
Neramumai Egipte

Paskutinios zinios is vienos didesniu kelioniu organzatoriu UK (kas suprantat angliskai):

Hurghada - The Foreign and Commonwealth Office advising against all but essential travel to Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor and Suez, therefore holidaymakers in Hurghada will not be affected and can continue their holiday as planned.

The resort is a considerable distance from Cairo (450km) and Luxor (290 km) and has not been affected by the demonstrations.

Our experienced resort team are also in the process of updating all customers about the recent change to Foreign and Commonwealth advice and are on hand to answer any questions customers may have. All excursions to Luxor and Cairo have been cancelled until further notice.

As the Foreign and Commonwealth Office advice has not changed for Hurghada, and as it is safe to do so, operations will continue and normal booking conditions will apply.

Sharm el Sheikh - The resort has not been affected by the demonstrations and is a considerable distance - indeed, an eight hour drive - from Cairo. To put this distance into context, it is the equivalent of driving from London to Dortmund, Germany or from Manchester to Bruges, Belgium via the channel tunnel.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office are advising against all but essential travel to Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor and Suez, therefore holidaymakers in Sharm el Sheikh will not be affected and can continue their holiday.

All excursions to Luxor and Cairo have been cancelled until further notice. Our experienced resort team are on hand to answer any questions customers may have.

People should also take considerable reassurance from the fact that the resort of Sharm el Sheikh operates like a country in itself. It is run separately from the rest of the Egypt, benefits from having just one secure road into the resort, and enjoys an exceptionally low crime rate. There is also no unemployment in Sharm el Sheikh, since those living in the resort are only there because they are employed in tourism.

As the Foreign and Commonwealth Office advice has not changed for Sharm el Sheikh, and as it is safe to do so, operations will continue and normal booking conditions will apply.
Šį pranešimą redagavo bambekle: 29 sausio 2011 - 18:48
kas grys, na komentarai mazai naudingi, ivykiai istisai keiciasi. Gali gryzt ir tada buvo ramu, o bet kuria minute viskas keistis. Kai tokie ivykiai, tai kas buvo nera aktualu, o kas bus tai nezinom doh.gif
Tiesa kazkas raso, nezinia kas saus viesbuciu personalui ir kokia situacija bus aerouostuose doh.gif
QUOTE(jodulis @ 2011 01 29, 18:45)
Uzsienio agenturos yra uzsenio jos jei reikes greitai isvez turistus is Egypto.

Kodel jus taip nuvertinat LT agenturas g.gif

QUOTE(bambekle @ 2011 01 29, 18:46)
Paskutinios zinios is vienos  didesniu kelioniu organzatoriu UK (kas suprantat angliskai):

Kol kas zinios paguodziancios, isskrendantiems rytoj smile.gif
QUOTE(Elvita @ 2011 01 29, 19:53)
Kodel jus taip nuvertinat LT agenturas  g.gif
Kol kas zinios paguodziancios, isskrendantiems rytoj  smile.gif

Pagyvensim paziuresim.Nes musu agenturom rupi tik musu pinigines o zmones paskiau.
QUOTE(jodulis @ 2011 01 29, 18:55)
Pagyvensim paziuresim.Nes musu agenturom rupi tik musu pinigines o zmones paskiau.

Manau, kad visom agenturom rupi pinigines, priesingu atveju, skrydziai jau butu atsaukti smile.gif
QUOTE(Saulesaule @ 2011 01 29, 19:31)
Skrendam į Šarmą, dviese, be vaikų. Kažkaip žadėjom vien viešbuty ilsėtis nelendant lauk, tai jei ten ramu bus, tai gal nieko tokio. Bet nuotaika vienok ekstremali biggrin.gif

Viskas bus gerai... 4u.gif
Aš be vaikų tikrai skrisčiau... O su mažium tikriausiai kad ne...
Rusai nieko gasdinancio nepasake....na protestai....
Man jau noro nebėra,nuotaika nekokia,lagaminai beveik sukrauti... nei ką planuoti,nes neaišku kas bus toliau... apmaudu.laukiam žinių iš gryžusių.
Rusai planuoja evakuot jau savo turistus doh.gif
as busiu nepopuliari, nenoreciau , kad atsauktu skrydzio schmoll.gif tikiuosi , kad tuoj kazkoks sprendimas ivyks, per rusus pasake, kad "razviaska bliska". nelabai tikiu, kad isiples viskas iki sarmo.

skrendam rytoj ir vacation4.gif vacation1.gif
QUOTE(Diana_B_K @ 2011 01 29, 20:08)
as busiu nepopuliari, nenoreciau , kad atsauktu skrydzio schmoll.gif  tikiuosi , kad tuoj kazkoks sprendimas ivyks, per rusus pasake, kad "razviaska bliska". nelabai tikiu, kad isiples viskas iki sarmo.

skrendam rytoj ir  vacation4.gif  vacation1.gif

o toliau klausei ?? evakuos turistus rusai doh.gif
Manau bet koks grįžusio komentaras svarbus /... Šiaip rusai rašo, kad patariama neskraidinti turistų į Egiptą, o nuvykus išvežti. Tačiau extra išvežimo dar netaikyti:


taip pat atidaryta karšta linija, skirta informuoti apie situaciją egipte:


Šį pranešimą redagavo Udrius: 29 sausio 2011 - 19:15