Kalbam toliau
Labai gražiai supynei dukrai
QUOTE(pacankike @ 2009 05 20, 17:26)
Labai gražiai supynei dukrai
Aciu labai bet ne taip ten turejo but nieko kita karta iseis
Sukelsiu nuotraukytes
Labai grazios sukuosenos o mano mazoji is viso nesileidzia sukuojama.Didziule svente jei nereikia neikur eiti tada is viso nesisukuojs.
Whats life and what should we do in our whole lives? It has being a question down the ages. Just several days ago, a friend younger than me told me he was wondering what life was and did not know the goal of life.
His question also re-taught me something about life. In the past few days, I am always trying my best to forget something, because I think it is an effective way to keep
enthusiasm for life. Maybe there are some persons and some things that we think we can never forget but one day we finally find they are no longer in our memory.
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In my opinion, life is just akin to a train. There are always some people coming and some people leaving. We have no idea when they will come and when they will go. Some
persons promised they would stay with us to the end and we should know there is a chance that they may leave with no auspice. Confronted with this fact what should we do? Perhaps we will be sad but that is not what we should do. No matter what we do he or she wont come back. What we should do is to be happier and do what we should do.
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I once read an article about life and it says that life is just like dramatic. I also agree with it. In fact we are always playing a character of the dramatic. In the dramatic
of life no one can experience it with himself. In our own life we should be the leading role of ourselves.
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The idea of it varies form one person to another. For different persons, it has different meanings. But what we know is that life is very short and we should hold fast to it, treasure what we have and forget what does not belong to us. Only by this way, can we live a wonderful life.
P.S. I like the song one-way street of Wangfei, because I think the lyric explain life well. Maybe I can not express my ideas accurately because of my poor English but I also appreciate the opportunity to reflect on our life.
Reflection on life
His question also re-taught me something about life. In the past few days, I am always trying my best to forget something, because I think it is an effective way to keep
enthusiasm for life. Maybe there are some persons and some things that we think we can never forget but one day we finally find they are no longer in our memory.
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In my opinion, life is just akin to a train. There are always some people coming and some people leaving. We have no idea when they will come and when they will go. Some
persons promised they would stay with us to the end and we should know there is a chance that they may leave with no auspice. Confronted with this fact what should we do? Perhaps we will be sad but that is not what we should do. No matter what we do he or she wont come back. What we should do is to be happier and do what we should do.
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I once read an article about life and it says that life is just like dramatic. I also agree with it. In fact we are always playing a character of the dramatic. In the dramatic
of life no one can experience it with himself. In our own life we should be the leading role of ourselves.
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The idea of it varies form one person to another. For different persons, it has different meanings. But what we know is that life is very short and we should hold fast to it, treasure what we have and forget what does not belong to us. Only by this way, can we live a wonderful life.
P.S. I like the song one-way street of Wangfei, because I think the lyric explain life well. Maybe I can not express my ideas accurately because of my poor English but I also appreciate the opportunity to reflect on our life.
Reflection on life
QUOTE(jovana @ 2008 12 29, 12:14)
QUOTE(Balanda @ 2009 01 24, 15:57)
QUOTE(punk1212 @ 2009 05 21, 11:36)
Whats life and what should we do in our whole lives? It has being a question down the ages. Just several days ago, a friend younger than me told me he was wondering what life was and did not know the goal of life.
QUOTE(Dilma @ 2008 08 23, 22:56)
QUOTE(Dilma @ 2008 11 07, 16:54)
Vainikėlis išvirkčiai. Arba karūnėlė... Teisingiau, trys karūnėlės
- išvirkščiai
Tas pats vainikėlis, tik susuktas virvute
- išvirkščiai
Tas pats vainikėlis, tik susuktas virvute
super tikras grozis,reiks savajai kazka tokio ismaizgyt
Dilma, negaliu aš atsigrožėti tavo pynimais ir atsistebėti mergaitės kantrumu Ir iš kur tu išmokai taip gražiai pinti??
Man tie brėžiniai tokie sunkūs...
Man tie brėžiniai tokie sunkūs...
QUOTE(Pingvinukas @ 2009 05 21, 15:41)
Dilma, negaliu aš atsigrožėti tavo pynimais ir atsistebėti mergaitės kantrumu Ir iš kur tu išmokai taip gražiai pinti??
Man tie brėžiniai tokie sunkūs...
Man tie brėžiniai tokie sunkūs...
Iš kur išmokau? Niu taip ir išmokau, kai dukrą įsigijau . Kažkada, dar būdama paauglė, kankinau pusserę. Paskui mergaites darželyje, o dabar, va, saviškę . Tik atrodo, kad ji labai kantri - iš tiesų irgi ir sukasi ir judakruta - tiesiog tenka abiem pasistengti, kad gautumėm rezultatą