nuo slogos Vibrocil, sinupret
nuo temperaturos parecetamolio zvakutes arba Ibufen sirupas
nuo viduriavimo Linex arba smecta
nuo kosulio stodal, pertusinas
Suaugusiųjų vaistinėlėje:
Nurofen, Angliukas, Gripex, Citramonas, Analginas, Paracetamolis, vaistai nuo gerklės skausmo ir kosulio. Elastinis bintas, paprastas bintas, pleistrai, peroksidas. Taip pat tepalai nuo skausmo.
Mažosios vaistinėlė:
Sudocrem, Viburcol žvakutės, Paracetamolio žvakutės, Espumisan, Vitaminas D, Kamistad N.
Nurofen, Angliukas, Gripex, Citramonas, Analginas, Paracetamolis, vaistai nuo gerklės skausmo ir kosulio. Elastinis bintas, paprastas bintas, pleistrai, peroksidas. Taip pat tepalai nuo skausmo.
Mažosios vaistinėlė:
Sudocrem, Viburcol žvakutės, Paracetamolio žvakutės, Espumisan, Vitaminas D, Kamistad N.
Na, pas mane turbut panasiai kaip pas visas
Is tokiu vaistu, kuriu likuti seku ir stengiuos kad ju butinai butu, tai: vyro priesalerginiai, nuskausminamieji, gerinantys virskinima ir vaiko nuo temperaturos... O visa likusi didele vaistineles dalis kazkaip savaime uzsipildo pagal poreiki 
Galiu parekomenduot tik viena toki kremu krema, kurio niekas neminejo - Dr. Nona firmos antibakterinis ir regeneruojantis kremas "Soliaris".. Atstoja daug visokiu buteliuku ir tiubeliu, nes naudojamas praktiskai visur: ar tai butu nusutes uzpakaliukas, ar suskilinejes padas, ar siaip koks nudegimas, ibrezimas, randas ir t.t Ai, vyras po skutimo naudoja, o siaip ilgas ten problemeliu sarasas, kur galima ji naudot
Tiesiog stovi pries akis ir tepi visur kur reikia

Galiu parekomenduot tik viena toki kremu krema, kurio niekas neminejo - Dr. Nona firmos antibakterinis ir regeneruojantis kremas "Soliaris".. Atstoja daug visokiu buteliuku ir tiubeliu, nes naudojamas praktiskai visur: ar tai butu nusutes uzpakaliukas, ar suskilinejes padas, ar siaip koks nudegimas, ibrezimas, randas ir t.t Ai, vyras po skutimo naudoja, o siaip ilgas ten problemeliu sarasas, kur galima ji naudot

Tiesiog stovi pries akis ir tepi visur kur reikia

Dar suaugusiam kaip suaugusiam, nors irgi turim pagrindinių vaistų, bet mergaitei tai būtinai pasirūpinę iš anksto: ibufenas (mikstūra) ir smecta pagrindiniai. Ne laikas bėgti į vaistinę, kai reikalas spiria.
o kam peroksidas? reikia zinoti, kad peroksidas nedezinfekuoja zaizdos, jis tik išplauna.
plauna jis gerai, bet keliose konfernecijose kai buvom, lygino peroksida su kitais antiseptikais (octeniseptu, lavaseptu, betadinu) ir jis aiskiai nedezinfekuoja
todel mes tik octenisept naudojam dezinfekcijai, o po nudegimu octenisept geli zaizdoms
plauna jis gerai, bet keliose konfernecijose kai buvom, lygino peroksida su kitais antiseptikais (octeniseptu, lavaseptu, betadinu) ir jis aiskiai nedezinfekuoja
todel mes tik octenisept naudojam dezinfekcijai, o po nudegimu octenisept geli zaizdoms
vaistinėlei pravartu kad visada būtu vaistų nuo temperatūros , skausmo , čiulpiamu pastilių nuo gerkles uždegimo , smektos , bintu vatos , dezenfekcinio skysčio ( pvz. peroksido) pleistru . ir visi tie kuriu prireikia pagal individualius poreikius pvz vaikas dažnai serga ausų uždegimu tai jau vaistinėlei tikrai turi būt ausų lašų kad nereikėtu naktį kankintis nuo vaiko verksmo ir pan

apie peroksida:
tik deje cia angliskai, sorry
velnias.. linkas neveikia...
ok, tada copy/paste:
Hydrogen Peroxide
A three-percent solution of hydrogen peroxide is commonly used as a wound antiseptic. The three-percent solution demonstrates in-vitro broad-spectrum efficacy. Its greatest activity is towards Gram-positive bacteria, but the presence of catalase in these bacteria makes dilutions below three percent less effective.[1] In a similar fashion, catalases present in tissues can render hydrogen peroxide even less bactericidal in vivo. [6] Although hydrogen peroxide is very commonly used, surprisingly few studies have been conducted to examine its effect on the wound healing process and its efficacy as a wound antiseptic ( Table 3 ).
Animal and human studies have shown hydrogen peroxide to have no negative effect on wound healing. Lineaweaver, et al.,[29] did not find retardation of reepithelization in a rat model after irrigation of the wound with three-percent hydrogen peroxide. However, at the in-vitro component of the same study, he found minimal bactericidal effect of hydrogen peroxide. Gruber, et al.,[52] found acceleration of reepithelization in a rat model and in a clinical trial. However, bullae were formed on or about the day of healing in most of the patients, suggesting possibly that hydrogen peroxide should not be used in newly formed epithelium.
In another study by Tur, et al.,[80] hydrogen peroxide was found to significantly increase the blood flow in ischemic ulcers in a guinea pig model. The increased blood flow may be due to new vessel formation through activation of metalloproteinases. Interestingly, the blood flow was increased even in places distant to the local application of hydrogen peroxide. No explanation was given for this finding. However, the authors found no difference in the wound-healing rate. This may be due to the limited sensitivity of the method they used to evaluate the clinical response (visual determination of the non-necrotic area).
In a clinical study evaluating the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide on reducing the infection rate of appendectomy wounds, no toxic effects were found, but it was found to be ineffective.[81] Similarly, in another clinical study in human blister wounds contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus, hydrogen peroxide was found not to retard the healing but neither did it decrease bacterial load.[82]
In conclusion, hydrogen peroxide appears not to negatively influence wound healing, but it is also ineffective in reducing the bacterial count. However, it may be useful as a chemical debriding agent. The American Medical Association concluded that the effervescence of hydrogen peroxide might provide some mechanical benefit in loosening debris and necrotic tissue of the wound.[13]
cia apie tai, kad peroksidas nedezinfekuoja, as labai rimtai:
peroksidas nedezinfekuoja! tiesiog turekite ant omens
tik deje cia angliskai, sorry

velnias.. linkas neveikia...
ok, tada copy/paste:
Hydrogen Peroxide
A three-percent solution of hydrogen peroxide is commonly used as a wound antiseptic. The three-percent solution demonstrates in-vitro broad-spectrum efficacy. Its greatest activity is towards Gram-positive bacteria, but the presence of catalase in these bacteria makes dilutions below three percent less effective.[1] In a similar fashion, catalases present in tissues can render hydrogen peroxide even less bactericidal in vivo. [6] Although hydrogen peroxide is very commonly used, surprisingly few studies have been conducted to examine its effect on the wound healing process and its efficacy as a wound antiseptic ( Table 3 ).
Animal and human studies have shown hydrogen peroxide to have no negative effect on wound healing. Lineaweaver, et al.,[29] did not find retardation of reepithelization in a rat model after irrigation of the wound with three-percent hydrogen peroxide. However, at the in-vitro component of the same study, he found minimal bactericidal effect of hydrogen peroxide. Gruber, et al.,[52] found acceleration of reepithelization in a rat model and in a clinical trial. However, bullae were formed on or about the day of healing in most of the patients, suggesting possibly that hydrogen peroxide should not be used in newly formed epithelium.
In another study by Tur, et al.,[80] hydrogen peroxide was found to significantly increase the blood flow in ischemic ulcers in a guinea pig model. The increased blood flow may be due to new vessel formation through activation of metalloproteinases. Interestingly, the blood flow was increased even in places distant to the local application of hydrogen peroxide. No explanation was given for this finding. However, the authors found no difference in the wound-healing rate. This may be due to the limited sensitivity of the method they used to evaluate the clinical response (visual determination of the non-necrotic area).
In a clinical study evaluating the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide on reducing the infection rate of appendectomy wounds, no toxic effects were found, but it was found to be ineffective.[81] Similarly, in another clinical study in human blister wounds contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus, hydrogen peroxide was found not to retard the healing but neither did it decrease bacterial load.[82]
In conclusion, hydrogen peroxide appears not to negatively influence wound healing, but it is also ineffective in reducing the bacterial count. However, it may be useful as a chemical debriding agent. The American Medical Association concluded that the effervescence of hydrogen peroxide might provide some mechanical benefit in loosening debris and necrotic tissue of the wound.[13]
cia apie tai, kad peroksidas nedezinfekuoja, as labai rimtai:
peroksidas nedezinfekuoja! tiesiog turekite ant omens

o ką daro peroksidas?
QUOTE(Lera @ 2009 12 30, 20:33)
o ką daro peroksidas?
pagal tai, kiek man teko skaityt, tai jis skirtas isplauti zaizdai. pvz jei tvrastis prilipes buna arba susidaro daug kresuliu ir panasiai, bet esant maziems isipjovimams jo kaip ir nereikia...
cia irgi taip pat raso, zaizdos isvalymui
Del mazojo yra Ibufenas, Actifedas, Sinupretas, Rezorban tepaliukas, sirupas nuo alergijos, Hexaspray ir Hexalyse gerklytei, Brontexas/Ventolinas nuo kosulio, Umcaloras, Hummer juros vanduo, Bepanthen tepaliukas, Smecta, Aniseptinis purskaliukas, peroksidas.
Suaugusiems: Sinupreto tabletes, citramonas, paracetamolis, Lopedium nuo viduriavimo, iv. tabletes nuo gerkles skausmo, furadoninas, acic tepaliukas, vit C
Neperkam jokiu Gripex'u ir panasiai, nes tai tera tas pats paracetamolis ir vit C.
Suaugusiems: Sinupreto tabletes, citramonas, paracetamolis, Lopedium nuo viduriavimo, iv. tabletes nuo gerkles skausmo, furadoninas, acic tepaliukas, vit C
Neperkam jokiu Gripex'u ir panasiai, nes tai tera tas pats paracetamolis ir vit C.
QUOTE(Lera @ 2009 12 30, 20:33)
o ką daro peroksidas?

o is tikro dezinfekuoja zaizdas
o pas mane vaitinelej yr vaistu nuo visu ligu