va instrukcijos kur presets deti
Place your .xmp (adobe camera raw) files here:
C:/Documents and Settings\Compac Administrator\Application
Data\Adobe\Camera Raw\Settings
After your .atn file is copied to the camera raw settings folder, load the presets in
camera raw. At the top right side of your camera raw window, under the histogram,
you will see a settings pull down menu. Using the small arrow to the left, then select
load settings. Select each .xmp file individually and click load. You must repeat this
step for each preset. Your ACR presets are now loaded. To select the preset during
workflow, use the settings pull-down menu to select which preset you would like to
view. Then use your mouse to scroll thru each setting as you decide which setting works
best for your photograph.
Place your .lrtemplate (lightroom) files here:
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\Application
Data\Adobe\Lightroom\develop settings
After your .lrtemplates are placed in the correct folder, you should see them in
lightroom under the presets palate.