QUOTE(Saulė/Guoda @ 2012 05 02, 07:06)
Vakar taip keistai susirašėm, kartais mano tekstai atrodo kiek per grubūs - tikrai nepretenduoju į tiesos žinovę ir nemėgstu ginčytis.
Mano išmanymas mėgėjiškas, iš knygų ir interneto, ir tikrai esu dėkinga visoms merginoms, kurios pasidalina savo žiniomis
Ačiū, Alionuk , už žinias ir nuomonę
Tai gi, del avieciu kauliuku aliejaus
, sie skaiciai 28-50SPF gauti is vieno (ir vienintelio tyrimo), kuri visi pazymi prie aliejaus aprasymo
Characteristics of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) seed oil, Food Chemistry, 69, 187-193, Oomah D., Ladet S., & Godfrey D., 2000)). Sis aliejus buvo lyginamas su titano dioksidu ir tyre jo optines savybes, ant odos jo niekas netyre ir SPF nenustatynejo.
Food Chemistry, Volume 69, Issue 2, 1 May 2000, Pages 187-193
Characteristics of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) seed oil
B. Dave Oomah, Stephanie Ladet, David V. Godfrey, Jun Liang and Benoit Girard
"Crude raspberry seed oil was tested using a spectrometer to see where it absorbed radiation. It showed some absorption in the UVC (100 - 290 nm) and UVB (290 -320 nm) ranges. In the UVA range (320 nm - 400 nm) light was mainly scattered, which could offer UV protection by sheer scattering effect.
A general statement is made that the optical transmission in the UV range is similar to titanium dioxide preparations with an SPF of 28-50 and a UV protection factor (PFK) of 6.75 - 7.5."
There was no testing on humans or animals to determine any SPF rating. Some UV absorption was noted in the UV-B and UV-C ranges and some scattering in UV-A. In some way, this was similar to some titanium dioxide preparations.