
Natūralią kosmetiką gaminamės pačios!

QUOTE(SECREAT @ 2011 05 19, 20:03)
Labas mergytes smile.gif

ar COCO SULFAT tik is AZ galima uzsisakyti?Galbut kazkas Lietuvoje uzmaciusios sita geri?  rolleyes.gif  galvoju kad nlb apsimoketu uzsakyma daryti tik del sio vieno ingrediento  smile.gif

Aš pirmad planuoju pirktis iš AZ.
jei nerasi kur Lt nusipirkti, galiu įsimesti daugiau coco sulfato, paštu persiųsčiau:)
QUOTE(asta_pasta_prakasta @ 2011 05 19, 20:16)
Aš pirmad planuoju pirktis iš AZ.
jei nerasi kur Lt nusipirkti, galiu įsimesti daugiau coco sulfato, paštu persiųsčiau:)


o kas nors gal man paaiskintu,ka blogai AZ darau,kad nepriima mano gmail mailo adreso? g.gif ir i yahoo keiciau,bet vistiek raso kad blogas emailas g.gif
Galbūt sugadinsiu kam nors nuotaiką, prašau dėl to manęs labai neužsipulti blush2.gif

Gundžiausi gaminti kietą šampūną, bet įtartinai man atrodė tasai coco sulfatas, o kuo toliau tuo mažiau jis man patinka verysad.gif Kas skaitote angliškai, įkeliu šiek tiek informacijos:

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate = Sodium Coco Sulfate
These two chemicals are one and the same. Because I'm tired of having to constantly explain it, I'm making a post here to explain.

Here is a copy of the email exchange I had with The Beauty Brains on this topic.


I've often read that Sodium Coco Sulfate is a gentler alternative to Sodium
Lauryl Sulfate because it is derived from coconuts. I'm rather skeptical of
this claim, since Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is also derived from coconut.

I did some digging (a LOT of digging, there's almost no unbiased
information on sodium coco sulfate), and I found that the two also have the
same CAS number of 151-21-3. I'm no chemist, but I've always understood that
if the CAS number is the same, the chemical is the same.

Why are the cosmetic companies lying and trying to mislead us with sodium
coco sulfate? Is it because of the bad rap that SLS has? Or am I missing
something here about sodium coco sulfate?

The Beauty Brains:


Great question. With a little help from the CTFA's Dictionary of International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients I found the answer.

The difference is really one of purification. Coconut oil is made up of a wide range of fatty acids. They can have as few as 8 carbon atoms and as many as 20. The majority of the fatty acids are of the 12 carbon variety. That means 45-50% of coconut oil is a fatty acid containing 12 carbons.

When manufacturers make their sulfate detergents they can take pure coconut oil and run the "sulfating" reaction to produce Sodium Coco-sulfate.

However, this material doesn't foam as well and will vary depending on the quality of the coconut crops harvested that year.

Sodium Lauryl sulfate is really just a purified version of the same material. In this case they take the coconut oil and remove most of the non-12 carbon fatty acids. Their starting material is then about 80% C-12 instead of 45-50% C-12.

Ultimately, both products are primarily C-12 or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate so they get the same CAS number. However, pure SLS is more efficient and of more reliable quality so most manufacturers use this.

Very astute question. You must have some background in chemistry.

Thanks for being part of the Beauty Brains community.

Left Brain

The difference between SLS and Sodium Coco sulfate is no greater than the difference between purified water and unpurified water (like hard water, etc.) In terms of how it works in the hair, Sodium Coco Sulfate is just a highly, highly diluted form of SLS. If you're allergic to one, you're still gonna be allergic to the other, and such.

Mano pradinė išvada - jeigu gaminamės natūralius produktus (o tam ir yra skirta ši tema, kaip suprantu), tai kam tą chemiją kišti į gerus produktus?
QUOTE(bumsik @ 2011 05 19, 21:05)
Galbūt sugadinsiu kam nors nuotaiką, prašau dėl to manęs labai neužsipulti  blush2.gif

susinervinau... doh.gif unsure.gif
QUOTE(SECREAT @ 2011 05 19, 20:34)
susinervinau... doh.gif  unsure.gif

Jaučiu bandai suvesti ten kur reikia vesti rekomendavusio adresą ax.gif aišku jei tik registruojiesi smile.gif
smile.gif Jei norėsi, galėsi prisidėt prie manęs, užsakinėsiu kt.savaitę mirksiukas.gif
Jo,as ana maila istryniau pacioje apacioje ir gerai dabar biggrin.gif pavyko prisiregistruoti pagaliau biggrin.gif
o per kiek mazdaug laiko ateina siuntinukai?
DB jau pasimeciau del to sulfato...norisi sampuno,ale jei tikrai nuodas,tai kam tada prasideti... unsure.gif
QUOTE(bumsik @ 2011 05 19, 21:05)
Galbūt sugadinsiu kam nors nuotaiką, prašau dėl to manęs labai neužsipulti  blush2.gif

Gundžiausi gaminti kietą šampūną, bet įtartinai man atrodė tasai coco sulfatas, o kuo toliau tuo mažiau jis man patinka  verysad.gif Kas skaitote angliškai, įkeliu šiek tiek informacijos:
If you're allergic to one, you're still gonna be allergic to the other, and such.
Mano pradinė išvada - jeigu gaminamės natūralius produktus (o tam ir yra skirta ši tema, kaip suprantu), tai kam tą chemiją kišti į gerus produktus?

nu tu jidrištvairas.. doh.gif doh.gif doh.gif doh.gif
tai gražu..ir taip šian pikta, tai dar labiau supykau.. doh.gif
as cia dziaugiaus kad gera daikta isbande visos,galima pasidaryt butu,o va se tau!nu liudna tai ne tas zodis..teks likt istikimai SANTE sampunui biggrin.gif
QUOTE(SECREAT @ 2011 05 19, 22:14)
as cia dziaugiaus kad gera daikta isbande visos,galima pasidaryt butu,o va se tau!nu liudna tai ne tas zodis..teks likt istikimai SANTE sampunui biggrin.gif

aj aš tai vis tiek darysiu..kažkaip manau, kad ir tuose eco šampūnuose bus ne geresnė sudėtis verysad.gif
Na, manau naudoti ar ne Sodium cocosulfate kiekvienos pasirinkimas. Faktas tas, kad eko kosmetikoje jis naudojamas (pvz. Lavera), kad jis gali netikti jautresniai odai, tai ir AZ taip parašyta.
Juk dalis mūsų taip pat nenaudoja ekokonservanto nes jis taip pat nėra labai natūralus.
Einant toliau, vertėtų atidžiau panagrinėti ir emulsiklius-išskyrus vašką, jie taip pat tokie gamtoj nesutinkami ax.gif

Kiek žiūrėjau aš internete, teigiama, jog jis mažiau agresyvus už SLS, be to jį naudojant kaip suprantu apsieinama be kitų kenksmingų priedų(galinčių sukelti vėžį), būtinų priemonėse su SLS.
Kitas požiūris (taip pat anglų kalba):

"Sodium Cocosulfate

Sodium cocosulfate is prepared by the sulfation of coco alcohol which is derived from the hydrogenation of coconut oil fatty acids at high temperature and pressure. The product is typically supplied as a 90% active solid in either a flake or needle form. The needle is the preferred form since it is less dusty when handled.

In recent years, sodium cocosulfate has become a popular choice as a replacement for sodium lauryl sulfate for several reasons:

* It has a more natural-sounding name. Many companies, especially those promoting natural products, prefer a name with a natural-sounding as opposed to a chemical-sounding name.

* It is an excellent viscosity builder and therefore can replace an alkanol amide or a fatty betaine.

* It has a noticeable conditioning effect on hair, whereas lauryl (a laureth) sulfate simply cleans. (6)

Sodium cocosulfate is used in a wide range of products either as a replacement for sodium lauryl sulfate or to enhance the qualities of a formula; i.e., conditioning and viscosity-building. Applications currently on the market include:

* Conditioning shampoos,

* Liquid hand soaps,

* Body washes,

* Bath beads,

* Toothpaste,

* Synthetic detergent bars and

* Facial cleansers.

Sodium cocosulfate is an excellent replacement for sodium lauryl sulfate because it provides viscosity building properties and a rich dense foam. It is also a useful replacement for diethanolamides which have come under attack in recent years as potential carcinogens. (7,8) The following model body wash formula is an example where a combination of sodium cocosulfate betaine, and an amphoteric can replace the traditional lauryl sulfate/ DEA amide system"

Žodžiu, renkamės kiekviena pagal save mirksiukas.gif
bet siaip kaip visi sako,kad ekologiska tai-ka gali i burna deti.Kiek skaiciau,tam coco sulfatui reikalingos atsargumo priemones,akiniai,pirstines ir t.t.tai jau kaip ir taip aisku,kad jis nera naturalus.aisku tik norisi kad to kenksmingumo kuo maziau butu.. unsure.gif
na,apginkit dar kas nors ta sulfata,a? biggrin.gif