
Kaip papuošti tortus, pyragus ir kitus skanėstus

QUOTE(naitas @ 2009 08 19, 16:49)
Reikia recepto  bigsmile.gif , tos gum paste.

Ainu ieskot, gal protingose knygose rasiu biggrin.gif
QUOTE(Asseni @ 2009 08 19, 15:11)
Nu jau tu kaip istrauksi ka nors  lotuliukas.gif  lotuliukas.gif , tai nors griuk negyvas. Zinau, net kas ta torta dare. Rusaite is Novosibirsko Tanja (Brusnica)

kadangi pati dar nedrįstu lyst į jūsų daržą, tai nors darbo Jums užduodu... tongue.gif
taip, ten tos panos darbas... ax.gif
QUOTE(Lion @ 2009 08 19, 18:25)

labai labai ACIU notworthy.gif notworthy.gif notworthy.gif

Tik dabar laukt mb, kad nauja programa instaliuotu ir galesiu mokintis.
Gum Paste Recipe:

4 cups Confectioners' Sugar, sifted (reserve 1 cup for later)
1 Tablespoon Gum Tragacanth (or Gum Tex)
1 Tablespoon Liquid Glucose
4 Tablespoons Warm Water (or 3 Tbs warm water + 1 Tbs lemon juice)
Steps (how to make gum paste):

Pour the water in a large bowl and add gelatin (glucose) slowly.
Stir until gelatin is dissolved in the water. You may need to microwave 20-30 seconds or heat on the stove with a double-boiler to get glucose to melt.
Add confectioners' sugar and gum tragacanth.
Mix well.
You'll end up with a soft, sticky dough. Store dough in a well-sealed plastic bag at room temperature overnight (if possible) for it to set.
Knead in the remaining 1 cup of powdered sugar and it will become soft and pliable - no longer sticky. Add more powdered sugar if it continues to feel sticky.
Gum Paste Tips:

Store your gum paste recipe mixture in a large ziplock bag while working with smaller pieces of it (or keep in bowl and cover gum paste surface with a wet towel.) This will help keep it from forming a crust. If you DO get a crust, don't worry, knead in a little confectioners' sugar.

1 pound (about 4 cups) confectioners' (powdered) sugar
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin
1 tablespoon corn syrup

Put water in a saucepan. Sprinkle gelatin over the water. Let gelatin soak for about 5 minutes, until it starts to look foamy. Add corn syrup. Heat mixture over low heat, stirring slowly, until gelatin has dissolved and mixture is clear. Pour into bowl containing confectioners' sugar. Mix together until you can no longer mix; there will be quite a bit of sugar left in the bowl. Dump mix out onto confectioners' sugar dusted work surface (counter top, tabletop, etc). Knead until the mix no longer sticks to your hands.

Store resulting paste in a plastic bag, with all the air pressed out of it. This paste dries quickly, so keep any part you're not using covered. This mix makes very strong sugar pieces, but they can also be very brittle.

Another recipe for a similar paste calls for 1 tablespoon gum tragacanth instead of the gelatin and corn syrup. You should be able to substitute gelatin and corn syrup for gum tragacanth in any recipe.

Things You’ll Need:

* 1 Tablespoon glucose
* 3Tablespoons warm water
* 1 Tablespoon lemon juice
* 1 Tablespoon tragacanth gum
* 4 Cups Confectioner's sugar
* Large Mixing Bowl
* Microwave safe bowl or measuring cup
* Plastic bag with seal

Make Your Own Gum Paste
In a large bowl, mix one tablespoon of tragacanth gum into three cups of sifted confectioner’s sugar.
Carve out a hole in the middle of the mix, and set it aside.
In a microwave safe bowl or glass measuring cup, combine three tablespoons warm water, one tablespoon lemon juice, and one large tablespoon of glucose.
Heat glucose mixture in microwave on high for thirty seconds. Mixture should now be clear.
Pour glucose mixture into the hole in the center of the confectioner’s sugar mix.
Mix all the ingredients until well blended. The mixture should be very soft.
Store mixture in a tightly sealed plastic bag and let stand at room temperature for at least eight hours.
When you are ready to use the gum paste, knead one cup of confectioner’s sugar into the paste to soften and whiten the paste.
The gum paste is now ready to use.


QUOTE(salexa @ 2009 08 19, 17:03)
labai labai ACIU  notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif

Tik dabar laukt mb, kad nauja programa instaliuotu ir galesiu mokintis.

Programa kairems rankoms? g.gif hihihi.gif
QUOTE(Lion @ 2009 08 19, 19:04)

Programa kairems rankoms?  g.gif hihihi.gif

Aha hihihi.gif youtubas kazko nepasileidzia, reikia kazkokios naujos programos pas mane
QUOTE(salexa @ 2009 08 19, 17:06)
Aha  hihihi.gif  youtubas kazko nepasileidzia, reikia kazkokios naujos programos pas mane

Programoms diedai nereikalingi biggrin.gif Turbut truksta Adobe Flash player biggrin.gif
Šį pranešimą redagavo Lion: 19 rugpjūčio 2009 - 18:09
QUOTE(Lion @ 2009 08 19, 19:07)
Programoms diedai nereikalingi  biggrin.gif  Turbut truksta Adobe Flash player  biggrin.gif

vakar pasielido siandien jau nebe, einu ieskot
QUOTE(salexa @ 2009 08 19, 17:09)
vakar pasielido siandien jau nebe, einu ieskot

Pabandyk susiinstaliuot http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
QUOTE(Lion @ 2009 08 19, 20:04)
Gum Paste Recipe:

dėkui.. aš irgi ką tik iš youtubo... ten visuose receptuose turėtų dar būti po 4 kiaušinio baltymus bigsmile.gif
kažko ant vyriškų tortų patraukė smile.gif grąžinkit dešinią ranką, arba užsakykit iš surbotino atsarginę ax.gif pusbroliui naminiam vartojimui - tiesiog tortas su bananais
user posted image

ir va toks va, atseit stadionas iš snikerso blush2.gif
user posted image
Nu Olesta pavarai doh.gif biggrin.gif Eik tu sau - gražumėlis thumbup.gif Man stadionas čiki thumbup.gif O šiaip tai nesupyk, bet esi tortų kepimo agregatas (gerąja prasme) mirksiukas.gif

Mergaitės, gal kas dažėt rožes šokoladines? Kokiais dažais? Nes na rašo, kad americolor gel paste negalima dažyt šokolado g.gif help.gif help.gif help.gif
Šį pranešimą redagavo spanguolia :): 19 rugpjūčio 2009 - 19:39
QUOTE(Cipciukas @ 2009 08 19, 18:02)
mmergyte... lotuliukas.gif  lotuliukas.gif , gaidys ir nestovi , oi negaliu  lotuliukas.gif .....gi rašiau , ten ne 250 g. pudros , o 500 g. sueina ....reikėtų pataisyti receptą  g.gif .

as ir taip dariau is puses normos,turejau apie 300 gr cukraus pudros suejo visa,dar prisimaliau,sudas gavos doh.gif ai teik to negu pasala saldytuve,gal susiprotes kad reik stovet lotuliukas.gif lotuliukas.gif