QUOTE(Zuiki Puiki @ 2010 12 17, 21:56)
Taip jus teisi amandos funkciju dar is vis nebandem, reik batareiku nupirkt, sprendem is isores, kai funkcionuos gal nuomone pasikeis
ar jūsų amanda su priedais?
jie priedų trūksta- visų galimybių ir nepamatysit....
mes net papildomą gimtadienio rinkinį pirkome- žaidimas dar prasiplėtė.
amanda turi 2 papildomus rinkinius: gimtadienio ir arbatos vakarėlio.
gal dar ir tą pavyks gauti.
QUOTE(Zuiki Puiki @ 2010 12 17, 22:07)
Siaubas, lele pirkom ne nauja, be instrukciju, jauciu sakes bus, nemokesim su ja elgtis, angliskai as siek tiek zlebersioju, bet kaip viska nustatyt

Ant jos nugaros tik batareikoms vieta ir jungiklis ijungt isjungtir daugiau nieko
Įmetu amandos aprašymą iš gamintojo puslapio
Amanda is a toddler who speaks, is getting potty trained, and eats the foods that toddlers love. She can recognize her "mommy's" voice and can respond after just hearing it three times! Her facial expressions reflect her emotions.
To interact with her, you must speak loudly and clearly, so she is not recommended for someone with speech impediment or is a soft talker. Also, you must be in a quiet environment to interact with her. Only speak to Amanda when she is not talking or moving her mouth or eyes.
By responding to voices, recognizing objects and showing emotions with realistic facial expressions, Amazing Amanda establishes an interactive mother-daughter bond that is unparalleled among children's toys. Her level of self-awareness is such that she can recognize her own outfits, food and beverages, toothbrush, and the like. She knows what time it is and can remind "Mommy" about things like upcoming events. She responds to stimuli with appropriate expressions and sounds, and even says "no" when she doesn't want something.
She is equipped with multiple sensors: right hand sensor, brush sensor, mouth sensor, microphone sensor, hug sensor, clothing sensor, potty sensor.
She is 20 inches tall.
Setup requires adult assistance. Once the batteries are inserted, turn the switch on. You will need to set teh date, time, Amanda's wake-Up and bedtime:
Activities: To play with Amanda, there are 4 main activities (eating, sleeping, playing and going to the potty). To get to each of these you must say one of these 4 phrases exactly as written when Amanda asks, 'Mommy, what should we do?': 'it's time to eat', 'let's play', 'go to the potty', 'go to sleep'. If you want Amanda to switch to a different activity, squeeze Amanda's left hand for approximately 7seconds at anytime and she will ask you, 'Mommy, what should we do?'
In the 'play' mode she can do funny faces, pretend (one can pretend having a birthday party), do animal talk and sing songs.
Amanda will automatically power down into Sleep Mode to save battery power, if left unattended for a long period of time. To awaken her, squeeze her right hand. To put Amanda to sleep, use one of two methods: 1) squeeze right hand for approx. 7 seconds, or 2) When Amanada asks, 'Mommy, what should we do?', reply, 'Go to sleep.'
Engages you in two-way conversations.
Laughs, talks, cries, plays games and asks for hugs.
You must speak loudly and clearly.
Do not use rechargeable batteries.