I forgot write that in our price relations, the recuperation is not recoverable. My family is not rich, but we could install it, because we have done very cheap heating. Our investment into heating + recup. systems (together) was only 3200 . For comparing: In Slovakia, new houses which are built acording the norm, pays 7.000 - 20.000 heating system. Our passive house was cheaper than "classic".
I don“t know prices in your country.
QUOTE(biesas66 @ 2012 08 17, 12:05)
Taippat kaip garantuotai pinigus per ventiliacija leisite lauk..
geraiu truputi brangiau, negu pastovus vieno aukščio nekintančio nuolatinis birbesys (dar nieks neprislopino iki galo0 ir bakterijų veisykla vamzdyne. Gi valymo sąmatos taip pat nemažos, tik pas mus įsirengia ir...nebevalo...
QUOTE(&&77&& @ 2012 08 17, 10:52)
Patarkit, ka daryti ir nuo ko pradeti, jei namas senos statybos ir po sandariu sudejimo pradejo pelyti sienos, ypac tuose kambariuose, kurie siaurineje puseje ir mazai gauna saules spinduliu?
Patarkit, ka daryti ir nuo ko pradeti, jei namas senos statybos ir po sandariu sudejimo pradejo pelyti sienos, ypac tuose kambariuose, kurie siaurineje puseje ir mazai gauna saules spinduliu?
Pradžiai reikėtų pakelti šiaurinių sienų vidaus temperatūrą jas apšiltinant iš lauko. Klausimas ar tikrai pavyko labai gerai užsandarinti patalpas, kad truks pliš reikėtų investuoti į priverstinį vėdinimą, nors apie jį pamastyti visuomet galima .
QUOTE(mintas @ 2012 08 17, 14:52)
Pradžiai reikėtų pakelti šiaurinių sienų vidaus temperatūrą jas apšiltinant iš lauko. Klausimas ar tikrai pavyko labai gerai užsandarinti patalpas, kad truks pliš reikėtų investuoti į priverstinį vėdinimą, nors apie jį pamastyti visuomet galima .
Visa toki mura, koks yra apsiltinti butu lb brangu...o yra koks sprendimas tik tiems (pelesiniems) kambariams? kituose visai problemu nera arba bent jau kol kas nematyti...
QUOTE(Sunute @ 2012 08 17, 12:42)
Visgi pasirinkome gravitacinę vėdinimo sistemą . Kasdieninis komfortas taip pat garantuotas
Čia tik jums taip atrodo
QUOTE(Jarka @ 2012 08 17, 15:34)
I forgot write that in our price relations, the recuperation is not recoverable.
Hi, if you are not recovering the heat from the ventilation, how do you succeed to match 15kWh/m2a? The ventilation heat loose must take a great part in total energy loose of your house.
Also you say you are using the ventilation unit at 20% of its max power - this doesn't mean you are getting 20% of its maximum debit because of the resistance of the duct sistem, you are getting a bit less for sure.
The google translator is terrible and I had no time yet to read you blog properly. I have seen the post about the ground heat exanger - if you have got this you are only a one step from perfect ventilation system, you really need the ventilation unit with heat recovery. I think you will change you mind after moving into the house fully, the full family will produce ignificant energy inflow(breathing, cooking, bath, electrical devices, etc) and the HRU would let you not to heat the house up to some outside temperature, lower than now. Sorry I still haven't read about the kind of heating you have already installed so can't make a proper example.
Good luck!
QUOTE(Sunute @ 2012 08 17, 15:47)
geraiu truputi brangiau, negu pastovus vieno aukščio nekintančio nuolatinis birbesys (dar nieks neprislopino iki galo0 ir bakterijų veisykla vamzdyne. Gi valymo sąmatos taip pat nemažos, tik pas mus įsirengia ir...nebevalo...
o gravitacines kanalus tai valysit,taip_ Ar taippat liks..
Maybe, I expressed my thoughts inaccurately. I meant "recovering" by this way: Investment into the recuperation never recovers, never come back in money for saved energy. In economic sense.
Of course, our unit has high grade of efficiency - up 92%.
Its max. performance is 270 m3/h. but I say only about 230 because of pressure drop in pipes.
Experience: family of five (four of them nonstop at home), performance 80 m3/h. - it was too much in Winter! So they had to switch their unit off (their unit can go 80 m3/ minimally). Certainly, it demands on style of life of each family. But, there are more experiences from Germany and Austria about too low RH.
Now, in Summer, we use 30-40% of the max. performance = about 90 m3/h. It“s too much without living people. So we must do OFF or 10% :-)
Maybe, I expressed my thoughts inaccurately. I meant "recovering" by this way: Investment into the recuperation never recovers, never come back in money for saved energy. In economic sense.
Of course, our unit has high grade of efficiency - up 92%.
Its max. performance is 270 m3/h. but I say only about 230 because of pressure drop in pipes.
Experience: family of five (four of them nonstop at home), performance 80 m3/h. - it was too much in Winter! So they had to switch their unit off (their unit can go 80 m3/ minimally). Certainly, it demands on style of life of each family. But, there are more experiences from Germany and Austria about too low RH.
Now, in Summer, we use 30-40% of the max. performance = about 90 m3/h. It“s too much without living people. So we must do OFF or 10% :-)
QUOTE(Vilienė @ 2012 08 17, 15:48)
Hi, if you are not recovering the heat from the ventilation, how do you succeed to match 15kWh/m2a? The ventilation heat loose must take a great part in total energy loose of your house.
Also you say you are using the ventilation unit at 20% of its max power - this doesn't mean you are getting 20% of its maximum debit because of the resistance of the duct sistem, you are getting a bit less for sure.
The google translator is terrible and I had no time yet to read you blog properly. I have seen the post about the ground heat exanger - if you have got this you are only a one step from perfect ventilation system, you really need the ventilation unit with heat recovery. I think you will change you mind after moving into the house fully, the full family will produce ignificant energy inflow(breathing, cooking, bath, electrical devices, etc) and the HRU would let you not to heat the house up to some outside temperature, lower than now. Sorry I still haven't read about the kind of heating you have already installed so can't make a proper example.
Good luck!
Also you say you are using the ventilation unit at 20% of its max power - this doesn't mean you are getting 20% of its maximum debit because of the resistance of the duct sistem, you are getting a bit less for sure.
The google translator is terrible and I had no time yet to read you blog properly. I have seen the post about the ground heat exanger - if you have got this you are only a one step from perfect ventilation system, you really need the ventilation unit with heat recovery. I think you will change you mind after moving into the house fully, the full family will produce ignificant energy inflow(breathing, cooking, bath, electrical devices, etc) and the HRU would let you not to heat the house up to some outside temperature, lower than now. Sorry I still haven't read about the kind of heating you have already installed so can't make a proper example.
Good luck!
QUOTE(mintas @ 2012 08 16, 21:36)
Nekartą vėdinimo temoje teko skaityti užsiminimus apie kanalizacijos vamzdžių panaudojimą ortakynui...
Pakolkas dar nesidomėjau cinkuotos skardos ortakynų kainomis, bet ...
Pakolkas dar nesidomėjau cinkuotos skardos ortakynų kainomis, bet ...
Man patinka kai kurių žmonių nenuilstamas noras bandyti išradinėti dviratį. (Čia rimtai, be ironijos). Juokinga tik tai, kad bandoma tai daryti visai nesigilinant į klausimo esmę.
Mintai, ar jums neatrodo, kad prieš giriant kanalizacijos vamzdžių sistemą, reikėtu palyginti nors kelis parametrus ir įsitikinti, kad jį turi bent vieną privalumą?
QUOTE(Jarka @ 2012 08 17, 18:16)
Maybe, I expressed my thoughts inaccurately. I meant "recovering" by this way: Investment into the recuperation never recovers, never come back in money for saved energy. In economic sense.
Of course, our unit has high grade of efficiency - up 92%.
Its max. performance is 270 m3/h. but I say only about 230 because of pressure drop in pipes.
Maybe, I expressed my thoughts inaccurately. I meant "recovering" by this way: Investment into the recuperation never recovers, never come back in money for saved energy. In economic sense.
Of course, our unit has high grade of efficiency - up 92%.
Its max. performance is 270 m3/h. but I say only about 230 because of pressure drop in pipes.
"Investment never recovers" - this may be the truth if you are building your house on the hot spring like the one in Poprad aquapark But if the electricity is used to heat the house the economic sence might be very real and close
From another point of view think what would be the difference of ventilation unit to do the same job but without the recovering the energy. The only one part of the unit would not be needed - heat exhanger. I bet this would make the difference of unit price 250-350eur. The passive house has got no choice, it must have the mechanical ventilation and the heat recovery needs just a very little extra investment.
270m3/h and "about 230m3/h" - have you measured that difference, or just guess?
Is your sistem cooling the house in the summer? I hope you have got no problems like me.
QUOTE(ed@ @ 2012 08 17, 18:28)
Man patinka kai kurių žmonių nenuilstamas noras bandyti išradinėti dviratį. (Čia rimtai, be ironijos). Juokinga tik tai, kad bandoma tai daryti visai nesigilinant į klausimo esmę.
Mintai, ar jums neatrodo, kad prieš giriant kanalizacijos vamzdžių sistemą, reikėtu palyginti nors kelis parametrus ir įsitikinti, kad jį turi bent vieną privalumą?
Mintai, ar jums neatrodo, kad prieš giriant kanalizacijos vamzdžių sistemą, reikėtu palyginti nors kelis parametrus ir įsitikinti, kad jį turi bent vieną privalumą?
tada kaip pakomentuotumete unopor plastikinius ventiliacijos vamzdzius?
Ir tai ne as isradau,o protingi zmones,o jus peikiate. Tai kaip cia yra?
QUOTE(ed@ @ 2012 08 17, 18:28)
Man patinka kai kurių žmonių nenuilstamas noras bandyti išradinėti dviratį. (Čia rimtai, be ironijos). Juokinga tik tai, kad bandoma tai daryti visai nesigilinant į klausimo esmę.
Mintai, ar jums neatrodo, kad prieš giriant kanalizacijos vamzdžių sistemą, reikėtu palyginti nors kelis parametrus ir įsitikinti, kad jį turi bent vieną privalumą?
Mintai, ar jums neatrodo, kad prieš giriant kanalizacijos vamzdžių sistemą, reikėtu palyginti nors kelis parametrus ir įsitikinti, kad jį turi bent vieną privalumą?
O man visai patiki si ideja su kanalizacijos vamzdziais . Mat pas mus liko kanalizacijos vamzdziu ir nereiktu nieko pirkti.
Gal kas turi ideju, kaip pritaikyti kanalizacijos vamzdzius ventiliacijai? Vis tik jie griozdiski ir nelankstus
O jei rimtai, tai mums reikia ka nors del rusio ventiliacijos pagalvoti, kuris dregsta ir pelyja. Gal kas nors turite iar zinote info, kaip normaliai padaryti rusio ventiliacija be rekupo?