LeBronius, visi kazkuo panasus, atrodo turetu buti smagus kasdien nesiojant.
Siaip, yra skirstomi net atskiri tipai pagal akmenuku idejima i zieda:
Bezel setting
The earliest method of setting gemstones into jewelry, the bezel setting is a technique where a gemstone is surrounded by a thin, flat piece of metal.
Is patirties galiu pasakyt kad labai patogus tokie zedeliai, niekur nekliuva, su pirstinem jokiu problemu, jokios tikimybes kad iskris akmenukas nes jis kaip apkabintas tuo metalu is visu pusiu.
Kitur dar radau parasytus privalumus ir trukumus tokio isodinimo:
Advantages: The most obvious advantage is the bezel setting protects the diamonds edges from any damage, such as chipping. Another advantage is the complete encircling of the stone typically makes a smaller stone look larger.
Disadvantages: The bezel setting hides a large portion of the diamond in metal, so light cannot freely pass through the stone, making it less sparkly. In an attempt to address this issue, jewelers designed what are known as semi-bezel settings. In a semi-bezel ring, the metal rim around the gemstone doesnt completely surround it, but instead looks like two partial metal bands on the sides of the gemstone. This type of setting provides the security of the bezel while allowing for more of the stone to be seen.
Prong setting
Metal claws raise a stone to allow in the most light; four or six prongs are common.
Sita modeliuka ispopuliarino Tiffany firma. Labai graziai zeri akmenukas nes i ji patenka daug sviesos. Vienoms jie patogus kitoms nelabai. Daugelio ypac USA vadinami klasikiniais suzadetuviniais ziedais. Akmenukas stabiliau laikosi kai yra su 6 kojytem ir maziau stabiliai kai su 4.
Trukumai ir privalumai:
Advantages: Prong settings have two main advantages over other settings. First, more of a diamond stone is visible as prongs do not obstruct different angles of the view. Second, prong set diamonds are easiest to clean, since more of the stone is exposed.
Disadvantages: The main disadvantage of this setting is it can be easily caught in clothing or hair. Prong settings can also scratch other people. Many women tend to take the prong setting rings off when going to bed or playing with children because of that. Another disadvantage is that prong settings, especially those with fewer prongs, do not protect gemstone edges. Over time, the stone edges may become chipped.
Shared Prong setting

Adjacent diamonds share prongs.
Tokie labai populiarus Amerikoj, megstama pirkti toki suzadetuvini ir prie jo derinamas siauras su akutem vestuvinis - visas rinkinukas gaunasi.
Channel setting
A channel setting has two long tracks of precious metal that hold a row of gemstones side-by-side.
Akutes irgi saugiai laikosi nes jos ileidziamos i toki kaip kanala, neturi tu kojyciu is sonu apkabinanciu.
Advantages: The channel setting protects diamonds girdles from damage. A second advantage is that if the ring design does not include any large centerpiece stones (as in a typical wedding band), the ring is likely to be less pricey, since smaller diamonds cost less.
Disadvantages: Setting multiple stones in the channel requires more work than some other settings, so the cost of the setting increases. Some jewelers may use a shortcut by simply cutting a long groove in the ring, without making individual stone seats for each one. The problem with such craftsmanship is that it will make the stones less secure and overtime they may pop out of the groove and get lost.
Pave or Bead Setting
A pave setting (which literally means "paved") is where a central stone is surrounded by smaller gems (usually diamonds) that are set very close together.
Advantages: Pavé settings accent the central diamond or colored gemstone to add brilliance and fire to a ring. Due to increased firepower of multiple stones cobbled together, the central stone may not need to be as large or as high quality, which can save some money (if not fully offset by the quantity of smaller stones and additional work on pavé setting).
Disadvantages: The key disadvantage of pavé settings is the risk of losing the diamonds. Most pavé settings use indentations in the band, rather than prongs that hold gemstones in place more securely. It is not atypical for a stone to occasionally fall out.
Bar setting
Metal bars separate each stone.
Toks koki buvo idejusi Bailarina, kai kalbejom kokie mum grazus

Advantages: The setting provides extra protection to the diamonds girdle and pavilion, but not as much protection as the channel and flush settings. Another advantage is that the stones are typically level with the surface of the ring, which makes the ring less prone to catching or scratching.
Disadvantages: A portion of the stones is unprotected, exposing them to chipping or other damage.
Flush or Gypsy Setting
Stones are sunk into holes so they are flush with the ring's surface.
Labai megstamas budas vestuviniams ziedams, niekur nekliuva akmenukai.
Advantages: A flush setting secures the diamonds girdle and pavilion. Accidental chipping or cracking is not likely with this level of protection. An additional advantage is the smoothness of the rings overall surface.
Disadvantages: The intense pressure required to create a flush setting means there is a risk the jeweler could crack the stone while setting it. Also, the expertise required to apply the setting increases the cost of the setting.
Papildyta:Tension setting

Kazkur skaiciau kad is paziuros atrodo jis labai trapiai ir kad iskris, bet istikruju tai tvirtai jis istatytas kazkaip spaudziamas tu sieneliu yra.
Cluster setting
Tradicinis cluster variantas - gelyte sudeta is 7 akmeneliu, taciau yra labai ivairiu

Illusion settingSudaromas ispudis kad akmuo yra didesnis negu is tikruju, pvz.

Our eyes see an illusion of a much larger diamond when smaller diamonds are clustered together in an invisible setting. Here, four princess cut diamonds create what appears to be a diamond solitaire.
Arba toks apvalus, irgi atrodo kad vienas didelis o is tiesu is daug mazu deimantuku. O kaina zymiai mazesne gaunasi, negu viena dideli perkant.

info is cia
http://www.marthaste...-jewelry#/99048ir is cia
http://guide.diamond...-ring-settings/dar apie tai: