

Iškilo dar klausimėlis, ar galima rankiniame bagaže vežtis skutimosi peiliukus ir pincetą? blush2.gif
QUOTE(be_coco @ 2011 06 14, 01:54)
Iškilo dar klausimėlis, ar galima rankiniame bagaže vežtis skutimosi peiliukus ir pincetą? blush2.gif

Kiek zinau nelabai, nors senokai skirdau, gal kas pasikeite jau unsure.gif
QUOTE(Gintare1987 @ 2011 06 14, 09:21)
Kiek zinau nelabai, nors senokai skirdau, gal kas pasikeite jau  unsure.gif

O tai jei aš įvyniosiu ten kur tarp rūbų, pastebės? Niekad neskridus, nežinau, kaip ten tą patikrinimą vykdo blush2.gif 4u.gif
QUOTE(be_coco @ 2011 06 13, 23:54)
Iškilo dar klausimėlis, ar galima rankiniame bagaže vežtis skutimosi peiliukus ir pincetą? blush2.gif

nerekomenduociau veztis astriu daiktu rankiniame bagaze... draudziama juk... unsure.gif g.gif
Skutimosi peiliuka tai veziaus.
skutimosi peiliukus (gamykliškai uždarus, kitaip tariant, tokius, kaip pardavineja, o ne tuos, kur pats įstatai "britvą" ir prisuki varžteliu) vežtis galima. žirklučių ne. dėl pinceto - nežinau.

QUOTE(be_coco @ 2011 06 14, 11:07)
O tai jei aš įvyniosiu ten kur tarp rūbų, pastebės? Niekad neskridus, nežinau, kaip ten tą patikrinimą vykdo  blush2.gif  4u.gif

prajuokinai biggrin.gif žiūri per tokį skanuojantį aparatą, kuris viską kiaurai mato, suk nesukęs į ką tik nori.
Šį pranešimą redagavo Partizanė: 14 birželio 2011 - 12:18
8.10.1 Passengers are not permitted to carry the following articles into the security restricted area and the cabin of an aircraft: Guns, Firearms & Weapons; any object capable, or appearing capable, of discharging a projectile or causing injury, including all firearms (pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, etc.) Replica and imitation firearms, Component parts of firearms (excluding telescopic sighting devices & sights), air pistols, rifles and pellet guns. Signal flare pistols, Starter pistols, Toy guns of all types, compressed air and CO2 guns such as pistols, pellet guns, rifles,ball bearing guns, industrial bolt and nail guns, cross bows, catapults, harpoon and spear guns, Animal humane killers, stun or shocking devices, e.g. stun guns, tasers, stun batons,cattle prods, ballistic conducted energy weapons (laser), lighters shaped like a firearm. Pointed/edged Weapons & Sharp Objects; pointed or bladed articles capable of causing injury, including axes & hatchets, cleavers, arrows and darts, crampons (grappling iron, hooked bar of iron, or plate with iron spikes used in mountaineering), harpoons & spears, ice axes & ice picks, ice skates, knives with blades of more than 6 cms including lockable or flick knives, ceremonial, religious and hunting knives, made of metal or any other material strong enough to be used as a potential weapon, meat cleavers, machetes, open razors and blades (excluding safety or disposable razors with blades enclosed in cartridge), sabres, swords and swordsticks, scalpels, scissors with blades more than 6 cms as measured from the fulcrum, ski and walking/hiking poles, throwing stars, tradesman's tools with a blade or a shaft of more than 6 cms that have the potential to be used as a pointed or edged weapon, e.g. drills and drill bits, box cutters, utility knives, all saws, screwdrivers, chisels, crowbars, hammers, pliers, wrenches/spanners, blow torches. Blunt Instruments: any blunt instrument capable of causing injury, including tennis rackets, baseball and softball bats, clubs or batons - rigid or flexible - e.g. billy clubs, blackjacks (truncheon of leather covered lead with flexible shaft), night sticks & batons, cricket bats, golf clubs, hockey and hurley sticks, lacrosse sticks, kayak and canoe paddles, skateboards, billiard, snooker and pool cues, fishing rods, martial arts equipment, e.g. knuckle dusters, clubs, coshes, rice flails, num-chucks, kubatons, kubasaunts. Explosives and flammable substances; any explosive or highly combustible substance which poses a risk to the health of passengers and crew or the security/safety of aircraft or property, including ammunition, blasting caps, detonators & fuses, explosives and explosive devices, replica or imitation explosive material or devices, mines & other explosive military store, grenades of all types. gas & gas containers, e.g. butane, propane, acetylene, oxygen - in large volume, fireworks, flares in any form and other pyrotechnics (including party poppers and toy caps), non safety matches, smoke generating canisters or cartridges, flammable liquid fuel, e.g. petrol/gasoline, diesel, lighter fluid, alcohol, ethanol, aerosol spray paint, turpentine & paint thinner, alcoholic beverages exceeding 70% by volume (140% proof) Chemical and Toxic Substances: any chemical or toxic substances which pose a risk to the health of passengers and crew or the security/ safety of aircraft or property, including: acids and alkalis, e.g. spillable "wet" batteries, corrosive or bleaching substances - e.g. mercury, chlorine, disabling or incapacitating chemical, gases and sprays- e.g. mace, pepper spray, capsicum,tear gas, acid sprays, animal repellent sprays, radioactive material - e.g. medicinal or commercial isotopes, poisons, infectious or biological hazardous material - e.g. infected blood, bacteria and viruses, material capable of spontaneous ignition or combustion, fire extinguishers (excepting as authorised by fire protocols and as aircraft emergency equipment). The carriage of liquids, aerosols and gels into the security restricted area of an airport and onboard aircraft is controlled in accordance with current EU Security Requirements.

8.10.2 The following items shall not be placed in Checked Baggage: Dynamite, gunpowder, explosives, including detonators, fuses, ammunition, grenades, mines blasting caps and plastic explosives. Gases: propane, butane. Flammable liquids, including gasoline, methanol, flammable solids and reactive substances, including magnesium, firelighters, fireworks, flares and other pyrotechnics. Oxidizers and organic peroxides, including bleach, car body repair kits. Toxic or infectious substances, including rat poison, infected blood, radioactive material, including medicinal or commercial isotopes. Corrosives, including mercury, vehicle batteries, vehicle fuel system components which have contained fuel.

8.10.3 Any sharp objects in Checked Baggage should be securely wrapped to prevent injury to screeners and handling personnel.

atidziai paskaitykite, galima - tik su tam tikrais apribojimais mirksiukas.gif
QUOTE(malvina @ 2011 06 13, 22:35)
gal www.homelidays.com kas nors bus?

Ir ten jau viska isnarsiau doh.gif
sveikos - domina info apie Ligūrijos regioną, tiklsiau pakrantę nuo Genovos iki La spezia... dėl apsistojimo, domina apartamentai... kelis miestelius jau nusžiūrėjau, labai gražu
būčiau dėkinga jei kas iš buvūsių ten pasidalintų info 4u.gif
QUOTE(Samta0204 @ 2011 06 14, 16:31)
Ir ten jau viska isnarsiau doh.gif

esu per cia rezervavusi, gal pavyks ka rasti: http://www.hotelclub...l-destinations/

QUOTE(Samta0204 @ 2011 06 14, 17:31)
Ir ten jau viska isnarsiau doh.gif

Nebandei www.limba.com?
Laba diena,
gal kas lankėtės prie Varone krioklio ir pamenate jo darbo laiką? tiksliau ar sekmadieniais jis dirba.. nes ten būsime būtent tą vieną dieną...
ir gal bilietų kainas kas nors žino ? būčiau labai dėkinga.