Sveikos, muilo virėjėlės
Labai susidomėjau ir aš, renkuosi medžiagą, studijuoju. Ir vat beieškodama info, radau tokį komentarą po vienu video;feature=relmfu- šiaip kad moteriškė nepersistengia su atsargumu, tai net ir aš suprantu, bet noriu paklaust ne apie tai. Mane domina štai ši komentaro dalis, kurią paryškinau:
This lady is VERY new to soap making. First things first, she should have her hair pulled up and had on a long sleeve shirt.
Second and very STUPID on her part is you never mix lye and water in plastic..... This will release dioxions from the plastic and end up in the soap. Dioxions cause cancer and that is worse than just buying a bar of soap from the store. Also a dust mask would not hurt.
toddybrown20 prieš 1 m.
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