QUOTE(Palomina @ 2009 02 28, 16:26)
atsiprasau, kad anglu kalba.
3 Tbsp Organic Honey
(as kaukems naudoju Manuka, kaip turinti ypatingai daug antibakteriniu savybiu, bet tiktu bet koks)
2 Tsp Fankincense gumos
2 Tsp Myrrh resin
1 Tsp Cinnamon already ground is okay, but fresh ground is the best.
Grind in a coffee grinder seperately and make sure they are all in powder form. Then combine together in a small bowl.
In a warm water bath, gently warm the honey so that its consistency is runny. do not overdo the honey, you just want it a nice runny consistency, you do not want it hot at all.
Mix ground herbs and honey together.
3 drops Frankencense
2 drops Myrrh
4 drops Lavender
3-4 drops chamomile.
Mix together thoroughly and put in sterile jar. Do not put your fingers in as it could contaminate the contents. Rather use a clean small spatula or a new popsicle stick.
Its a bit messy and sticky but it really draws out the crap and minimizes them. If you leave the pack on the area all day or night, you will really see results by the next day. If not, they'll be gone in a couple days.
You can also use this as a scrub once a week for oily skin.