
Gal galite padeti iššifruoti šitokį raštą - niekaip nesuprantu:

o čia jo aprašymas anglų kalba, bet nors ir maždaug suprantu, kas čia parašyta, bet niekaip aprašymo prie rašto

(worked over a background of St st)
With a contrasting yarn or sewing thread, mark the sts and rows you want to smock. For example: every 6 sts and every 6 rows.
With RS facing and main yarn, work smock sts as for smocked ribbing.
Row 1 (RS) *K1, p3; rep from *, end k1.
Row 2 *P1, k3; rep from *, end p1.
Rep rows 1 and 2 for smocked ribbing.