QUOTE(Azazella @ 2011 11 19, 09:34)
Ar kas bandet siandien su kodu apsipirkti, kuris savaitgaliui 20 proc. nuolaida viskam suteikia? As pameginau, kasoj susivedziau, man meta toki atsakyma "Oops! Voucher code 'save20' is invalid - it either does not exist, has not been activated yet, or has expired"
Kame gali butu beda?
gal dar neaktyvuotas
"Enter code SAVE20 at checkout to claim. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer and excludes marked down items. Sale ends 8am GMT Monday 21st November, 2011. Maximum spend £500. For other promotional terms and conditions, please click here."
Rašo, kad galioja 48 val.