QUOTE(Koxamte @ 2011 10 03, 20:34)
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copinu cia aprasyma anglu kalba:
Knitting Tension: 10 sts x 21 rows on needles size 9 mm in garter sts = 10 x 10 cm.
Garter sts (back and forth on row): Knit all rows.
Rib: *K1, P1*, repeat from *-*.
Scarf: Cast on 5 sts on needle size 9 in Eskimo and knit in garter sts. At the same time inc at each side as follows: Right side: K 2 sts in the first st. Left side: K 2 sts in the second but last st. Inc 1 st each side on every other row a total of 7 times = 19 sts. Knit in garter sts until the piece measures 15 cm. Dec 8 sts evenly distributed on next row = 11 sts. Knit 8 cm Rib and put the sts on a cable needle. Pick up 11 sts from the back side of the last row of garter sts and knit 8 cm Rib. Knit the sts on row tog with the sts from the cable needle as follows: Knit the first st from the cable needle tog with the 1st st from row. Then the 2nd st with the 2nd st and so on. Continue in garter sts. On the following row inc 8 sts evenly distributed on row = 19 sts. When the piece measures 75 cm dec 8 sts evenly distributed on row = 11 sts. Knit 8 cm Rib. Inc 8 sts evenly distributed on row = 19 sts. Knit 8 cm garter sts and dec on every other row as follows: Right side: Slip a st as if to knit, K1, psso. Left side: K 2 sts tog. When 5 sts left on row cast off.