
Muilo gamyba su šarmu

QUOTE(Ievulyte @ 2011 01 19, 13:45)
cia raudonasis palmiu aliejus (palm kernel oil), o as ieskau palm oil, nerafinuoto, todel ir klausiau ar kuri matet toki LT pirkt?  ax.gif

ne taip supratau doh.gif tokio ir as nemacius LT
Kiek mano žinios leidžia šiai dienai, nelabai ir rasite nerafinuoto, šalto spaudimo palmiu aliejaus,išskyrus raudonajį.
QUOTE(Ievulyte @ 2011 01 19, 13:45)
cia raudonasis palmiu aliejus (palm kernel oil), o as ieskau palm oil, nerafinuoto, todel ir klausiau ar kuri matet toki LT pirkt?  ax.gif

Pataisykit mane, jeigu klystu, niekada per daug nesigilinau į šitą reikalą, bet kiek aš suprantu, tai raudonasis palmių aliejus ir yra būtent tas nerafinuotas, pirmo spaudimo palmių aliejus. O palmių branduolių aliejus jau yra visai kitas dalykas.
Šį pranešimą redagavo Evah: 19 sausio 2011 - 16:54
QUOTE(Evah @ 2011 01 19, 16:53)
Pataisykit mane, jeigu klystu, niekada per daug nesigilinau į šitą reikalą, bet kiek aš suprantu, tai raudonasis palmių aliejus ir yra būtent tas nerafinuotas, pirmo spaudimo palmių aliejus. O palmių branduolių aliejus jau yra visai kitas dalykas.

raudonasis palmiu aliejus (palm kernel oil) yra nerafinuotas palmiu branduoliu aliejus, raudonas, nes gausu karotino smile.gif

o palmiu aliejus (palm oil) - kietas, baltas, kaip taukai atrodo ir yra isgaunamas is palmiu medziu.

Kazkur esu skaicius, kad muilui gaminti nerekomenduoja extra virgin alyvuogiu aliejaus, kad geriau isspaudu tinka. Ar dar kazkas girdejot toki teigini, gal zinot kodel?
Ievulyte, o kodel tavo manymu raudonasis palmių aliejus yra išgaunamas iš branduolių? Kur tu radai tokią informaciją? Nes kiek aš esu skaičiusi, karotinoidų gausus aliejus išgaunamas būtent iš palmių vaisių, ne iš branduolių. O tas baltas, kaip taukai palmių aliejus jau yra deodoruotas, rafinuotas ir balintas.
Manau, kad tu ne taip išsivertei/supratai rolleyes.gif

O čia palyginimui visų trijų, informacija iš vieno muilininkų puslapio:
Raudonasis palmių aliejus
Palmių aliejus
Palmių branduolių aliejus

Aš visus savo muilus verdu su extra virgin alyvuogių aliejum. Ir ne vien aš, jis labai plačiai naudojamas.

Šį pranešimą redagavo Evah: 19 sausio 2011 - 17:52
As taip pat skirstau kaip Evah smile.gif
hmm... matyt busiu ne ten, kur reikia prisiskaicius biggrin.gif dabar ziuriu, tai tikrai ne is medziu. Ale, kur as ta uzmacius buvau, kad taip istrigo? g.gif
QUOTE(Ievulyte @ 2011 01 19, 16:33)
Kazkur esu skaicius, kad muilui gaminti nerekomenduoja extra virgin alyvuogiu aliejaus, kad geriau isspaudu tinka. Ar dar kazkas girdejot toki teigini, gal zinot kodel?

Galima is visu rusiu alyvuogiu aliejaus virti muila. Zemesnes rusies megstamesnis muilininku, nes silpnesnio kvapo, greiciau reaguoja su sarmu ir pigesnis. Gal yra ir daugiau priezasciu, bet as tiek zinau...

Cia dar radau siek tiek apie tai: http://www.soap-maki...oap-making.html
Isversiu truputi, jei kas ne taip, taisykite (primenu, kad nors ir sutinku su daugeliu cia issakytu teiginiu, tai nera mano mintys):

Per pirma svelnu spaudima, alyvuogiu aliejus vadinamas 'extra virgin' arba 'virgin' ir yra laikomas auksciausios rusies maisto gamybai.
Antro spaudimo metu, spaudziant daug stipriau, gaunamas aliejus vadinamas 'grade A' , ir yra laikomas zemesnes rusies, nes turi daugiau alyvuogiu rugsties.
Po antrojo spaudimo, paprastai nebeimanoma isgauti daugiau aliejaus stipriau spaudziant, taigi naudojami tirpdikliai vadinami 'hexane' kad isgautu likusi alieju. Tai vadinamasis 'grade B' aliejus, kuris dar zemesnes rusies ir turi dar daugiau rugsties.
Galu gale, zemiausia rusis yra 'pomace-oil' (isspaudu aliejus).

Priesingai nei maisto gamyba, kur visada norima naudoti auksciausios imanomos rusies alyvuogiu alieju, muilo virimui galite naudoti zemesne rusi be jokiu problemu! Tiesa sakant, kai kurie zmones kaip tik renkasi zemesne rusi del greitesnio pedsako susidarymo. Nustebote? Na, jei nuosirdziai, as taip pat buvau. Norite tikekite, norite ne, muilo virime is alyvuogiu aliejaus galime sulauzyti taisykle del visada naudojamo auksciausios rusies aliejaus be jokiu neigiamu pasekmiu!

Matote, stai ka turite suprasti: 'Grade B' alyvuogiu aliejus, jei tik naudosite naturalu ir ekologiska, yra zemos rusies tik vartojimui, bet ne kosmetikai.
Ne tik tai nera jokios zalos naudojant zemesnes rusies alieju, bet jis netgi gali buti naudingesnis muilo virimui. Nes kuo zemesne rusis, tuo daugiau molekuliu nereaguos su sarmu (nepaveiktu saponifikacijos). Kitaip tariant, daugiau alyvuogiu aliejaus isliks muile, padarydamas ji geresni odai, ir jusu poros gales dziaugtis nepakitusio aliejaus gydomosiomis savybemis.
Taipogi, kuo zemesne aliejaus rusis, tuo maziau laiko uzims muilui saponifikuotis. Tai nuostabu, nes jums nereiks valandas maisyti savo alyvuogiu aliejaus muila. Zinoma, jei naudojate elektrini trintuva (blenderi), pedsaka gausite palyginti greitai, nepriklausomai nuo to, kuria rusi naudosite.

Alyvuogiu aliejaus muilo darymui, as asmeniskai sekmingai naudoju 'grade A' alieju. Mano manymu, 'grade B' ir isspaudu (pomace) aliejus saponifikuojasi per greitai. Man taip pat nepatinka naudoti zemiausias rusis nes papildomi tirpikliai naudojami jam isgauti. Mano asmeninis pasirinkimas yra laikytis atokiau nuo alieju isgautu su tirpikliais... Bet tai tik mano nuomone, greiciausiai tai nera taip svarbu! Extra virgin (ypac grynas) alyvuogiu aliejus saponifikuoja per letai, taigi 'grade A' man atrodo kaip tobulas sprendimas. Eksperimentuodami su alyvuogiu aliejaus muilo gaminimu jus butinai atrasite savo tobula pasirinkima.

Geri merginu patarimai del saugumo.
Kuo daugiau, kad veiksmas vyktu lauke, kuo daugiau apsaugoti veida, zinoma ir rankas, gaminti, kai nera vaiku/gyvunu, nepalikti medziagu ir produkto nezinantiems asmenims pasiekiamoje vietoje ir t.t.

Ir viena svarbesniu - niekada neatsipalaiduoti, net kai patirties, atrodo, yra. Kai zaidi su degtukais, anksciau veliau..
Panasiai su tokiom medziagom kaip sarmas. Kol jsi namie, naudojamas laikas nuo laiko muilui gaminti, yra gresme ir vienokiom ar kitokiom nelaimem. Gerai jei jos palyginti smulkios: koks baldas apgadintas po vulkano ar nulasejus sarmo misiniui, ranka nudeginta ir t.t. Bet kaip baisu, kai atsitinka didziule nelaime su nepataisomomis pasekmemis.. As jau citavau pasakojima apie vaika, ant kurio akyciu pateko sarmas. Imesiu ta pasakojima ir dar karta. Kad visi pagalvotume, jog saugojimosi niekada nebuna per daug ir kad tol, kol sarmas namie, gresme nelaimems visada yra. Net ir labai prityrusiems muilo gamyboje - tai profesionalios muilo gamintojos pasakojimas.
(vardai man zinomi)

Have you ever heard a splashing crash and knew instinctively what it
was right away? Have you ever heard your 2 yr old son screeching at
the top of his lungs for his mommy? Have you ever felt the
helplessness of seeing your son cry bloody tears and see blood
seeping from the corners of his mouth, meanwhile his skin is cherry
red and you can feel the heat coming off of him��.

Sounds like a horror flick, yes?

I *know* what it's like to experience these things first hand, and I
can honestly say that I sincerely hope with every fiber of my being
that NONE of you *ever* have to experience what I went through last

My son dumped more than 2/3 of a gallon of a 40% lye solution on his
head. He was saturated from HEAD TO TOE.

You know, in almost 5 years of soaping, maybe even longer now, I've
*never* had an accident. No, I didn't get too cocky about my lye,
what I got was relaxed, and very very careless.

I had JUST set the pitcher (tightly sealed closed container of room
temp lye solution) down on the counter. It was less than 2 minutes.
I turned around to clear off the island in the kitchen, was in the
middle of fixing supper you see��..then I was going to clear off the
island because there was a lot of soap I was planning on making last
night. So, why not set it here just for a minute so I can clear this

A minute is all it took.

Now this series of events happened in less than 7 minutes.

He grabbed the pitcher, it was very heavy for his little 2 year old
hands, so he dropped it�..on his head. Even though the container was
sealed, the weight of the pitcher on impact caused the tightly sealed
lid to pop off. Konnor immediately started screaming, I was there
the instant it poured out all over his body. FROM HEAD TO TOE. I
grabbed him right as he fell belly down in the puddle of caustic
liquid. I'm sure we all know how SLICK and slippery lye solution
is. I almost DROPPED him back into the liquid.

I *threw* him into the sink (about 4 feet away) starting running
water on him immediately. Sprayer in one hand, phone in the other,
screaming at 911. My son was screaming�..a sound I will never EVER
forget. Eyes mommy eyes!!! His whole body was shaking in absolute
anguish. Have you ever had lye solution splash up on you? Burns
doesn't it? It was on his WHOLE body. 911 was dispatched, Thorne
was grabbing the vinegar, Kris was looking up the number for the
Poison Control Center. I poured a whole gallon of vinegar over my
sons head, kept on spraying his body with cool water. Called the
poison control center to see if mayhap there was something,
*anything* else I could do to try to save my son. Ironically, they
didn't even MENTION the word VINEGAR. Irrigate irrigate irrigate.
Yea yea���I got that covered.

His tears were blood tinged. He had blood dripping from his mouth.
His skin was fire engine red.

EMS got here���. Thankfully it was a guy I grew up with because I
was a babbling fool trying to get my head together. He asked me,
Steph, did you take off his diaper? Oh my, NO��..I didn't even
*think* to take off his diaper.

What I saw then�. Right above his penis, about an inch or so, is a
long BLACK and BROWN very DEEP BURN. Off to the left, where the tape
from the diaper was, more deep burns. I was mortified, speechless,
and sobbing uncontrollably. All I could do was hold my burning baby
and rock and cry.

You have NO idea how helpless, how hopeless, and how low I felt at
that moment. I've never felt so wretched in my life.

This WHOLE thing could have been prevented if I wouldn't have put
that container there. For only a minute you know. I was going to go
back and pick it right back up after I wiped down the island. Really
I was. Famous last words of a fool��..

We get to ER��..we had been in contact with them the whole way there
so they were prepared and knew we were coming. The took Konnor in
right away and we were stopped to answer questions. I walked into
the exam room to see 8 people crowded around my screaming toddler.

The thoughts going through my mind��..he's going to be blind. It's
all my fault. I was stupid and irresponsible. He's going to be
physically scarred and possibly disfigured. My beautiful precious
perfect little boy just had his life ruined by his own MOTHER. He'll
never be able to see Sponge Bob again that he loves so much. He wont
be able to see his puppy or see the goofy faces his brother loves
making at him. He'll never ever see again. I did it, and it could
have been prevented.

Those were my thoughts. I begged and pleaded with the doctors, with
the gods, with all the powers that be to please save my child.

Ok. He's NOT blind. He *can* see, but we're very very concerned
about the right eye where he got the most damage. He MAY have some
vision loss, but until the cornea is completely healed over, we wont
know the complete extent of the damage. He's on an eye ointment
every 4 hours, and an eye drop (Mucomist) every *2* hours. And
please remember this���the cornea does have a great capacity for
healing, if it weren't damaged by an alkaline solution. The Mucomist
will be the thing to heal his eye if there's any hope. He explained
it to me that the medication will prevent the collagen in the cornea
from sloughing off and deteriorating. The first ph they took was 9.
��..they ran a liter of normal saline into each eye. The ph was then
over 8, but lower than 9, so they ran another liter into each eye.
Finally the ph was a hair above 7 and was considered within normal
range. They did the flourescent strips in his eyes to look at the
damage. The right eye is definitely more damaged than the right, but
there's still a possibility that he can completely heal with NO
permanent damage.

Do you know they had to give that kid 2 FULL milligrams of Ativan and
50mg of Demerol to snow him? And he was STILL fighting like a bull.
To give you a good idea on dosage, when I was nursing, 1mg of Ativan
would zonk a 200 pound geriatric patient for the night and I'd have a
nice shift. My boy's a fighter he is��..

Other damage��. He didn't aspirate any, his lungs are perfectly
clear. None got in his nose or ears. The skin on his lips was
burned off, but none got into his mouth. His inner cheeks and tongue
are perfectly clear.

Over all, all over his body, he has a fine rash. He has small
blisters and excoriation in his armpits. His diaper area looks A LOT
better today���..it's not black anymore, but a beigey sort of color.
They had to rough debrid his abdomen last night. He'll likely have
very minimal scarring there.

Plain and simple, I was stupid. I was very irresponsible. Only for
a minute is TOO long to leave lye solution unattended, even though
you're less than 4 feet away from it and it's in a sealed container.

How am I handling this? I'm not. I'm very very bitter. I'm
extremely angry. I cry constantly and I cant stop holding him and
kissing his little tender cheeks and I cant stop apologizing to him.
But will that ever be enough if he has permanent sight loss? I don't
need letters telling me that it wasn't my fault and that it was an
accident. I *know* this already. But yes, it WAS my fault. Shit
happens folks. But this could have been prevented. Nor do I need
your letters telling me how stupid I was, I can handle that one on my

I still have so much to say but it'll come out all jumbled so I hope
you can keep up. Konnor is surprisingly in a very good mood.
Ornerier than ever. Very happy and perky except for those every 2
hours when I have to stick something in his very hurt little eyes.
He's such a trooper��. And just think, I could have ruined his
little perfect being for LIFE. And I still might have.

We're not completely out of the woods yet on his eyes. The Mucomist
may not be as effective as it's supposed to be, but his eyes are
looking a lot better today and there's a good chance that the damage
will be minimal. The fact remains though, that there will likely be
atleast some damage that's permanent, but I will continue to hold
onto that small shred of hope that he'll be 100% damage free.

They had to decontaminate me after they helped me peel my shoes off
my feet. Open sandals. Stuck to my feet��.. Only minor blisters
and burns.

His diaper area does have 2nd degree burns, possibly 3rd because he
doesn't seem to have any discomfort right in the center of it. Maybe
some nerve damage there, we don't know that yet either.

I was repeatedly told by the ER staff, that if I wouldn't have done
what I did and acted as fast as I did, that he would have A LOT more
damamge done. That area in his diaper could have been his FACE. He
COULD HAVE been blinded. The doctor thanked me for doing my research
and he was honestly quite surprised that I could spit out the info
from the MSDS and other sources so clearly.

My Konnor is for the most part just fine, considering how bad it
could have been. He may have some permanent scarring and vision
loss, but we'll deal with it when we know more. He's seeing a
specialist on Friday morning who saw him this morning. He's already
contacted a specialist at Tulane who has agreed to COME HERE to see
him if necessary at a moments notice.
QUOTE(Suoka @ 2011 01 18, 08:24)

Ar kas bandete su burokeliu sultimis, kaip gavosi?
Kur dejote ar jau galutiniam, ar maishete su sarmu?

nes speju, kad burokeliu raudona suskaldys sarmas ir ji pavirs i rusva/kremine smile.gif
Kazkurioje temoje skaiciau, kad paruduoja burokeliu sultys
Joo... vercia susimastyti. Aciu uz ideta pasakojima. Manau visi kas perskaite bus daug daug atsargesni.
Daddygirl, košmariška istorija. Pati turiu labai aktyvų trimetį, lakstantį ir čiupinėjantį viską, kas pasitaiko "įdomaus" po akim. Perskaičiau, lyg jam taip būtų nutikę. Nors visada verdu muilą labai atsargiai, dabar turbūt būsiu dar dvigubai atsargesnė.

Turbūt tame ir visa problema, ne nežinojime, o aplaidume, kai jautiesi "pakankamai patyręs". Baisu.