nuo fėjos iki agregato - biškį degraduoju , čia tik du, o dar keturis reikia padaryti - ruoškitės konvejeriui
QUOTE(Lion @ 2009 08 19, 20:04)
Gum Paste Recipe:
4 cups Confectioners' Sugar, sifted (reserve 1 cup for later)
1 Tablespoon Gum Tragacanth (or Gum Tex)
1 Tablespoon Liquid Glucose
4 Tablespoons Warm Water (or 3 Tbs warm water + 1 Tbs lemon juice)
Steps (how to make gum paste):
Pour the water in a large bowl and add gelatin (glucose) slowly.
Stir until gelatin is dissolved in the water. You may need to microwave 20-30 seconds or heat on the stove with a double-boiler to get glucose to melt.
Add confectioners' sugar and gum tragacanth.
Mix well.
You'll end up with a soft, sticky dough. Store dough in a well-sealed plastic bag at room temperature overnight (if possible) for it to set.
Knead in the remaining 1 cup of powdered sugar and it will become soft and pliable - no longer sticky. Add more powdered sugar if it continues to feel sticky.
Gum Paste Tips:
Store your gum paste recipe mixture in a large ziplock bag while working with smaller pieces of it (or keep in bowl and cover gum paste surface with a wet towel.) This will help keep it from forming a crust. If you DO get a crust, don't worry, knead in a little confectioners' sugar.
1 pound (about 4 cups) confectioners' (powdered) sugar
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin
1 tablespoon corn syrup
Put water in a saucepan. Sprinkle gelatin over the water. Let gelatin soak for about 5 minutes, until it starts to look foamy. Add corn syrup. Heat mixture over low heat, stirring slowly, until gelatin has dissolved and mixture is clear. Pour into bowl containing confectioners' sugar. Mix together until you can no longer mix; there will be quite a bit of sugar left in the bowl. Dump mix out onto confectioners' sugar dusted work surface (counter top, tabletop, etc). Knead until the mix no longer sticks to your hands.
Store resulting paste in a plastic bag, with all the air pressed out of it. This paste dries quickly, so keep any part you're not using covered. This mix makes very strong sugar pieces, but they can also be very brittle.
Another recipe for a similar paste calls for 1 tablespoon gum tragacanth instead of the gelatin and corn syrup. You should be able to substitute gelatin and corn syrup for gum tragacanth in any recipe.
Things Youll Need:
* 1 Tablespoon glucose
* 3Tablespoons warm water
* 1 Tablespoon lemon juice
* 1 Tablespoon tragacanth gum
* 4 Cups Confectioner's sugar
* Large Mixing Bowl
* Microwave safe bowl or measuring cup
* Plastic bag with seal
Make Your Own Gum Paste
In a large bowl, mix one tablespoon of tragacanth gum into three cups of sifted confectioners sugar.
Carve out a hole in the middle of the mix, and set it aside.
In a microwave safe bowl or glass measuring cup, combine three tablespoons warm water, one tablespoon lemon juice, and one large tablespoon of glucose.
Heat glucose mixture in microwave on high for thirty seconds. Mixture should now be clear.
Pour glucose mixture into the hole in the center of the confectioners sugar mix.
Mix all the ingredients until well blended. The mixture should be very soft.
Store mixture in a tightly sealed plastic bag and let stand at room temperature for at least eight hours.
When you are ready to use the gum paste, knead one cup of confectioners sugar into the paste to soften and whiten the paste.
The gum paste is now ready to use.
4 cups Confectioners' Sugar, sifted (reserve 1 cup for later)
1 Tablespoon Gum Tragacanth (or Gum Tex)
1 Tablespoon Liquid Glucose
4 Tablespoons Warm Water (or 3 Tbs warm water + 1 Tbs lemon juice)
Steps (how to make gum paste):
Pour the water in a large bowl and add gelatin (glucose) slowly.
Stir until gelatin is dissolved in the water. You may need to microwave 20-30 seconds or heat on the stove with a double-boiler to get glucose to melt.
Add confectioners' sugar and gum tragacanth.
Mix well.
You'll end up with a soft, sticky dough. Store dough in a well-sealed plastic bag at room temperature overnight (if possible) for it to set.
Knead in the remaining 1 cup of powdered sugar and it will become soft and pliable - no longer sticky. Add more powdered sugar if it continues to feel sticky.
Gum Paste Tips:
Store your gum paste recipe mixture in a large ziplock bag while working with smaller pieces of it (or keep in bowl and cover gum paste surface with a wet towel.) This will help keep it from forming a crust. If you DO get a crust, don't worry, knead in a little confectioners' sugar.
1 pound (about 4 cups) confectioners' (powdered) sugar
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin
1 tablespoon corn syrup
Put water in a saucepan. Sprinkle gelatin over the water. Let gelatin soak for about 5 minutes, until it starts to look foamy. Add corn syrup. Heat mixture over low heat, stirring slowly, until gelatin has dissolved and mixture is clear. Pour into bowl containing confectioners' sugar. Mix together until you can no longer mix; there will be quite a bit of sugar left in the bowl. Dump mix out onto confectioners' sugar dusted work surface (counter top, tabletop, etc). Knead until the mix no longer sticks to your hands.
Store resulting paste in a plastic bag, with all the air pressed out of it. This paste dries quickly, so keep any part you're not using covered. This mix makes very strong sugar pieces, but they can also be very brittle.
Another recipe for a similar paste calls for 1 tablespoon gum tragacanth instead of the gelatin and corn syrup. You should be able to substitute gelatin and corn syrup for gum tragacanth in any recipe.
Things Youll Need:
* 1 Tablespoon glucose
* 3Tablespoons warm water
* 1 Tablespoon lemon juice
* 1 Tablespoon tragacanth gum
* 4 Cups Confectioner's sugar
* Large Mixing Bowl
* Microwave safe bowl or measuring cup
* Plastic bag with seal
Make Your Own Gum Paste
In a large bowl, mix one tablespoon of tragacanth gum into three cups of sifted confectioners sugar.
Carve out a hole in the middle of the mix, and set it aside.
In a microwave safe bowl or glass measuring cup, combine three tablespoons warm water, one tablespoon lemon juice, and one large tablespoon of glucose.
Heat glucose mixture in microwave on high for thirty seconds. Mixture should now be clear.
Pour glucose mixture into the hole in the center of the confectioners sugar mix.
Mix all the ingredients until well blended. The mixture should be very soft.
Store mixture in a tightly sealed plastic bag and let stand at room temperature for at least eight hours.
When you are ready to use the gum paste, knead one cup of confectioners sugar into the paste to soften and whiten the paste.
The gum paste is now ready to use.
bukit geros isverskit man siuos receptukus labai labai prasau nes as cia nei trupucio nesuprantu
nu gelytes Cipciukas lelijos tai vos neisgriuvau kaip gyvos super grazios ir asseni irgi gelytes kaip gyvos super darbeliai nu keles dieneles nebuvau o torciukai visu vel kaip visada nuostabus
Gum Paste Recipe:
4 cups Confectioners' Sugar, sifted (reserve 1 cup for later)
1 Tablespoon Gum Tragacanth (or Gum Tex)
1 Tablespoon Liquid Glucose
4 Tablespoons Warm Water (or 3 Tbs warm water + 1 Tbs lemon juice)
Steps (how to make gum paste):
Nius galėčiau išverst, nu bet ar mes galim Lt nusipirkt šitos gumos masės Gum Tragacanth ? Na rašo kad tai naturali guma - bekvapė, beskonė ir t.t, bet jei masė be jos neišeina ir mes Lt pirkt negalim, tai ar verta verst?
Siųsitės iš užsienio?
4 cups Confectioners' Sugar, sifted (reserve 1 cup for later)
1 Tablespoon Gum Tragacanth (or Gum Tex)
1 Tablespoon Liquid Glucose
4 Tablespoons Warm Water (or 3 Tbs warm water + 1 Tbs lemon juice)
Steps (how to make gum paste):
Nius galėčiau išverst, nu bet ar mes galim Lt nusipirkt šitos gumos masės Gum Tragacanth ? Na rašo kad tai naturali guma - bekvapė, beskonė ir t.t, bet jei masė be jos neišeina ir mes Lt pirkt negalim, tai ar verta verst?
Siųsitės iš užsienio?
QUOTE(mmergyte @ 2009 08 19, 16:46)
jei nenorit kad pradeciau keiktis,greit sakot kokio kietumo turi but pastilazas lipdymui..pasidariau,nu jau kietas..pastatau figura ir ispliursta dar dadedu pudros,ir taip tris kartus,sedziu dabar rami,kava geriu,o tas gaidys saldytuve sala
juokiausi iki asaru
Cipciuk noriu apie pastiliazo mase paklaust, ar is jos galima daryti gelytes ir ar tinka tortams dengti
o kai asingu puosi tai kiek suprantu su grietinele nedraugauja, nuciuos, o beze, jeigu aptepiau sonus grietinele nuciuoz ar ne? sorry uz tokius klausimus bet as dar tik mokausi
ir ten youtub kur pirma nuoroda daro rozes is kokios mases, nes kai as darau gelytes man ta mase truputi plysineja, o ten labai graziai tempiasi
Olesta , nu tu pavarai Tas stadionas ypac patiko, labai faina ideja
+2009 08 19, 18:28-->
As roziu nedaziau, daziau balta sokolada aplikacijai su americolor gel paste, viskas kuo puikiausiai gavosi
+2009 08 19, 18:28-->
QUOTE(spanguolia @ 2009 08 19, 18:28)
Mergaitės, gal kas dažėt rožes šokoladines? Kokiais dažais? Nes na rašo, kad americolor gel paste negalima dažyt šokolado
As roziu nedaziau, daziau balta sokolada aplikacijai su americolor gel paste, viskas kuo puikiausiai gavosi
Mergos, nu ir prajuokinot Jus mane su tuo pastilazu
kadangi recepta parasiau as, as dabar jauciuosi kalta. Kai kam sueina 500 gr. pudros, kai kam ir tiek neuztenka, as dedu paskutiniu metu apie 400 gr. Nors kai sildziau zelatina mikruskej uztekdavo ir 300 gr. Reiktu bea parasyt, kad recepta pataisytu.
Einu Jums nufotkinsiu pastilazo konsistencija
Tai va
Sita pastilaza dariau sekmadieni, pries 4 dienas. Laikau kambario temperaturoje maiselyje
Jis aisku buvo daug didesnis gabalas
Cia paminkiau
Cia geles padarytos is sito pastilazo
O cia gulbes is to paties pastilazo
Vajetau , nusisnekejau. Pastilaza dariau ketvirtadieni, pries savaite. Gi buvau nusprendusi dengti torta , ipyliau aliejaus, bet po to prisiminiau, kad turiu Minordijos baltos mases ir dengiau su ja.
Tai va. Kaip matos pastilazas ir su aliejum puikiai laiko forma
kadangi recepta parasiau as, as dabar jauciuosi kalta. Kai kam sueina 500 gr. pudros, kai kam ir tiek neuztenka, as dedu paskutiniu metu apie 400 gr. Nors kai sildziau zelatina mikruskej uztekdavo ir 300 gr. Reiktu bea parasyt, kad recepta pataisytu.
Einu Jums nufotkinsiu pastilazo konsistencija
Tai va
Sita pastilaza dariau sekmadieni, pries 4 dienas. Laikau kambario temperaturoje maiselyje
Jis aisku buvo daug didesnis gabalas
Cia paminkiau
Cia geles padarytos is sito pastilazo
O cia gulbes is to paties pastilazo
Vajetau , nusisnekejau. Pastilaza dariau ketvirtadieni, pries savaite. Gi buvau nusprendusi dengti torta , ipyliau aliejaus, bet po to prisiminiau, kad turiu Minordijos baltos mases ir dengiau su ja.
Tai va. Kaip matos pastilazas ir su aliejum puikiai laiko forma
Asseni o jau gelyciu grozis
As irgi esu pasidarius pastilazo nuo penktadienio,o kazin ar dabar galeciau ji nudazyti su gel paste
As irgi esu pasidarius pastilazo nuo penktadienio,o kazin ar dabar galeciau ji nudazyti su gel paste
QUOTE(akvii @ 2009 08 20, 00:10)
Asseni o jau gelyciu grozis
As irgi esu pasidarius pastilazo nuo penktadienio,o kazin ar dabar galeciau ji nudazyti su gel paste
As irgi esu pasidarius pastilazo nuo penktadienio,o kazin ar dabar galeciau ji nudazyti su gel paste
be problemu
Visada darau balta ir dazau gabaliukus pagal poreiki
Mergaites, dabar gaminu tortui dengti saldainiu mase. Jeigu norit, galiu nufotkint zingsnis po zingsnio
QUOTE(Asseni @ 2009 08 19, 22:12)
Mergaites, dabar gaminu tortui dengti saldainiu mase. Jeigu norit, galiu nufotkint zingsnis po zingsnio
tai aisku, kad norim, ir nuo rugsejo atidarykit kokia didziuju kepeju akademija, manau norinciu grupe tikrAI bus nemaza
QUOTE(Asseni @ 2009 08 20, 00:12)
be problemu
Visada darau balta ir dazau gabaliukus pagal poreiki
Mergaites, dabar gaminu tortui dengti saldainiu mase. Jeigu norit, galiu nufotkint zingsnis po zingsnio
Visada darau balta ir dazau gabaliukus pagal poreiki
Mergaites, dabar gaminu tortui dengti saldainiu mase. Jeigu norit, galiu nufotkint zingsnis po zingsnio
Zinoma kad norim as labai labai mokytis noriu sio meno