
Kvapų namai - 6 tema

QUOTE(kryyste @ 2010 09 18, 09:20)
Uosčiau, tą naujajį - kažkaip neužkabino. Kas labai patiko ir dabar mano mintyse - vieni iš KN kvepalų  wub.gif grįžusi pasižiūrėjau tinklalapyje į kainą- aišku, kad patys brangiausi  doh.gif  ir kodėl taip visada būna  g.gif  biggrin.gif

O man nei vieni nepatiko iš tų kietųjų, vieni lyg ir nieko buvo, ant rankos užsitepiau, po kiek laiko pauosčiau, tai trenkė vyriškais pigiais kvepalais doh.gif

Aš tai tik iš indelio uosčiau, nebandžiau ant rankos teptis, gal ir tikrai paskui kvapas pasikeičia. Jei sugalvosiu pirkti tai reiks gerai išbandyti prieš tai.
QUOTE(kryyste @ 2010 09 19, 13:56)
Aš tai tik iš indelio uosčiau, nebandžiau ant rankos teptis, gal ir tikrai paskui kvapas pasikeičia. Jei sugalvosiu pirkti tai reiks gerai išbandyti prieš tai.

Jo jo, išbandyk gerai, nes kvapas labai pasikeitė tikrai rolleyes.gif
Man iš istorinių Egipto kvepalų labiausiai patiko "Cyprinum" smile.gif Aš jų pasitepiau ir nustebino tai, kad kvapas po kiek laiko tapo dar malonesnis ir baaaaaisiai ilgai laikė 'ant odos' cool.gif
Tik man labai įdomu kam būtent jie buvo sukurti, kas jais tam senovės Egipte kvėpinosi biggrin.gif
QUOTE(Rasma @ 2010 09 19, 15:57)
Man iš istorinių Egipto kvepalų labiausiai patiko "Cyprinum" smile.gif Aš jų pasitepiau ir nustebino tai, kad kvapas po kiek laiko tapo dar malonesnis ir baaaaaisiai ilgai laikė 'ant odos' cool.gif
Tik man labai įdomu kam būtent jie buvo sukurti, kas jais tam senovės Egipte kvėpinosi biggrin.gif

Nezinau nieko moterisko is Egipto, kad nebutu rasoma, jog tai kleopatriska biggrin.gif
Heena or henna essential oil, Lawsonia inermis, is known by a number of names including Camphire (not to be confused with Camphor which comes from an Evergreen Tree) and Cyprinum. Camphire is a (KJV) bible name given to the whole henna plant and also the richly scented perfume created from the flowers. It was used throughout Israeli areas and was a treasured scent of the Jewish peoples. It was also used to treat serious skin conditions including leprosy and boils. Cyprinum on the other hand was the Egyptians version of the henna essential oil and was a favorite perfume of Cleopatra who used it not only on her herself but also to scent the fleet of Nile barge sails she constantly used. Henna had always been an important part of Egyptian life, as they were the first ones believed to use and cultivate the botanical, and even went to far as to declare people who did not stain their nails red with henna, in addition to other body areas, uncouth and low. Henna, especially the essential oil
extracted was of course expensive and this served to embarrass those of lessor means, something that always goes on in advanced societies one way or another. The Egyptians would also wear pillars of fat on top of their heads which had been heavily perfumed to drip down their hair and scent their whole body with the Cyprinum, especially in the case of dancers who would perform in the courts. Later on, as trade routs developed better, the use of henna essential oil continued to other countries including the entire Middle East and even so far as Tibet for temple use. The Persians, whom gave Henna it's name also heavily used all portions including the essential oil.

Raso, jog tai buvo egiptieciu chna aliejaus versija. Megstami Kleopatros kvepalai biggrin.gif - kazin ar yra koks dalykas is senoves, kuris Kleopatrai nepatiko ? biggrin.gif
O tie kvepalai dazo? g.gif Intensyvios spalvos?
Šį pranešimą redagavo Diva:): 20 rugsėjo 2010 - 16:23
QUOTE(Diva:) @ 2010 09 20, 16:16)
Nezinau nieko moterisko is Egipto, kad nebutu rasoma, jog tai kleopatriska  biggrin.gif 
Heena or henna essential oil, Lawsonia inermis, is known by a number of names including Camphire (not to be confused with Camphor which comes from an Evergreen Tree) and Cyprinum. Camphire is a (KJV) bible name given to the whole henna plant and also the richly scented perfume created from the flowers. It was used throughout Israeli areas and was a treasured scent of the Jewish peoples. It was also used to treat serious skin conditions including leprosy and boils. Cyprinum on the other hand was the Egyptians version of the henna essential oil and was a favorite perfume of Cleopatra who used it not only on her herself but also to scent the fleet of Nile barge sails she constantly used. Henna had always been an important part of Egyptian life, as they were the first ones believed to use and cultivate the botanical, and even went to far as to declare people who did not stain their nails red with henna, in addition to other body areas, uncouth and low. Henna, especially the essential oil
extracted was of course expensive and this served to embarrass those of lessor means, something that always goes on in advanced societies one way or another. The Egyptians would also wear pillars of fat on top of their heads which had been heavily perfumed to drip down their hair and scent their whole body with the Cyprinum, especially in the case of dancers who would perform in the courts. Later on, as trade routs developed better, the use of henna essential oil continued to other countries including the entire Middle East and even so far as Tibet for temple use. The Persians, whom gave Henna it's name also heavily used all portions including the essential oil.

Raso, jog tai buvo egiptieciu chna aliejaus versija. Megstami Kleopatros kvepalai  biggrin.gif  - kazin ar yra koks dalykas is senoves, kuris Kleopatrai nepatiko ?  biggrin.gif
O tie kvepalai dazo?  g.gif  Intensyvios spalvos?

Balti jie, nedažo...
QUOTE(Diva:) @ 2010 09 20, 17:16)
Nezinau nieko moterisko is Egipto, kad nebutu rasoma, jog tai kleopatriska  biggrin.gif 
It was used throughout Israeli areas and was a treasured scent of the Jewish peoples.
Raso, jog tai buvo egiptieciu chna aliejaus versija. Megstami Kleopatros kvepalai  biggrin.gif  - kazin ar yra koks dalykas is senoves, kuris Kleopatrai nepatiko ?  biggrin.gif
O tie kvepalai dazo?  g.gif  Intensyvios spalvos?

Taip, būtų įdomu perskaityt ko nežinojo ir nemėgo Kleopatra biggrin.gif

O teiginys apie jewish people irgi geras..šitie žmonės, tai visada žino kame gėris smile.gif

Kvepalai bespalviai, ai man jie tokie kaip taukai..ir iš spalvos, ir iš išvaizdos, tikrai nieko nedažo smile.gif O kvapas sodrus, 'sunkokas', bet nepasirodė man ypatingai rytietiškas..turbūt dėl to ir patiko, kad man jie tokie nenusakomi g.gif

Knygoje apie cyprinum rašoma:
"The ancient Egyptians believed that the scent of henna flowers could bring the dead to life" / The new Perfum Handbook/ biggrin.gif
Va va...kvapas toks, kad ir mirusįjį prikeltų - gerąja prasme smile.gif

Šiaip įdomūs Plinijaus Vyresniojo tekstai: http://www.scentedpa..._naturalis.html

O čia apie Egipto kvepalų gamybą šiek tiek, irgi įdomus skaitinys laisvalaikiui: http://www.reshafim....fume_makers.htm
istorinės kosmetikos pėdsakais - apie karminą smile.gif
Kas naudojate kakavmedžio eliksyrą, kokį poveikį pastebėjote? 4u.gif
o nerolis kiek suprantu riebiai odai skirtas?
taip smile.gif Bet ir jazminas yra sebumą balansuojantis smile.gif

šiek tiek apie kavamedį cool.gif
as kaip tik savaitgali nupirkau kavamedzio eliksyra smile.gif nezinau kol kas poveikio nelabai matau smile.gif bet siuo metu oda labai durniuoja, beria ir t.t., tai nezinau, ziuresiu gal bukle pasitaisys po kurio laiko naudojimo smile.gif
Šį pranešimą redagavo sher: 22 rugsėjo 2010 - 21:39