QUOTE(Ledi @ 2010 01 27, 16:59)
as ir valgiau viduj su unguriu ir apkepta tesolje
man idomu kaip ta tesla ten padaryta?
ir koks ten kremas viduj dedamas ?
o tas kremas kaip vadinas? net nezinau kur ieskoti
prie kokiu produktu
bet ne majonezas o toks baltas baltas kremas:)
QUOTE(himalaia @ 2010 01 26, 10:27)
Neragavau, tačiau spėju, kad tai paprasta kepta tempuros tešla ir Philadelphia cream cheese. Tempurą pasigaminti nesunku, o kremą reikia tik nusipirkti
Esmė gaminant tempurą- naudoti labai šaltus produktus, net ir miltus geriau atšaldyti.
* 1 egg
* 1 cup ice water
* 1 cup all purpose flour
Beat an egg in a bowl. Add ice water in the bowl. Be sure to use very cold water. Add sifted flour in the bowl and mix lightly. Be careful not to overmix the batter. To check the temperature of frying oil, drop a little batter into the oil. If the batter comes up right away instead of sinking to the bottom of the pan, it's about 360 F degree. If the batter goes halfway to the bottom and comes up, it's about 340F degree. This is said to be the right temperature to fry tempura.
Prie pieno produktų ieškokit kremo.