QUOTE(taitiek @ 2011 10 06, 00:10)
O tao turetu buti sausi ar vasario menesi
Tai eisim i kelione kartu, mano irgi vasari
Nu va mergaites cia labai idomi info kuria man keberiokst atsiunte apie naturaliu budu numusti tas rupuzes kileres
Naturalus preparatai
20.5.18 Omega 3 fish body oil (not fish liver oil)
Various studies have shown that EPA in fish oil has NK and TNFa-lowering properties, at least when taken in the short term. (Some studies suggest that the benefit is no longer present when it is taken for longer periods e.g., 1 year.) DHA in fish oil has shown benefits for the development of babys brain. Different brands differ a lot in content of EPA and DHA (Zita West brand for example is mainly DHA, whereas Eskimo and Nutrasea (Ascenta) contain a lot more EPA). Cheaper brands are often more fishy tasting and are less likely to come with information proving their purity (in particular, contaminants like PCBs or mercury which are very dangerous for conception/in pregnancy). Nutrasea seems good value for money (for a high purity product) compared to Eskimo. It can be much cheaper if shopped around for on the net than from Holland & Barrett for example.
The optimum dose to take is highly debatable. One doctor in the US (who markets his own brand of fish oils) recommends 5g of fish oil per day. Personally, I would stick to the recommendations on the bottle that you buy (Nutrasea and Eskimo recommend 1.5g of omega 3 (1500mg) per day - be careful to compare like with like e.g., 4.5g of nutrasea fish oil = 1.5g of pure omega 3) and I would be particularly cautious if taking clexane or aspirin at the same time as fish oil has blood thinning properties. Its effects are individual and there is no recommended safe dose for use alongside clexane so, personally, I would drop the dose down initially to, say, ¼ of the recommended dose and be vigilant for any signs of excessive blood thinning (e.g., nosebleeds, unexplained bruising), then if you are ok on the reduced dose you can take a decision on whether you want to try gradually increasing the dose. I have seen advice from Dr Sher on the SIRM board suggesting that it was safe to take 2.25g (2250mg) of fish oil with 40 mg clexane.
Vegetarian omega 3 capsules are also available, but these contain mainly ALA and very little EPA and DHA. They do not therefore provide the same benefit (for either immune balancing or fetal brain development) as fish oils.
Ladies with endometriosis may especially want to consider ensuring they have a good omega 3 intake (and a low saturated fat/low red meat intake) because studies have shown that a low omega 3 intake and a high red meat/saturated fat intake is associated with increased risk of endometriosis.
20.5.23 Resveratrol/grape/grapeseed extract
This is an antioxidant derived sometimes from red grape but more commonly from Japanese knotweed. Dr Sher at SIRM recommends taking it up until egg collection to improve egg quality in ladies whose egg quality has been shown to be poor in previous cycles. As far as I am aware, he doesnt specify a particular dose.- although Dr Braverman (previously of SIRM) has recommended 500mg (but that makes it quite expensive, because its an expensive supplement). Personally I wouldnt take it during 2ww or pregnancy because of a lack of safety data. Some doctors (particularly Dr Nodares in Greece) seem to be recommending it for ladies with high TNFalpha ratios but personally, I haven't found any scientific studies that prove it would have that effect. I understand Dr Nodares has been using the Nature's plus 125mg extended release product (3 times per day).
20.5.24 Quercetin (green tea extract)
This is an antioxidant which seems to have anti-inflammatory (anti TNFa, anti NKa) properties. Some practitioners also think it helps improve egg quality. Personally, I would stop any green tea supplement at ET, and limit tea consumption during the 2ww and pregnancy to two cups per day because of the caffeine. Apples are a caffeine free source of quercetin.
20.5.27 Tumeric (curcumin)
Curcumin is derived from tumeric (the yellow curry spice). It has been shown to have anti inflammatory (anti-TNFa) properties. As it is a common foodstuff, I think it is fairly likely to be safe in pregnancy and for TTC but there is no official safety data. Personally, I would take only a low-moderate dose during fertility Tx (e.g., ½ - 1/3rd of the maximum recommendation on the label - e.g., 500mg of extract e.g., Lamberts (bear in mind that it is difficult to compare different brands because some are turmeric and some are purified extract)) for safety reasons and because very high doses can irritate the stomach. I would probably stop it either at embryo transfer or maybe at test date.
20.5.30 Vitamin D
Most studies show that pregnant and breastfeeding women benefit from taking vitamin D (unless they get a lot of exposure to the sun). Additionally, vitamin D is important for regulating the immune system (including NKa and TNFa). Personally (as someone who doesn't get outside much), I would consider taking 25-50 mcg of vitamin D3 per day during trying to conceive, pregnancy and breastfeeding, particularly during winter in the UK - unless blood tests show that my vitamin D3 level was sufficient - and ideally you would ask your GP for a blood test to check your vitamin D level before deciding to take a high dose vitamin D supplement. Blood levels of vitamin D tend to correlate with skin tone so darker skinned ladies in the UK are more likely to need a higher dose of vitamin D than redheaded ladies. Some docs including the Scottish NHS are advising all pregnant and breastfeeding women to take a supplement of 12.5mcg vitamin D because they believe it may help to reduce the risk of multiple sclerosis, bone disorders like rickets and cancers like melanoma for baby later in life - bear in mind that Vitamin D deficiency is now so common than 1 in 5 children in some areas of the UK are apparently now being diagnosed with rickets. If you have been diagnosed with a hypercalcaemia related disorder (e.g., calcium kidney stones, sarcoidosis) you will need to check with your GP. Vitamin D3 will often cost a little more than Vitamin D2 but it is more effective. Vitamin D is often included in calcium supplements but only in very small doses - to help calcium absorption - not enough to support the body's need for Vitamin D . Dr Braverman's clinic in the US appear to be currently recommending 50-100mcg of vitamin D3 per day to to reduce elevated TNFa ratios but only for ladies whose vitamin D level is low on blood test. (25mcg = 1000 iu of Vitamin D3). According to the US National Institute of Health, healthy adults can take up to 100mcg (4000 iu) of vitamin D supplements per day, but should not take more than that. Minimum blood levels of vitamin D from different laboratories vary, partly because there are 2 different units of measurement, nmol/l and ng/ml, because there are different laboratory methods for measuring vitamin D and also because there is no international scientific agreement on how high a vitamin D level to aim for yet. UK authorities tend to suggest blood levels which are based on studies into the minimum levels required to avoid bone fractures due to vitamin D deficiency, but are about half that which has been suggested by several researchers is optimal. Immunologists seem to favour the higher ranges, particularly for pregnant women or for patients who have signs of immune dysregulation e.g., autoimmune diseases.
This article about vitamin D and doses etc:
http://www.medscape....warticle/731722 includes the following:
"A normal range of vitamin D is 30 to 74 ng/mL (75-185 nmol/l), but this can vary among laboratories. Most experts agree that a concentration between 35 and 40 ng/mL (88-100 nmol/L) is reasonable for preventive health. Some suggest that the optimal concentration for protecting against cancer and heart disease is between 50 and 70 ng/mL (125-175 nmol/l) and up to 100 ng/mL (250 nmol/L). Side effects or toxicity can occur when blood concentrations reach 88 ng/mL (220 nmol/L) or greater. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, constipation, headache, sleepiness, and weakness. Too much vitamin D can raise blood calcium concentrations, and acute toxicity causes hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria."
My understanding therefore is that those of us with autoimmune problems should be aiming for blood levels of 50-70ng/ml (125-175nmol/l)
However, ladies with endometriosis may especially want to ask to have their vitamin D levels checked from time to time as they may want to make sure their levels are optimal but avoid having very high blood levels of vitamin D. This is because there has been at least 1 study which showed that ladies with endometriosis were more likely to have higher than average levels of 1 form of vitamin D in the body - although, the authors of the study suggested that dietary intake of vitamin D was probably less important than, for example, sun exposure and skin colour (with redheads tending to have the highest vitamin D blood levels and african origin ladies tending to have the lowest vitamin D blood levels) - they suggested that elevated levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin-D3 might be a marker for the risk of endometriosis but did not establish whether the high levels caused/exacerbated endometriosis or whether they were the result of other factors.
One study also suggested that vitamin D deficiency might be a contributing factor to the growth of uterine fibroids, so fibroid-prone ladies might want to check their vitamin D levels and aim for high-normal levels.
20.5.31 Wobenzyme-N
This is manufactured from protein-digesting enzymes extracted from cow and pig offal, pineapple and other sources. This may be helpful, particularly for ladies who have gut issues leading to high TNFa, as it may improve digestibility particularly of proteins, but the manufacturers claim that its benefits go further than that and have a systemic (whole body) effect on the immune system. Im sceptical about some of the claims made but a lot of ladies with immune issues try it
O va cia mano daktares keberiokst komentarai apie mano rezultatus, betute ir terze norejo suzinoti, tai imetu. Dar karta atsiprasau mergaiciu kurioms tai neidomu, kad biski placiai as cia
Su skydliauke bedu nera berods,antikuniu pries skydliauke irgi nera.Tas gerai.
Pas tave labai aukstos kileres !!!! Cia ir bus tavo beda.Tas pirminis 50:1 yra 24,tau atrodo telpa i normas,o nestume ir vaisingume jis turi buti zemiau 15.Be to tai gali buti auksto TNF priezastis,nes kileres kyla kai reikia kovoti pvz su veziu,automatiskai kyla ir TNF.
Numusti tau galima ir su IVIG (su jais tampa 6.8 ne 24 ) ir su Intralipidais (su jais tampa ne 24,o 9.3).Tuom dziaukis,nes ivig apie £1300 kainuoja,o su intralipidais gali apsisukti pigiau.Jau rasiau kiek kainuoja.
LAD rezultatai neigiami,bet jei nestuke neseniai nebuvai ,tai jie pas tave ir nebus teigiami.
Antikuniai pries hormonus geri,leidziamo prg nereiks.Kas dziugu,nes tai ir skaudu,ir brangu,ir sunku vaistus gauti.
Kol kas tavo bedos kileres ir tnf.Labai jau tradicine imunine beda.Kazin tik koks infekciju rezas bus.Dar lauk DQ match rezultatu,bet jie ilgiausiai trunka-iki 3 sav.Tik nelabai ka keis,nes jei ir yra sutapimas,pas tave kileres taip ar taip aukstos.Keistu jei pas tave nebutu kileres padidejusios,bet butu genetinis sutapimas,tada galima butu manyti,kad sekanciame pastojime galimas kileriu sukilimas ir ataka.O dabar jau aisku,kad jos aukstos,ir zinoma kaip kovoti.
Del gydymo
Speju. Gorgis pasiulys Humira,mazinti TNF.Steroidus ir intralipidus mazinti kileres.Del LIT nesu garantuota,bet kazkaip jauciu,kad ir sita siulys,nors LAD ir nera prasta,bet vien del kileriu.LIT uzkelia LAD,kas pastojus sukuria apsaugini sluoksni aplink leliuka nuo kileriu.Ir gali clexana siulyti,nes tas slystina krauja ir pagerina gimdos kraujotaka.Kai kileres atakuoja nestuma,jos ta daro uzkirsdamos placenta,tuo paciu uzkirsdamos maitinima leliukui,tai clexanas skystindamas krauja pasunkina kileriu darba.
Gali del Humiros ir nesutikti,bet tada nezinau kaip ta tnf mazinti.Nebent IVIG ir steroidais,plius naikinti zarazas,persitestuoti ir ziureti.
Tai siaip,jei planas butu toks,intralipidus gali susiveikti,jei reiks LIT kreiptis pas Bykova,clexana gal GP israsytu,steroidai kapeikas kainuoja,tai realiai liktu Humira ir persitestavimai/konsultacijos.
Na ir antibai jei zarazu yra.
Ne saldainis,bet ir ne tragedija jei reiktu ivig ir dar uz ivf moketi
..Gerai,kad priezastis aiski.
na va,aiskeja po truputi reikaliukai.
Tas TNF tai panasiai kaip naturalia kuno chemoterapija,o sitas kaip zinai vaistas pries veziuka....Tavo imunitetas tikrai per stiprus.Tas blogai,gerai tas,kad aiska ka daryt.Tik gerai butu sulaukti visu tyrimu ir tada apibendrinti visus rezus ir gydyma.
Paprastai gorgis TNF zeminti siulo Humira.Cia butu dvi injekcijos per du menesius ir tada persitestuoti.Problema tai,kad nuo jos kai kurios buna ir kad ir uzkyla.Sitas vaistas kainuotu apie £800 porai menesiu,pigiausia asda ir superdrugas.Dar pasidomeciau naturaliais budais kaip numusti,bet jis pas tave gana aukstas,tai nezinia kiek pades.As ddar pati pasidomesiu,bet kiek pamenu zuvu taukai ir D3 padeda.
Kaip kiti kileriu atsakymai?Ar tik cd56 ir intralipidus turi?
Tas TNF gali buti ir nuo paciu kileriu uzkiles,o sutvarkius anas ir jis suzemetu.Dar prisiminiau,kad tas TNF gali itakoti kiausialasciu kokybe,nes jos visa brendimo laika buvo "chemoterapijos" kurse...Ji svarbu numusti.
Tas CD56 ne per tiek daug ir uzkiles,idomu koks jus aktyvumas?Ten turetu buti 50:1 ir 25:1 buti...Paziurek,patys pirmieji...
Gera naujiena ta,kad intralipidai kileres nuzemina,turint omeny kad bet ivig ir intralipidu,jos pas tave buvo aukstesnes nei 50:1 9.3...Intralipidai pigus.As is lt vezuosi,moku gal 5 svarus ir uz 15 cia suleidzia.
Tu tik nepergyvenk baisiai,viskas yra issprendziama.Svarbu turi uz ko kabintis.
Va tas paskutinis sakinys mane labai pralinksmino

Aciu Keberiokst ir Iridei