
Dienos sentencijos, gražios, pamokančios.8 tema

Draugystė - degalai, kurių atsargos kada nors išsenka.

Kartais reikia atsidurti dugne, kad sužinotum, kaip iškilti, nudrožti gerą gabalą ne tuo keliu, kad sužinotum, kuris tikrasis.

S. Rushdie
"Draugė nepradeda laikytis dietos dėl to, kad tu per daug sveri. Draugas niekada nesupras vyro, kuris gimimo dieną žmonai dovanoja puodą. Draugė pasakys tau, kad matė tavo buvusį meilužį, net jeigu jis tapo kunigu." Erma Bombeck
Matysiu kaip mato visi, o mastysiu taip kaip nemasto niekas. - Tokia šiandien mano dienos sentencija.
Normal is:

1. Anything that makes us forget who we are and what we want; that way we can work in order to produce, reproduce, and earn money.

2. Setting out rules for waging war (the Geneva Convention).

3. Spending years studying at university only to find out at the end of it all that you're unemployable.

4. Working from nine till five every day at something that gives you no pleasure just so that, after thirty years, you can retire.

5. Retiring and discovering that you no longer have enough energy to enjoy life and dying a few years out of sheer boredom.

6. Using Botox.

7. Believing that power is much more important than money and that money is much more important than happiness.

8. Making fun of anyone who seeks happiness rather than money and accusing them of "lacking ambition."

9. Comparing objects like cars, houses, clothes, and defining life according to those comparisons, instead of trying to discover the real reason for being alive.

10. Never talking to strangers. Saying nasty things about the neighbors.

11. Believing that your parents are always right.

12. Getting married, having children, and staying together long after all love has died, saying that it's for the good of the children (who are, apparently, deaf to the constant rows).

13. Criticizing anyone who tries to be different.

14. Waking up each morning to a hysterical alarm clock on the bedside table.

15. Believing absolutely everything that appears in print.

16. Wearing a scrap of colored cloth around your neck, even though it serves no useful purpose, but which answers to the name of "tie."

17. Never asking a direct question, even though the other person can guess what it is you want to know.

18. Keeping a smile on your lips even when you're on the verge of tears. Feeling sorry for those who show their feelings.

19. Believing that art is either worth a fortune or worth nothing at all.

20. Despising anything that was easy to achieve because if no sacrifice was involved, it obviously isn't worth having.

21. Following fashion trends, however ridiculous or uncomfortable.

22. Believing that all famous people have tons of money saved up.

23. Investing a lot of time and money in external beauty and caring little about internal beauty.

24. Using every means possible to show that, although you're just an ordinary human being, you're far above other mortals.

25. Never looking anyone in the eye when you're traveling on public transport, in case it's interpreted as a sign that you're trying to get off with them.

26. Standing facing the door in an elevator and pretending you're the only person there, no matter how crowded it is.

27. Never laughing too loudly in a restaurant no matter how good the joke.

28. In the northern hemisphere, always dressing according to the season: bare arms in spring (however cold it is) and woolen jacket in winter (however hot it is).

29. In the southern hemisphere, covering the Christmas tree with fake snow even though winter has nothing to do with the birth of Christ.

30. Assuming, as you grow older, that you're the guardian of the world's wisdom, even if you haven't necessarily lived enough to know what's right and wrong.

31. Going to a charity tea party and thinking that you've done your bit toward putting an end to social inequity in the world.

32. Eating three times a day even if you're not hungry.

33. Believing that other people are always better than you--better-looking, more capable, richer, more intelligent--and that it's very dangerous to step outside your own limits, so it's best to do nothing.

34. Using your car as a weapon and impenetrable armor.

35. Swearing when in heavy traffic.

36. Believing everything your child does wrong is entirely down to the company he or she keeps.

37. Marrying the first person who offers you a decent position in society. Love can wait.

38. Always saying, "I tried" when you didn't really try at all.

39. Postponing doing the really interesting things in life for later, when you don't have the energy.

40. Avoiding depression with large daily doses of television.

41. Believing that you can be sure of everything you've achieved.

42. Assuming that women don't like football and that men aren't interested in home decorating and cooking.

43. Blaming the government for all the bad things that happen.

44. Thinking that being a good, decent, respectable person will mean that others will see you as weak, vulnerable, and easy to manipulate.

45. Being equally convinced that aggression and rudeness are synonymous with having a "powerful personality."

46. Being afraid of having an endoscopy (if you're a man) and giving birth (if you're a woman).

Paulo Coelho
Šį pranešimą redagavo Shalimar: 20 rugpjūčio 2009 - 14:06
Šypsena- tai pro tavo veido langą šviečianti šviesa, kuri sako žmonėms jog tavo širdis yra namie;)
Iš tiesų tas, kuris nebrangina gyvenimo, nėra jo vertas. Leonardas da Vinčis
Reikejo diaugtis kol turejai,dabar tuo dziaugesi kiti.
Kuo žmogus mažiau mąsto arba žino apie savo privalumus, tuo labiau mums patinka. — [R.V.Emersonas]
Taip,melagė..nes nevisi turi žinoti tiesą.. tongue.gif

Vyrai-kaip reklama-viskas kas jose sakoma,kelia abejones.

Tai,kad viesulai vadinami moteriškais vardais,liudija apie žmonijos pastabumą biggrin.gif

Kelias į moters širdį nebus toks ilgas, jei turėsi automobilį .

Girls are like apples.The best one are at the top of trees.The boys don't want to reach for the good ones,because they're afraid of falling and getting hurt.(Merginos,kaip obuoliai,geriausi pacioj virsunej,vaikinai nedrista(nenori) siekti,nes bijo nukristi ir susizeisti biggrin.gif )

Ko gerausia palinketi moteriai?
Kad turetu ka apsirengti ir pries ka nusirengti. lotuliukas.gif
„Draugai, kurie siekia tik naudos, tuoj išsiskiria, kai tik nebelieka naudos, nes juodu buvo draugai ne vienas kitam, o tik naudai.“
Neleisk, kad kas nors tau taptų viskuo, nes vieną dieną jam išėjus, tu nebeturėsi nieko verysad.gif
Manes daznai klausia, kodel as visada sypsausi. Nes man smagu gyventi. smile.gif
Matyti jus vienas malonumas, o nematyti - kitas. biggrin.gif
pasitaisau:"Reikejo dziaugtis kol turejai,dabar tuo dziaugiasi kiti."
pasitaisau:"Reikejo dziaugtis kol turejai,dabar tuo dziaugiasi kiti."
thumbup.gif thumbup.gif thumbup.gif thumbup.gif thumbup.gif
Šiandien tinkamiausia diena žengti pirmą žingsnį savo svajonės link!
Darius Čibonis

Mes neturime įprasti laukti įkvėpimo, kad imtumėmės veiksmų. Veiksmai visada pažadina įkvėpimą. Įkvėpimas retai pažadina veiksmus.
Frankas Tibolt
Sėkmės kelias – tai lyg bėgimas aukštyn žemyn važiuojančiu eskalatoriumi. Tu turi bėgti, nes jei eisi - tu stovėsi vietoje, jei sustosi – judėsi žemyn!
Anneloes Zuidervee
Pinigai - geras tarnas, bet blogas šeimininkas, taigi būkime šeimininkėmis. (Arabų patarlė )