QUOTE(nothing sweet @ 2009 10 01, 18:46)
skaitau apie tai, kad kiaušidžių vėžys diagnozuojamas vėlyvose stadijose. o kokia yra jo prevencija? pakanka, kad gydytoja per planinius patikrinimus pažiūri echoskopu kiaušides?
Kadangi tai mano diagnozė, tai jei randa II stadiją , jau esi laimės kūdikis.Šis vėžys kaip sakė mano chirurgas , kartais randamas tik operuojant, dėl kitų problemų .Man rado , nes dėl naudojamų hormonų tikrinausi kas pusmetį , o kadangi poliklinikos gydytoja echoskopo neturėjo, tai jai įtarimas kilo apčiuopiant, o klinikose žiūrint echoskopu pamatė besikaupiantį skystį.Tada staigiai operavo ir po dviejų savaičių jau gavau chemo.
QUOTE(tati @ 2009 10 01, 19:39)
Dear Friend,
Rare cancers are more common than you think!
More than two million Europeans live with a rare cancer, and many of them are unfortunately likely to die of it.
Despite the rarity of each individual cancer type, rare cancers represent in total about 20% of all cancer cases in Europe, including all cancers in children.
However, still, policy action on rare cancers is often too little, too late.
This is why I have signed the European Call to Action Against Rare Cancers. Join us to call for more rapid action on rare cancers by signing our call at http://www.rarecance...Call-to-Action- and by disseminating it to your contacts as well!
If you require more information about this initiative, please visit http://www.rarecancers.eu
Thanks for your support.
As pasirasiau, gal ir kas is jusu pasirasys?
Rare cancers are more common than you think!
More than two million Europeans live with a rare cancer, and many of them are unfortunately likely to die of it.
Despite the rarity of each individual cancer type, rare cancers represent in total about 20% of all cancer cases in Europe, including all cancers in children.
However, still, policy action on rare cancers is often too little, too late.
This is why I have signed the European Call to Action Against Rare Cancers. Join us to call for more rapid action on rare cancers by signing our call at http://www.rarecance...Call-to-Action- and by disseminating it to your contacts as well!
If you require more information about this initiative, please visit http://www.rarecancers.eu
Thanks for your support.
As pasirasiau, gal ir kas is jusu pasirasys?
O kas tai yra? Aš angliškai nesimokiau.