As tai supratau, kad del dior klausia, ne del guerlain
As pati dabar kaip tik ieskojau info del dior kodu, tai stai ka radau (gal bus kam naudinga, ypac kam rupi suzinoti kokio vintaziuko amziu)
From 1998 - 2007 batch codes are in form of 9G01 that would be july 1999. First two are important for month/year, last two digits 01 or 02 or something, is where it was produced (01 is France).
So 9 is 1999, months are A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M (I is not included)
From 2008 - today it is like 9N01 so it is 2009 and months starts from N, P, R . I`m not sure is some letter not used like O??? But N is january for sure.
I think from 1988 to 1997 codes were like 6U588, 1G040, 7E322 - digit, letter, 3 digits and I think that first number is year like 1996,1991,1997 but in this case I can`t be sure 100%, that is what I think is logical
Between 1978 and 1987 codes were in form of 9790M, 7454H, so letter is on the last place and I really can`t guess the year of production but if code is in that form than you know period.