QUOTE(Satura @ 2010 03 31, 20:53)
nenorėjau išsiplepėt anksčiau laiko
Ir žodis "gamini" gal nelabai tinka, nes gavau ingredientus, juos sumaišiau ir išpilsčiau į indelius
mane domina

mane domina

o tai kas cia, jei ne gamyba?

Make your own inexpensive anti-wrinkle gel to tighten pores, reduce inflammation & help skin appear smoother.
Hand & Face Gel:
3 grams of dried Irish Moss
30 grams of water (add more water if you wish)
2 gram of Organic dried Lavender herb
1 gram of Organic dried Chamomile
0.5 grams of Organic Papaya Oil
0.5 grams of Vegetable Glycerin (optional)
Soak the Irish moss, Organic dried Rose petals & buds & Organic dried Lavender herb in water for 10 minutes.
Bring water to a simmer then turn off the heat
Remove from the heat and let it cool.
Strain the herbs from the water into a bowl, pressing the gel through the strainer with a spoon
Stir in the Organic Papaya Oil & Vegetable Glycerin until it has emulsified
Pour the gel into a screw-top jar.
Store unused portion in the fridge for 3 days - discard after 3 days.
panasiai ir kondicionieriu pasigaminau. be priedu, tik vanduo ir tie milteliai. nes norejau vien ju efekta matyti.
minusas, kad galioja tik kelias dienas saldytuve. o siaip