Ar jusu vaikai dziaugiasi taip pat?
dabar kai žino, kas tai, reaguos šitaip
aš tylėsiu iki kelionės dienos
aš tylėsiu iki kelionės dienos
QUOTE(tute28 @ 2011 10 13, 15:12)
nu geras
Isila , nu ir as susimasciau, gal ne kaledom pasakyt , o kelioniu diena
QUOTE(Milux @ 2011 10 13, 20:28)
As ir dabar taip daryciau, kad nelauktu, neskaiciuotu dienu, o tik keliones diena sakyciau
tai aš taip ir darysiu, pasakysiu orouoste
QUOTE(Milux @ 2011 10 13, 18:28)
as pasakiau tik dvi dienas pries reakcija panasi buvo, tik kol susigaude kas tai
nežinau, disney psl tik tiek terašo
You can enjoy up to 2 extra hours in part of Disneyland® Park and/or Walt Disney Studios Park before regular park opening.
Go to the main gates of Disneyland Park and/or Walt Disney Studios Park with your valid regular park ticket and your Disney Hotel Easy Pass.*
*For those staying at the Hotel l'Elysée Val d'Europe, your room key or your shuttle access card will be sufficient. This offer is reserved for those staying at Disney Hotels or the Hotel l'Elysée Val d'Europe having booked a package that includes entry tickets for Disney Parks, and to holders of the Dream Annual Pass.
You can enjoy up to 2 extra hours in part of Disneyland® Park and/or Walt Disney Studios Park before regular park opening.
Go to the main gates of Disneyland Park and/or Walt Disney Studios Park with your valid regular park ticket and your Disney Hotel Easy Pass.*
*For those staying at the Hotel l'Elysée Val d'Europe, your room key or your shuttle access card will be sufficient. This offer is reserved for those staying at Disney Hotels or the Hotel l'Elysée Val d'Europe having booked a package that includes entry tickets for Disney Parks, and to holders of the Dream Annual Pass.
QUOTE(Isila @ 2011 10 17, 20:01)
nežinau, disney psl tik tiek terašo
You can enjoy up to 2 extra hours in part of Disneyland® Park and/or Walt Disney Studios Park before regular park opening.
Go to the main gates of Disneyland Park and/or Walt Disney Studios Park with your valid regular park ticket and your Disney Hotel Easy Pass.*
*For those staying at the Hotel l'Elysée Val d'Europe, your room key or your shuttle access card will be sufficient. This offer is reserved for those staying at Disney Hotels or the Hotel l'Elysée Val d'Europe having booked a package that includes entry tickets for Disney Parks, and to holders of the Dream Annual Pass.
You can enjoy up to 2 extra hours in part of Disneyland® Park and/or Walt Disney Studios Park before regular park opening.
Go to the main gates of Disneyland Park and/or Walt Disney Studios Park with your valid regular park ticket and your Disney Hotel Easy Pass.*
*For those staying at the Hotel l'Elysée Val d'Europe, your room key or your shuttle access card will be sufficient. This offer is reserved for those staying at Disney Hotels or the Hotel l'Elysée Val d'Europe having booked a package that includes entry tickets for Disney Parks, and to holders of the Dream Annual Pass.
Aciu, einu skaityti toliau
Sveikos merginos
Perskaiciau abi temeles Isla nu tikra saunuole ir labai dekui uz issame info mes irgi vaziuojam spalio 25 i dineyland 4 dienom i San ta fe viesbuti busim trys damos tai princesiu labai labai norisi pamatyti norejau paklausti gal kur uzmatet ar yra ten bankomatai nes as pati turiu eurine kortele tai man papraciau butu nuo jos nusismti pinigus negu keisti
Perskaiciau abi temeles Isla nu tikra saunuole ir labai dekui uz issame info mes irgi vaziuojam spalio 25 i dineyland 4 dienom i San ta fe viesbuti busim trys damos tai princesiu labai labai norisi pamatyti norejau paklausti gal kur uzmatet ar yra ten bankomatai nes as pati turiu eurine kortele tai man papraciau butu nuo jos nusismti pinigus negu keisti
bankomatai ten paslėpti bet šiaip atsiskaityt kortele - jokių problemų. Aš atsiskaitinėjau VIsa electron swedbanko ir viskas ok. Vežėmės grynus. Šiaip visi taip patariau, nes bankomatus ten sunku ratsi. Buvau radus, kur žmonės nupasakojo, kur jie ten yra (bet tų bankomatų ten vos keli). Tai geriau pataria vežtis grynus,jei jau kortele nenori atsiskaitinėt.
Pritariu Isila, mes irgi turejome kazkiek grynu, o siaip kortele, nebuvo jokiu problemu. niekur
aisku parke uz leda koki ar kita mazmozi tai grynais, o parduotuvese tik kortele
aisku parke uz leda koki ar kita mazmozi tai grynais, o parduotuvese tik kortele