposed on air travel are constantly changing and can be imposed after the date that your reservation has been made. If any such tax, fee or charge is introduced or increased after your reservation has been made you will be obliged to pay it (or any increase) prior to departure. Similarly, if any such tax, fee or charge is abolished or reduced such that it no longer applies to you, or a lesser amount is due, you will be entitled to claim a refund of the difference from us.
Dear Customer
In relation to your flight reference MHJLBX
Ryanair has been advised by the Spanish Government of a budgetary proposal to increase airport charges later this month.
In accordance with our General Terms and Conditions of Travel* we are advising customers with a reservation that includes a flight departing from a Spanish airport that we may be forced to debit passengers for any government imposed increases in airport charges prior to your travel date.
Once the Spanish government budget is published Ryanair will advise affected passengers by email of any additional airport charges that may apply to your reservation before any charges are made.
Please see our website for updates regarding increases in Spanish airport charges.
Yours sincerely
Ryanair Customer Service
4.2.2 Taxes, fees and charges imposed on air travel are constantly changing and can be imposed after the date that your reservation has been made. If any such tax, fee or charge is introduced or increased after your reservation has been made you will be obliged to pay it (or any increase) prior to departure. Similarly, if any such tax, fee or charge is abolished or reduced such that it no longer applies to you, or a lesser amount is due, you will be entitled to claim a refund of the difference from us.
Kur skrisit? Kažkas sakoma apie žadamus papildomus/padidintus mokesčius skrydžiams. Gal turi omeny, kad nesnustebkit jeigu reiks primokėti prieš skrydį
QUOTE(akušeryte @ 2012 04 15, 10:17)
4.2.2 Taxes, fees and charges imposed on air travel are constantly changing and can be imposed after the date that your reservation has been made. If any such tax, fee or charge is introduced or increased after your reservation has been made you will be obliged to pay it (or any increase) prior to departure. Similarly, if any such tax, fee or charge is abolished or reduced such that it no longer applies to you, or a lesser amount is due, you will be entitled to claim a refund of the difference from us.
Kiek suprantu šį punktą: jeigu po rezervacijos bus pridėti nauji mokesčiai ar padidinti, jūs turėsim primokėti. Jeigu mokesčiai bus atšaukti ar sumažinti jūs turėsite teisę reikalauti jų kompensacijos"
Ir as gavau.. nu cia dabar Tikiuos, kad nebus lb daug, jei prideti
Ir kalba tik apie skrydi atgal, kai mes tiesiai is Palmos i Kauna. O pirmyn per vokiecius, tai del to skydzio nieko neraso
Ir kalba tik apie skrydi atgal, kai mes tiesiai is Palmos i Kauna. O pirmyn per vokiecius, tai del to skydzio nieko neraso
QUOTE(Žalia Rūta @ 2012 04 15, 11:56)
Ir as gavau.. nu cia dabar Tikiuos, kad nebus lb daug, jei prideti
Ir kalba tik apie skrydi atgal, kai mes tiesiai is Palmos i Kauna. O pirmyn per vokiecius, tai del to skydzio nieko neraso
Ir kalba tik apie skrydi atgal, kai mes tiesiai is Palmos i Kauna. O pirmyn per vokiecius, tai del to skydzio nieko neraso
Taigi parasyta, kad jei bus tie mokesciai, tai skrydziams is ispanijos oro uostu
Bet siaip idomiai, mano manymu, neturetu buti dideli tie mokesciai, bet juos, mano manymu, jeigu cia dar nieks neaisku, turetu pats Ryanair ir prisiimti, juk pastoviai renka nuo kiekvieno bilieto kazkoki mokesti nenumatytiems atvejams, tai vat tokiems atvejams ir galetu panaudoti... paskui jau gales traukti i bilieto kaina ta mokesti, o dabar, kai jau turi nusipirkes bilieta, dar nezinai kiek reiks susimoketi, tada turetu buti galimybe grazinti pinigus uz bilieta, jei jau taip
QUOTE(Daluze 2 @ 2012 04 15, 12:58)
Pirmą kartą skrendu su Ryanairu, ką tik prisiregistravau. Kiek buvau skaičiusi čia, tai supratau, kad vietų konkrečių neduoda, bet pas mane parašyta ties Seq.No konkrečios vietos. Ar tai jau ir suprasti, kad turėsime konkrečias sėdėjimo vietas?
ne, ten ne vietos numeris.
ten berots chek in numeris, kelinti prisičekinot.
jei nepirkai papildomai, kad pasirinkti vietą, tai eisi sėstis ten, kur rasi vietos.
QUOTE(_Pandora_ @ 2012 04 15, 14:28)
Bet siaip idomiai, mano manymu, neturetu buti dideli tie mokesciai, bet juos, mano manymu, jeigu cia dar nieks neaisku, turetu pats Ryanair ir prisiimti, juk pastoviai renka nuo kiekvieno bilieto kazkoki mokesti nenumatytiems atvejams, tai vat tokiems atvejams ir galetu panaudoti... paskui jau gales traukti i bilieto kaina ta mokesti, o dabar, kai jau turi nusipirkes bilieta, dar nezinai kiek reiks susimoketi, tada turetu buti galimybe grazinti pinigus uz bilieta, jei jau taip
bet kaip kazkas sake, kad jie yra pas save parase, jei keiciasi salies mokesciai, tai dadeda kaina.. nors man atrodo, kad tokiu atveju turetu buti numatyta galimybe ir atsisakyti to bilieto. kita vertus, tikekimes, kad tikrai bus kokie pora euru max. kokiu 10 tai nenorec