
Kaktusų ir kitų sukulentų ruduo

Cia kazkokia keista nuoroda i el.pasta, bet ne i foto galerija.
QUOTE(elitarai @ 2010 01 11, 20:59)
I have attached the most recent lists for some groups of plants.  There are not many of some of the plants, so when you have chosen, email me and I will check that everything you want is still available and let you know the total cost.  The same applies to the list on my website.
Best wishes

Ian and Janet Robinson <igandjm.r@tiscali.co.uk>

Cia jo pastas,ar siuo jus vijana jam rasete?tai dabar tik lieka susiziureti kas ka nori ir jam parasyti pageidavimus,jis sutikrina ir paraso kaina 4u.gif

As rasiau jam i si pasta IGandJM.Robinson@lineone.net
ir man jau atrase "I have attached the latest list of Echinopsis. Let me know what plants you want and I will check that they are still available and let you know the total cost.
Best wishes
Daug maz ta pati atrase biggrin.gif
Tai jis turejo omeny, kad tas 2008 m. sarasas naujausias, kuri jis turi? Is jo issirenkam, o jis patikrins ar dar turi tokius augalus. Ar ne taip?
O gal priesaga kokia atsakyme yra su sarasu?
Dieve mano,kokios geros naujenos. thumbup.gif Dar klausymas,ka reiskia raides 'U','R','P' ir 'S',as taip supratau,kad 'U'-tai nulauztas vaikiukas be saknu ? g.gif
doh.gif nuoroda y el pasta,todel nematot,na bandau kitaip..
1 Approx size
2 Agave colorata 15cm £5.00
3 Agave filifera? Leaves 1cm wide 13cm £3.00
4 Agave horrida v. perotensis 6cm £3.00
5 Agave lecunilla v. marginata 6cm £3.00
6 Agave leopoldtii 8cm £7.00
7 Agave macracantha 6cm £3.00
8 Agave mcKelviana offset £4.00
9 Agave oroensis 8cm £3.00
10 Agave parasana 10cm £4.00
11 Agave stricta v. minima 5cm £3.00
12 Agave univittata 13cm £5.00
13 Agave Unknown 6cm £1.00 seedlings labelled obscura but they are not. They may be a Caribean species.
14 Agave utahensis DJG1521 6cm £4.00
15 Agave victoria regina minor 6cm £3.50
16 Agave viscainensis 8cm £3.00
17 Agave xylonacantha small offset £3.00
18 Agave zebra 9cm £4.00
2 Huernia peersii U £2.00
3 Pectinaria maughanii not Echidnopsis archeri U £2.00
4 Piaranthus barrydalensis U £2.00
5 Stapelia acuminata U £2.00
6 Stapelia aperta U £2.00
7 Stapelia desmetiana U £3.00
8 Stapelia garipensis U £2.00
1 Zel= Louis S Zelenak USA Echinopsis Hybrids Ian Robinson
2 ISI=Schick unless stated otherwise U=Unrooted / offset Ty'n y Llidiart
3 MJM= Margaret Martin NA=Currently unavailable Llandegla
4 PH= Pat Hutchinson Hybrids R=Rooted Offset Wrexham
5 SIZ=Doug Sizmur P&P £2-50 LL11 3AF
6 GROBIG=Ian Robinson Please add 5% if paying by Paypal Tel.01978790236
7 AR=Andrea Randazzo
8 DR=Del Rue Nursery
9 FB=Dr. Fritz Binnig
10 Abrook=Abbey Brook
12 Chamaecereus crassicaule Semi cristate plant with red flowers U £1.00
13 Chamaelobivia 'Captain Jessop' Orange flower U £1.00
14 Chamaelobivia 'Martin's Maroon' Maroon flower U £1.00
15 Chamaelobivia Simply Red Deep Red Flower U £1.00
16 Chamaelobivia 'Twinkling Star' GROBIG Variable Starry yellow flower with bits of red. U £1.00 x
17 Chamaelobivia 'Westfield Alba' White flower U £1.00
18 Chamaelobivia Weiss U £1.50
19 Chamaelobivia Yellow Bird Yellow flower U £1.00
20 Echinopsis Abbeybrook Deep Yellow ABrook 1 small U £4.00
21 Echinopsis Afterglow ISI Pink,Yellow mid stripe and outer petals U £4.00
22 Echinopsis Arabesque ISI Yellow to peach orange edges, slightly crinkled U £4.00
23 Echinopsis Aurora U £3.00
24 Echinopsis Beautiful Dreamer ISI Rose pink U £3.00
25 Echinopsis Betsy PH Bright red/scarlet U £3.00
26 Echinopsis Beyond Infinity PH Large deep pink U £4.00 x
27 Echinopsis Brigitte's Beauty ISI U £4.00
28 Echinopsis Buttercup ABrook U £2.00
29 Echinopsis Candlelight ISI 97-5 Yellow/orange U £4.00
30 Echinopsis Candy Pink R £3.00
31 Echinopsis Cassandra ISI 98-5 to4.5"Dark reddish purpleand light orange small U £4.00
32 Echinopsis Circe small U £4.00
33 Echinopsis Citrine x Aurora Pink fading to orange R £1.00
34 Echinopsis Coquette ISI Small multiwhorled bright yellow. u £3.00
35 Echinopsis Cream Ice MJM Pastel pink large U £2.00
36 Echinopsis Daydream ISI Tannish Orange to pink u £3.00
37 Echinopsis Don Juan ISI 97-9 4.74" Inner petals deep red purple dark orange/red middle and outer scarlet U £4.00
38 Echinopsis Dusty Copper PH Large coppery red U £3.00
39 Echinopsis Eclipse ISILarge pink to yellower in centre.scented. U £3.00
40 Echinopsis Edwardian Lady ISI 98-8 4.75"Purple/ pink and yellow U £3.00
41 Echinopsis Elinor GROBIG paler version of Elle U £4.00
42 Echinopsis Elle PH Purple Scented U £3.00
43 Echinopsis Enchantress MJM pucey pink coral stripe. U £3.00
44 Echinopsis Fancy Pants PH Ragged candy pink small U £3.00
45 Echinopsis Forty Niner U £3.00
46 Echinopsis Foxy Lady ISI 1 only U £4.00
47 Echinopsis Galaxy ISI 96-3 5-6" White petals with purple/pink central stripe U £4.00
48 Echinopsis Gerritt's Lemon U £2.00
49 Echinopsis Gertrude small U £3.00
50 Echinopsis Ginn and Lemon Orange U £2.00
51 Echinopsis Gloriosa Flaming orange shading U £3.00 x
52 Echinopsis Gossamer ISI Pale Magenta darker 5inches U £3.00
53 Echinopsis Green Gold (2 clones!) Yellow U £2.00
54 Echinopsis Harlequin Mayaz very small U £4.00
55 Echinopsis Haku Jo Furry ribs U £4.00
56 Echinopsis Heather The colour of Moorland Heather small U £3.00 s
57 Echinopsis Henrietta Small Echinopsis very attractive flower U £3.00
58 Echinopsis Hesperides small U £4.00
59 Echinopsis Jasper MJM U £4.00
60 Echinopsis Killian small U £3.00
61 Echinopsis Lemony Melon GROBIG 1 only U £4.00
62 Echinopsis Lemon Meringue GROBIG Pastel yellow petals with darker lemon midstripe. Scented small U £4.00
63 Echinopsis Lochinvar ISI Pink purple and white R £4.00
64 Echinopsis Lucida PH Pink to yellow outer small U £3.00
65 Echinopsis Maria = Maria Piazza ISI R £2.00
66 Echinopsis Mephisto Paramount Does not root, needs grafting U £3.00
67 Echinopsis Orange Ice ABrook U £2.00
68 Echinopsis Out of Infinity U £3.00
69 Echinopsis Paita Ser 314 Pale Pink with darker pink central stripe U £4.00
70 Echinopsis Paramount Yellow Paramount Hybrid U £2.00
71 Echinopsis Pat's Raspberry Ripple PH Large Starry Two toned Pink with dark central stripe. Very different. small U £4.00
72 Echinopsis Pat's Sunshine U £2.00
73 Echinopsis Peach Monarch x Terra Cotta U £3.00
74 Echinopsis Peach Pearl PH small U £3.00
75 Echinopsis Pink Bigun PH U £2.00
76 Echinopsis Pink Feather very small U £4.00
77 Echinopsis Pink Panther 1 only small U £4.00
78 Echinopsis Pomalka Ser 318 small U £4.00
79 Echinopsis Princess Anne ISI 96-5 U £3.00
80 Echinopsis Ray U £3.00
81 Echinopsis Red Perfection U £4.00
82 Echinopsis Romance ISI 98-11 5.5" Dark velevet pinkish purole-paler margins small U £3.00
83 Echinopsis Ruffled Pink small U £4.00
84 Echinopsis Samantha Smith ISI U £3.00
85 Echinopsis schelhasei cv. Rosea U £2.00
86 Echinopsis schelhasei cv. White Knight U £2.00
87 Echinopsis Selene PH 5 inch diameter, white with pink outers. U £4.00
88 Echinopsis Sierra Skyline ISI Apricot magenta U £3.00
89 Echinopsis Sir Galahad small U £3.00
90 Echinopsis Sleeping Beauty ISI 97-28 Large dark pink scented 2 only, small U £4.00
91 Echinopsis Soft Tangerine small U £4.00
92 Echinopsis Spring Blush ISI small U £3.00
93 Echinopsis Subdenudata Briiliant white flowers 1 only U £3.00
94 Echinopsis Sunset ISI 97-5 1 only U £4.00
95 Echinopsis Sunshine Breakfast PH Deep Yellow U £3.00
96 Echinopsis Syncopation ISI small U £4.00
97 Echinopsis Temptress ISI small U £4.00
98 Echinopsis Terra Cotta My Clone Very pale pink/brown mid stripe on a pastel petal U £4.00
99 Echinopsis Turandot ISI 99-23 5" Beige yellow to pure yellow medallion shape U £4.00
100 Echinopsis Violet's Beauty Violet 1.75INCH BUT MARKED or small U £2.00
101 Echinopsis Watermelon Paramount Hybrid Dilute carmine small U £2.00
102 Echinopsis Wild Red Berry ISI small U £4.00
103 Echinopsis Wortleberry U £3.00
104 Echinopsis x lobivia coquimbana Chris Goodwin hybrid yellow R £2.00
105 Trichocereus Candicans x Peach Monarch U £3.00
107 Lobivia aurea v.dobeana Red flower U £2.00
109 Deamia testudo U £3.00
111 Epiphyllum Desiree U £2.00
112 Epiphyllum Eloquence U £2.00
113 Epiphyllum Golden Dream NA £2.00
114 Epiphyllum Amber Queen U £2.00
115 Epiphyllum Barbara Driver U £2.00
116 Epiphyllum Bruin U £2.00
117 Epiphyllum Friendship U £2.00
118 Epiphyllum Kathy Forster NA £2.00
119 Epiphyllum London Emerald NA £2.00
120 Epiphyllum London Moonlight U £2.00
121 Epiphyllum Oxypetalum U £2.00
122 Epiphyllum Party Piece NA £2.00
123 Epiphyllum Reward U £2.00
124 Epiphyllum Un-named large magenta flower U £2.00
126 Lepismium monacantha
1 Lobivia aurea v.dobeana Red Flowers U £1.50
2 Lobivia arachnacantha Gold flower darker body U £1.50
3 Lobivia arachnacantha Orange flower U £1.50
4 Lobivia arachnacantha Yellow flower U £1.50
5 Lobivia maximiliana KK813 (aurantiaca) fabulous flower U £1.50
6 Lobivia schieleana looks a bit like a Sulcorebutia U £1.50
7 Lobivia backebergiana v.hertrichiana U £1.00
8 Lobivia backebergiana v.hertrichiana Lau 149 U £1.50
9 Lobivia backebergiana v.hertrichiana Lau 134
Corynopuntia invicta U £8.00
2 Maihueniopsis Glomerata IGR2901/1, 12000ft, Yavi, Nr La Quiaca, Arg U £1.50
3 Opuntia azurea U £3.00
4 Opuntia humifusa x fragilis Wild, hardy, Canada U £1.50
6 Tephrocactus alexanderi Dark spines U £3.00
7 Tephrocactus alexanderi White spines U £3.00
8 Tephrocactus articulatus v. inermis IGR1102/1, Rt 20, Quines, Arg U £2.00
9 Tephrocactus articulatus v. inermis IGR1603/1, Rt 74, Los Colorados, Arg U £2.00
10 Tephrocactus articulatus v. inermis IGR3704, Rt 38,Serrezuela,Nr Cordoba, Arg, smaller segments U £2.00
11 Tephrocactus hickeni U £1.50
12 Tephrocactus kamachoe Nr Caspana, chile U £1.50
13 Tephrocactus kamachoe RH797, El Loa, Tatio, San Pedro U £1.50
14 Tephrocactus turpini U £1.50
17 Tunilla soehrensii IGR2005, 5500ft, San Fernando U £1.50
18 Tunilla species IGR2605, 7400ft, Rt 9, Volcan, Jujuy, Arg U £1.50
19 Tunilla species IGR2609, Volcan, Jujuy, Arg U £1.50
20 Tunilla species IGR2703/1, 12500 ft, Toqueros, Nr La Quiaca, Arg, 4cm spines U £2.00
21 Tunilla species IGR2703/2, 12500 ft, Toqueros, Nr La Quiaca, Arg, different, thicker spines 1 only U £2.00 The cutting is a bit tatty, but will grow out.
23 · Pterocactus araucana Norquinco to Rio Chico, Rio Negro Not available at the moment £4.00
24 Pterocactus Araucana WG490 Not available at the moment £3.00
25 Pterocactus australis WG324 Not available at the moment £3.00
26 Pterocactus fischeri Not available at the moment £3.00
27 Pterocactus KF52 R.Scheck Small plant £4.00
28 Pterocactus kunzei U £1.00
29 Pterocactus meglioli WG267 £3.00
30 Maihuenia poepigii U £3.00
31 Austrocactus spiniflorus U £3.00
32 Austrocactus hibernus (1) 1 small rooted cutting £2.00
33 Austrocactus hibernus (2) U £2.00
34 Austrocactus gracilis 1only Small Unrooted cutting £3.00
35 Austrocactus patagonicus from Teeside branch, possibly ex Alan Craig Not available at the moment £4.00
37 Austrocactus I got the plant 30 years ago with an unreadable label with letters and numbers that might have been: 81 Lau CW A.h . I have been unable to identify the plant from these, but it was from the same source as Austrocactus hibernus (1) and is a different plant. U £2.00
38 Austrocactus coxii 1 very small rooted cutting £4.00
ir paskutinis
· Pterocactus araucana Norquinco to Rio Chico, Rio Negro Not available at the moment £4.00
2 Pterocactus Araucana WG490 Not available at the moment £3.00
3 Pterocactus australis WG324 Not available at the moment £3.00
4 Pterocactus fischeri Not available at the moment £3.00
5 Pterocactus KF52 R.Scheck Small plant £4.00
6 Pterocactus kunzei U £1.00
7 Pterocactus meglioli WG267 £3.00
8 Maihuenia poepigii U £3.00
9 Austrocactus spiniflorus U £3.00
10 Austrocactus hibernus (1) 1 small rooted cutting £2.00
11 Austrocactus hibernus (2) U £2.00
12 Austrocactus gracilis 1only Small Unrooted cutting £3.00
13 Austrocactus patagonicus from Teeside branch, possibly ex Alan Craig Not available at the moment £4.00
15 Austrocactus from 30 years ago, unreadable label with letters and numbers that might have been: 81 Lau CW A.h . I have been unable to identify the plant from these, but it was from the same source as Austrocactus hibernus (1) and is a different plant. U £2.00
16 Austrocactus coxii 1 very small rooted cutting £4.00
kiek supratau is jo greitakalbes,kad jis neturi sudares 100proc siu metu pardavimo sarasu,todel liepe ziureti ir y 2008m kurta nuoroda,o po to jis atrasys,gal tures,gaus is kitu kompanjonu,nes sake jie kaip family bisnis cia viskas rolleyes.gif
R-su saknimis.
U-be saknu.
Ar nesuklydai ? Nuo 23poz. galas kartojasi. g.gif
Notokaktusu nera verysad.gif
ir kazkaip galvoju nuolaidu tai butina prasyti,arba presentu 4u.gif
nugis visur dabar taip yr ax.gif 10perki,11as nemokamai...nu kaip issirinksime,zinosime koks kiekis:rolleyes:
.....jei ne-siuntimas nemokamai... smile.gif
matau dabar,kartojasi g.gif ,bet viska nukopinau kaip yra,jo gal klaida.
rimusia,neviskas prarasta,o 2008 sarase ar jie yra?bandysime klausti. mirksiukas.gif
cia jo groziai wub.gif
ju sodas,
elitarai 4u.gif ax.gif na tau puikiai siakasi susikalbeti su dede anglu biggrin.gif tai gal tu perimk uzsakyma 4u.gif
Kaip smagu, kad uzkabinau jus uz sito uzsakymo thumbup.gif ceko irgi nepamirskit mirksiukas.gif
Kaip faina,kad čia verda gyvenimas thumbup.gif va čia anglo pagrindinis puslapis.. gal nepasikartosiu su nuoroda... rolleyes.gif

Šį pranešimą redagavo @asta: 12 sausio 2010 - 09:01
Stai merginos, ka uztikau netyciom http://website.lineo...opsis/index.htm anglo echinopsiu nuotrauku net 3 psl.