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There are a considerable number of people who swear by homeopathic remedies, and repeatedly and energetically assure me that it is an effective way to fight off all forms of influenza, which has to include a potential H1N1 pandemic. Therefore, I am now including a basic listing of the most popular homeopathic remedies for flu symptoms, but please note that it comes without personal recommendation as to its efficacy:
Aconitum napellus: For symptoms that come on very quickly and strongly especially at night along with fever and thirst alternating with chills.
Allium cepa: For when the eyes water and sting, along with frequent sneezing, sporadic cough and runny nose with irritation.
Apis mellifica: For fever which alternates between sweating and dry periods, flushing of the face, sore throat and swollen tonsils in conjunction with low thirst, pain in the ears and swollen eyelids.
Antimonium tart: For late night feelings of suffocation, mucous rattling in the lungs, strong frequent cough.
Arsenicum album: For exhaustion and chills as well as restlessness and anxiety, watery runny nose, frequent sneezing and dry cough. The head feels very warm while the body is chilled.
Baryta carbonica: For runny nose, swollen lymph nodes, tonsils, adenoids and lips.
Belladonna: For sudden and strong symptoms which can include fever, hot skin, flushed face and hypersensitivity to light as well as an inflamed sore throat, strong migraine, frequent cough and feeling of cold to the extremities.
Bryonia: For muscle aches, headache, frequent strong cough, stomach pains and a dry mouth with constant thirst.
Calcarea carb: For frequent, strong dry cough at night, blood expectoration, internal chest pain.
Calcarea phosphorica: For short and difficult breathing, dry cough, sighing breathing and hoarseness.
Carbo veg: For throat roughness and rawness accompained by pain, hoarseness, evening cough and mucous.
Causticum: For cough at night or caused by stooping and accompanied by hip pain, painful throat, rattling in the chest, feeling of lack of air when talking or walking.
Chamomilla: For tightness of breath, dry cough at night, wheezing and rattling in the chest, hoarseness and raw throat.
Dulcamara: For nasal congestion and facial pain especially if the individual has a history of allergies.
Eupatorium perforliatum: For profound pain in the bones of the back or legs, with pain in the eyeballs, feeling of excessive weight in the head, chills, thirst and fever.
Euphrasia: For inflamed teary eyes, bouts of sneezing, cough from phlegm collecting in the throat and clear nasal discharge.
Ferrum phosphoricum: For reddened cheeks, migraine, tiredness and fever along with frequent dry cough, powerful thirst and vomiting after meals.
Gelsemium: For gradual increase over a few days of fatigue and body pain symptoms with a feeling of heaviness in the face, chills, droopy eyes and headache that begins at the back of the head.
Hepar sulph. cal. : For rough, scraping cough, hoarseness, laryngitis-like symptoms.
Ipecacuanha: For severe suffocative cough which can cause vomiting, expectoration of blood or yellowish mucous, wheezing in the lungs and loss of breath during the slightest effort.
Kali bichromicum: For the later stages when it is hard to clear the throat from viscous stringy phlegm, strong coughing, and pain at the base of the nose.
Kali carb: For middle of the night coughing, hoarseness, sharp jabbing pains on the sides of the chest when breathing deeply.
Lycopodium: For forcible cough, especially at night or when breathing deeply, pressure and constriction of the chest.
Mercurius solubilis: For swollen lymph nodes, bad breath, tonsil or ear infection, sensitivity to temperature changes and sweating and drooling at night.
Natrum muriaticum: For migraine, attenuated sense of taste and smell, cold sores around the mouth, chapped or cracked lips and clear nasal mucous.
Nux vomica: For strong chills and nausea, digestive cramping, painful cough and forced breathing along with high fever, hypersensitivity to light, odours and sound.
Oscillococcinum (also called Anas barbariae): This one is generally regarded to be the number one product utilized for homeopathic flu remedies. It is widely used in Continental Europe, especially in France.
Phytolacca: For roughness and inflammation of the throat with dryness and soreness.
Phosphorus: For reddened face, dizzyness, weakness, migraine, sore throat with cough and a strong thirst followed by vomiting.
Pulsatilla: For thick, greenish yellow mucous, congestion and fever especially in the late evening and night.
Rhus toxicodendron: For fever with frequent cough, sore throat, inflamed tongue, nausea accompanied by bloating, soreness and stiffness in the bones, joints and muscles.
Rumex: For throat irriation, inability to cough up mucous, pains in the centre of the lung which may be accompanied by rawness and burning.
Spongia: For hoarseness with a feeling of burning or constriction in the throat, dry, frequent coughing, difficulty breathing, and chest weakness.
Sulphur: For long lasting or ongoing symptoms of a searing, hot origin with sweating.
Veratrum Album: For hollow, frequent cough, constricted throat, feeling of suffocation, lost or husky voice.