

QUOTE(Hellga @ 2009 04 06, 22:16)
[/I]Plaisir - minkštas cinamonas ir šiltas pienas, taip galiu pasakyti dviem žodžiais. Man toks cinamonas - nuostabu, nes pvz. Organza Indecence - man per daug medienos, Tigras - irgi kažkas ne to.

Plaisir (malonumas) piramidė:
-apelsinas, rausvasis pamelas
- cinamonas
- vanilė, muskusas, pačiuliai

Aciu, Hellga! Progai pasitaikius kistelesiu nosi, nes man cinamonas patinka, o jei dar piene smile.gif
The Perfume Shrine raso:

Although restrictions have really gone over the edge and this is shared as a concern by all the perfumers with whom I have been in discussion, not everything is doom and gloom. In a previous interview with Sandrine Videault, when asked about it, she told me new perfumers have no great difficulty working with the palette proposed, as they do not feel restraint in not being able to use what they have not worked with before. The creativity will change. On top of that, small niche firms can continue to use questionable ingredients in higher ratios than those complied with by the bigger firms (provided they can still source the supplies, which is the main issue. To quote Tauer again: “The restrictions imposed by EU will kill many suppliers or essential oils and absolutes, as the longer the regulations remain, the more a burden. Thus, I am faced with a narrowing market for high quality essential oils”. Outlaw is like outlaw does! So the real problem is classics coming from big brands. But those have been already seriously altered, which is something we have been witnessing for decades now and reporting. Classics will remain a museum piece by their very evanescent nature; it’s inevitable, alas. In the words of Jean Claude Ellena who is taking the modernist approach (and who makes interesting perfumes with the questionable ingredients, such as Iso-E Super, at well-below recommended ratio, bless his heart) “we can’t build the future only on history”.

Pilnas straipsnis - The Perfume Shrine

Nerealiai depresuojantis straipsnis nurodantis "Brisiaus gala" itin geriems kvepalams -

Šį pranešimą redagavo JVana: 07 balandžio 2009 - 10:47
Jvana, įtariu, kad visus tuos kvepalus savo lagamine turi. Gera investicija 4u.gif
QUOTE(PaneleKiausiniene @ 2009 04 07, 10:35)
Jvana, įtariu, kad visus tuos kvepalus savo lagamine turi. Gera investicija  4u.gif

As be galo dziaugiuosi turedama nemaza dali isvardintu kvepalu 4u.gif

Galvoju kaip cia dar kelis nugriebus ir uzdarau pinigine ateinanciai sintetikai. Game is over.
QUOTE(JVana @ 2009 04 07, 09:39)
uzdarau pinigine ateinanciai sintetikai. Game is over.

Atsispausdink, isiremink ir ant sienos pasikabink. Paziuresim, kiek ilgai kabos lotuliukas.gif
Nowsmellthis komentaruose neseniai pasisake ir IFRA naujos pataisos klausimu bigsmile.gif :

I must begin by declaring my interest. I am the Director of Communications for IFRA. I have read this thread with interest and am delighted to see so many passionate people up in arms about the reduction in the perfumer’s pallette. We too at IFRA are not pleased that this pallette is shrinking. I feel it is important to explain the role of IFRA and its motivation. We care about fragrances. We love fragrances, both from an aesthetic and scientific point of view. IFRA was set up to defend the fragrance industry from unscientific regulation and to ensure that customers of fragrance compounds could use them confident in the knowledge that they would be safe for consumers.
IFRA Standards are global and our members represent approximately 90% of the global volume of fragrance compounds. Our membership consists of both large, medium and small companies. They use both natural and synthetic materials. Our aim is to ensure that the industry stays ahead of the regulatory curve. That we have the best science and are in the best position to defend our materials. Whether we like it or not fragrance is the second most popular allergen. However, the instances are declining thanks to the industry’s responsible behaviour in banning or restricting materials of concern. This trend must continue if the industry is to have a future.
It is true that our Standards can seem onerous and overly restrictive. However, if the fragrance industry did not take the lead and act responsibly by either banning or restricting materials of concern we would certainly be in a much worse position. The IFRA Code of Practice and system of Standards and the new Compliance Program go a long way to ensure that we are listened to by regulators around the world and that our Standards are included in official regulations for both fragrance materials, cosmetics and household products.
There are people in activist groups and positions of political influence who think that we do not need fragrance. That fragrance is an unneccessary ingredient in products and if there is any hint of a risk to people or the environment then all fragrances should be banned. Thanks to the Precautionary Principle, this approach has a legal framework in Europe and the US. It means in essence that if you cannot prove 100% that something is safe, then it should be banned. Fortunately for the fragrance industry they had the foresight to set up the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) in the 1960’s to carry out risk assessments for fragrance materials. Then in the 1970s they set up IFRA to implement the risk management via the IFRA Standards. For nearly 50 years the fragrance industry has been defending the perfumer’s pallette and ensuring the safe use of fragrance. We will continue to defend our industry based on sound science. It is a difficult battle and there are always tough choices that have to be made. As an example of what we face the EU Toys Directive, voted into law before Christmas, banned 13 of the list of 26 allergens from toys for purely political reasons. There is no scientific basis what-so-ever. Could it have been politics? Perhaps they wanted to be seen to be protecting the children of Europe before Christmas and the upcoming elections? I will leave it to you to decide. We don’t always win the battles, but we always fight them. To finish I would just like to point out that LaurieE is correct in his earlier posts regarding the purity.
Šį pranešimą redagavo JVana: 07 balandžio 2009 - 14:29
JVana, ačiū, labai daug įdomios ir naudingos informacijos surinkai.

O va čia gana įdomiai (mano nuomone, ir teisingai) apie pačią IFRA.

It may be that IFRA are worried about their future – it was recently announced
that a telephone survey of IFRA members is to be carried out during
September.2008 re: IFRA’s services & reputation. A research organisation which
actively defended the use of key perfumery ingredients, and operated a
risk/benefit policy with respect to the use of aroma materials might be more
useful to the industry, rather than present way of working (in Cropwatch’s humble
opinion, of course). By focusing solely on the adverse effects of individual
fragrance ingredients, and failure to defend key perfumery materials (citrus oils,
oakmoss extracts, coumarin etc) it is obvious to many that the bigbusiness/
synthetic ingredients agenda predominates IFRA’s sympathies. IFRA
have no policy on natural perfumery, the art of which IFRA (inadvertently
perhaps) have made almost impossible to pursue. Overall we believe that many
in the perfumery sector perceive IFRA as actually being ‘anti-fragrance’ and to
be ‘killing the goose that laid the golden egg’.
Merginos o kaip jums AGENT PROVOCATEUR Maitresse Gold Edition?Gal kuri apibudintumete.
Gal kas žino ar yra pas mus Clinique Aromatics Elixir ?
Galiu,aišku ir pati paieškot,bet dega.
QUOTE(micek @ 2009 04 08, 12:36)
Gal kas žino ar yra pas mus Clinique Aromatics Elixir ?
Galiu,aišku ir pati paieškot,bet dega.

Mačiau juos Akropolio Douglas'e, atskiram stende iškeltus (jei nerasit, reiktų pasiteirauti konsultantės) 4u.gif
QUOTE(Pagalve @ 2009 04 08, 10:40)
Mačiau juos Akropolio Douglas'e, atskiram stende iškeltus (jei nerasit, reiktų pasiteirauti konsultantės)  4u.gif

Dėkoju labai. smile.gif

Buvau Laisvej, ikisau nosi i Le Diana.
Ir ka-stovi grazuoles Lauros B.-
Roma. Donna, Due...
Magie Noire , Dune ir t.t.
Gerai, kad piniginej svilpavo vejai cool.gif Prisipurskiau ant ranku, ant lapuku,
ir jauciu, kad neatsilaikysiu, ir mano taupymo programos subyres smile.gif