QUOTE(Daddygirl @ 2009 03 27, 19:05)
kodel tik neg juros druska?
kiek suprantu, bet kokia kokybiska druska tiktu. s
"Mokslininkai yra nustatę, kad 5 proc. žmogaus organizmo sudaro mineralai ir mikroelementai. Jie būtini, kad vyktų normali medžiagų apykaita, aktyviai veiktų apsauginės organizmo funkcijos.
Druskos Negyvojoje jūroje yra apie 40 proc., todėl joje galima atsipalaidavus gulėti ant vandens ir ramiai skaityti laikraštį - nepaskęsi.
Negyvosios jūros mineralinėje druskoje yra magnio, kalio, kalcio, cinko, geležies, jodo druskos - net iki 45 mikroelementų, kurie teigiamai veikia sveikatą."
"Dead Sea Salt
Salts from the Dead Sea have been legendary for centuries for their therapeutic and beatifying properties on the skin. Nothing like regular sea salt, Dead Sea salts are comprised of a wide variety of minerals which are present in a high concentration. Whereas regular sea salts is made up of over 90% sodium, salt from the Dead Sea is only about 10% sodium and the rest is made of minerals which are essential for the proper function and health of skin. Such minerals include Magnesium, Potassium, Bromine and Calcium to name a few (please see the Dead Sea salt minerals chart Shop Dead Sea Bath Salts Online!
below for a more thorough listing of the salt's composition).
Unlike regular salt, Dead Sea salt is not edible and tastes a bit bitter to the taste primarily because of the low sodium content and the high presence of other minerals. This fact however gives it the therapeutic properties that have been raved about for centuries. The minerals present in the salt are also naturally present within skin cells but commonly get depleted which can cause severe dryness, wrinkle development and dull looking skin. When Dead Sea bath salts or products made with minerals extracted from the salt are used, the feed those essential minerals back into the skin cells improving the overall health and vitality of the skin.
Not only is Dead Sea salt much richer in minerals than regular sea slats, there is also a very high overall presence of salt in the sea and in fact the Dead Sea is the saltiest body of water in the world when compared to any other oceans, lakes and seas. It has been measured to contain over 10 times the amount of salt concentration than the Mediterranean Sea and 10 times that of the Great Salt Lake in Utah. This high salt content is actually the reason why it's called the Dead Sea - because no fish or plants can survive in the sea, even though the salts are very therapeutic for human skin. In fact the salt content is so high that if you go for a swim in the Dead Sea (which we highly recommend!) you will find that it is impossible to sink! This is truly a very weird and interesting experience - the high density of the salt actually keeps any human body afloat. Because of this rich presence of salt which contains so many essential minerals, people from all over the world travel to the Dead Sea to get relief from their skin ailments such as Psoriasis, Eczema and more. There are many spas and skin therapy centers located on the shores of the sea to take advantage of the healing powers of Dead Sea salt."
Tikiuosi dauguma skaito angliškai
Va kodėl negyvosios jūros druska o ne paprastos jūros druska
QUOTE(Daddygirl @ 2009 03 27, 19:05)
to Terrasil kremuko patys nebande?
o kodel galvoji, kad jis geras?
gal turi kokios papildomos info? nes siaip panasiu dalyku internete labai labai daug...
tokie tevai kaip mes, kaip zinia, kabinasi ir uz siaudo.. kai kam tai, akivaizdu, idealus pasipelnymo saltinis.
Terrasil nebandėm. E-bay jo galima gauti pigiau. Nemanau, kad yra panašių analogų į TERRASIL
Bent jau aš neradau. Visi interneto šarlatanai, kurie skelbiasi savo stebuklingais tepalais, kaip kad pvz. FREEDERM HC, nepasako, kad į jų sudėtį įeina hidrokortizonas
Trumpai, kas neskaito angliškai - TERRASIL pagamintas naudojant patentuotą tetrasidabro oksidą. Patentus patikrinom internete. Tikrai tetrasilver oxide yra patentuotas ir praėjęs laboratorinius saugumo testus bei gavęs ten tuos EPA leidimus. va:
The unique Restorative Mineral compound (described above) was approved by the EPA when tested for ocular (eye) toxicity, dermal (skin) toxicity and oral (swallowing) toxicity. The EPA gave our compound their highest safety rating and qualified it as the only antimicrobial (germ killing compound) in the EPA's 1996 Food Quality Protection Act.
O esmė, kad tipo tas sidabro oksidas jungiasi tik su patogeninėm ląstelėm. Su sveikom jis nesijungia. Va: "When Terrasil's minerals come into full contact with germs, these irritants are instantly "zapped."
During this chemical reaction, a small amount of oxygen is released. This nutrient-rich oxygen helps nourish the skin so it can heal inflammation and redness.In the final stage of this reaction, germs and other skin irritants die off, leaving skin that is healthy and calm."
Šiaip jį rekomenduoja naudoti nuo 2 metų. Nors, kaip kad jie sako - jokių pašalinių reakcijų, bet jeigu vaikui mažiau nei 2 metai, reikia pasikonsultuoti su gydytoju. Bet kadangi mūsų gydytojai tundros, tai ką ten su jais konsultuotis...