QUOTE(Mitsė @ 2010 12 17, 11:09)
Neatsimenu, kažkuri rašė, jog prakaitavimą sumažina juodosios arbatos maišelių kompresai pažastims. Berods shopingas?
As as rasiau - neatradau namuose dar to lapelio su visu tiksliu receptu, bet labai panasu radau internete (tik maniskiam kiek pamenu pakeli arbatos det, o ne suvilgyta ranksluosteli):
Put 2 tea bags in 3 cups of warm or boiling water. Once the solution cools pour it over a wash cloth and place the compress under each armpit for five minutes and let the liquid dry for a good 5 minutes, wash it with tap water after. Bathe as usual in the morning. Do this process every night for at least two weeks and the tannic acid will permanently decrease your sweat production.