
MTV's Teen Wolf

Idomumo delei - Teen Wolf komanda per 2013 Young Hollywood Awards (01.08.2013) gavo apdovanojima uz Best Ensemble thumbup.gif saunuoliai wub.gif isties gera aktoriu komanda, kurie tarpusavy dar ir labai geri draugai realybeje bigsmile.gif
user posted image
user posted image
Kaip gaila, rytoj paskutinė serija mano mylimiausio serialo verysad.gif Tokioj įdomioj vietoj baigėsi... ax.gif Įdomu ar pavyks jiems išgelbėti savo tėvus g.gif Laukiu nesulaukiu rytojaus, bet kartu ir labai gaila, kad teks serialo tęsinio laukti iki sausio verysad.gif
Tai kad jau buvo paskutine vasaros sezono serija ax.gif
Tai, kad šiandien paskutinė serija, nes filmai.in yra įkelta 12 serija anglų kalba smile.gif
QUOTE(Vaiv* @ 2013 08 20, 10:58)
Tai, kad šiandien paskutinė serija, nes filmai.in yra įkelta 12 serija anglų kalba smile.gif

Per cia as jau uzvakar ziurejau 12 serija bet ca rusiskai ax.gif o kada ji buvo ikelta nezinau, nes cia irgi pradzioje buna angliskai o po keliu dienu rusu vertimas


Puikus serialas smile.gif vienas mano mėgstamiausių wink.gif o trečias sezonas buvo tikrai wow smile.gif kiekviena serija vis labiau įtraukdavo smile.gif o 12 serija buvo iš viso bomba smile.gif gaila,kad tik dabar reikės ilgai laukti naujų serijų,nes pasibaigė tikrai intriguojančiai smile.gif o 12 serija aš jau buvau pažiūrėjus penktadienį ;D Neįsivaizduoju kaip taip gali būti,bet serija kuri turėjo pasirodyti tik pirmadienį biggrin.gif bet psl. kuriam visuomet žiūriu įkėlė penktadienį smile.gif
Paskutine serija buvo WOW thumbup.gif tiesa sakant, ja paziurejau jau sekmadieni ax.gif del to kilo sioks toks skandalas, nes pasirodo per iTunes finaline serija "nutekejo" smarkiai per anksti, nors oficialiai Amerikoj tik pirmadienio velyva vakara pasirode unsure.gif

Kaip gaila, kad dabar teks laukt net iki sausio menesio nauju seriju, nes ziemos sezonas zadamas ne ka prastesnis nei buvo vasaros bigsmile.gif nekantrauju pamatyt bigsmile.gif

Ziemos sezono sneak peek'as http://www.youtube.c...p;v=kwMdVSHC6Dk

Siek tiek informacijos apie 3B sezona ax.gif
Entertainment Weekly gives us more scoop on Season 3b from Jeff Davis.
On Derek’s departure:
JEFF DAVIS: “He’s gone for a specific reason and he’s gone to a specific place. The reasons why come out in the first three episodes [of the second half of the season]. It’s a fun story. So he’s got some secrets that he needs to deal with and some questions as well. Derek’s story…I like to talk about Derek’s arc in 3A as one of endurance. Derek is the kind of guy who can endure. He will always endure. He can take any kind of pain punishment and torture and survive. And that’s kind of his biggest superpower. And now that he has, has he learned how to become a hero. I’ve said before, Scott needs to learn how to become a true Alpha and Derek has to learn how to become a true hero.”

On the Peter Hale twist
“It’s funny because whenever we start a season we always seem to know what the final scene is going to be. From all three seasons, I knew what the last scene was going to be for a long time. In fact, the last scene of the first season was suppose to be Derek opening his teeth wide to give Jackson a bite, but we liked Allison and Scott sitting up on the roof so much that we put that as the last scene instead. But in the script it was different. And we knew this particular scene was coming for a long time because we always saw Peter as the kind of Iago to Derek’s Othello. He’s kind of a master manipulator and very Machiavellian. He wants to reclaim the throne. He wants to get his power back. He wants his dignity and his pride back. So we’re going to see how he works his mind games in the next half of season 3….I think he’s got a good plan ahead. But he’s not necessarily the big bad in the [second half] of the season. He’s someone who’s always there to take advantage of the situation. So he’s definitely an antagonist but we’re going to have some other villains next season who are quite different from villains we’ve seen before.

On Beacon Hills becoming a beacon for evil:
“We walked a little bit about the new creature and new mythology at Comic-Con — the Kitsune myth from Japanese mythology. So that’s going to become a big issue, especially revolving around a new character, Kira, played by Arden Cho. So I think there’s going to be a lot of fun stuff this season.”

On Scott becoming an Alpha:
“I go back to movies I loved as a kid. And to me, he’s kind of like the boxer who just won the championship belt. Can he keep it? Are there other contenders our there? Does he lose the Eye of the Tiger like Rocky did at a certain point? You know, he’s going to have a crisis of confidence, and he’s also going to learn that this is a power and level of responsibility that’s not easy for a high school teenager, specifically. So he’s going to have to trust, say, the twins and allow them to help — or push them away. He’s going to have to figure out the roles of his friends and his pack — people like Isaac, Allison and Stiles and Lydia. In a way, we’ve build a pack that is both human and supernatural. So I think it’s kind of a cool story to tell, especially in high school where everyone is essentially looking for their group. An this is one that’s very all-inclusive.”

On Aiden and Lydia:
“Aiden and Lydia are definitely going to find their relationship to be complicated as well because she understands that he was essentially one of the bad guys. And he wants to be with her and wants to be one of the good guys, and she has to learn that he needs to earn that place. Meanwhile, Lydia is becoming a hero in her own right, with the capacity to save people’s lives. All Aiden has ever done is damage. He’s death and destruction. So he’s going to have to redeem himself before he earns anything more than a physical relationship from her.”

On the first episode back — and poor Stiles
“The first episode deals with the repercussions of what they’ve done in essentially bringing power back to Beacon Hills. And they’re all dealing with it in their different ways. What you’re going to see with Stiles is that he’s having a lot of trouble sleeping. He becomes a bit of a tortured soul in the first part of [season 3B]. They’re all feeling the effects and none of them are good. It’s going to be a difficult road for some of our characters.”

On Scott’s dad sticking around:

"His dad will definitely cause a lot of trouble. His dad is, actually, in a way, one of the biggest antagonists this season. It’s his search for the truth and his search for why there are so many murders and terrible things happening in this town. So he’s going to get in the way quite a bit.”
Šį pranešimą redagavo babrusia: 21 rugpjūčio 2013 - 08:11
Laba, sakykit, 12 serija paskutine? nauju nelaukt greitu metu?
Šį pranešimą redagavo isdykusS: 05 rugsėjo 2013 - 20:11
13 serija bus tik sausio 6 4u.gif
labai geras sitas sezonas, palyginus nuo pirmojo nuzygiavo labai toli gerumu bigsmile.gif
QUOTE(Verbena.. @ 2013 09 12, 18:09)
labai geras sitas sezonas, palyginus nuo pirmojo nuzygiavo labai toli gerumu  bigsmile.gif

drinks_cheers.gif pritariu 100 proc., nors labai daug spragu scenarijuj yra, daug klaustuku, kodel, kas, kada, kaip? doh.gif bet cia jau daugumos serialu problema, kai jie pradeda sparciau isivaziuot cool.gif
Vakar pasirode iskart 3 Teen Wolf ateinancio sezono treileriai thumbup.gif


