
Kinų virtuvė

QUOTE(Laimuske @ 2010 01 11, 10:02)
Na bent jau maximoj ar rimi tai tikrai nesu tokio pastebejus. Kazkaip visada matau tik lietuviskus  biggrin.gif

kinietiškų produktų lentynoje žiūrėjai?
QUOTE(naaringiux @ 2010 01 11, 13:07)
kinietiškų produktų lentynoje žiūrėjai?

Kažkaip dėmesio neatkreipiau ax.gif
QUOTE(domcius @ 2009 12 01, 14:27)
Mergaitės, gal katra žinot, kur galima gauti saldaus sojų padažo??
Atrodo paprastas dalykas, bet niekur nerandu.. schmoll.gif

As netycia nusipirkau vietoj paprasto suraus Hyper RIMI, bet ant jo neparasyta kad saldus, o sudety cukrus nurodytas. Gamintojas HEINZ "Soja sauce",prepared to the original recipe. Siaip skonis labai geras, man isvis HEINZ produkcija patinka. Ti ka gaminsite su tuo padazu? As niekaip nesugalvoju kaip cia ji utilizuoti..
Turiu vieną tokį klausimuką. Gal kas žinot kaip pas kiniečius su desertais? Kas yra įdomesnio? Kažkaip neteko nei gaminti nei ragauti. Ir internete receptų labai skurdžiai.

Jei kas turi kokį gerą receptuką būčiau labai dėkinga jei pasidalintumėt 4u.gif
Fortune Cookies I (Laimes sausainukai)


* 1 egg white
* 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1 pinch salt
* 1/4 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
* 1/4 cup white sugar


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Butter a cookie sheet. Write fortunes on strips of paper about 4 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. Generously grease 2 cookie sheets.
2. Mix the egg white and vanilla until foamy but not stiff. Sift the flour, salt, and sugar and blend into the egg white mixture.
3. Place teaspoonfuls of the batter at least 4 inches apart on one of the prepared cookie sheets. Tilt the sheet to move the batter into round shapes about 3 inches in diameter. Be careful to make batter as round and even as possible. Do not make too many, because the cookie have to be really hot to form them and once they cool it is too late. Start with 2 or 3 to a sheet and see how many you can do.
4. Bake for 5 minutes or until cookie has turned a golden color 1/2 inch wide around the outer edge of the circle. The center will remain pale. While one sheet is baking, prepare the other.
5. Remove from oven and quickly move cookie with a wide spatula and place upside down on a wooden board. Quickly place the fortune on the cookie, close to the middle and fold the cookie in half. Place the folded edge across the rim of a measuring cup and pull the pointed edges down, one on the inside of the cup and one on the outside. Place folded cookies into the cups of a muffin tin or egg carton to hold their shape until firm.

Pas mus vėl vakarienė buvo - beveik iš kiniečių virtuvės ax.gif

Kiauliena su daržovėmis ir ryžiais.
Receptukas čia:
Gal žinot kaip iš Čili Kinijos pasigaminti Gong Bao su vištiena ir žemės riešutais, bei aštriu padažu? Labai norėtusi namuose pasigamint doh.gif thumbup.gif
Šį pranešimą redagavo W*S:*: 16 vasario 2010 - 23:02
QUOTE(W*S:* @ 2010 02 17, 00:02)
Gal žinot kaip iš Čili Kinijos pasigaminti Gong Bao su vištiena ir žemės riešutais, bei aštriu padažu? Labai norėtusi namuose pasigamint doh.gif  thumbup.gif

Gong Bao Ji Ding
(Diced Chicken With Peanuts)

3/4 pounds boneless, skinless, chicken breast, cut into bite size pieces
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons white cooking wine
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1/4 cup shelled raw peanuts
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in 1/4 cup chicken broth or water
4 whole dried red chilies, stems and seeds removed
2 green onions, sliced into 1-inch pieces
2 tablespoons minced ginger
1 tablespoon minced garlic

1. Season the chicken with 1 tablespoon of the soy sauce, and all of the salt
and wine. Sprinkle with the dry cornstarch and mix well.

2. Steep the peanuts for 30 minutes in lukewarm water. Remove the skins and
stir-fry them in 2 tablespoons of oil until brown and crisp. Remove.

3. Combine the remaining soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, and cornstarch paste to
make a sauce.

4. Pour the remaining oil into the wok and heat until near smoking. Add the
chilies, and after they have started to brown, add the chicken and stir-fry
until cooked.

5. Add the onion, ginger, and garlic and stir-fry for 30 seconds.

6. Stir in the sauce, add the peanuts, and stir-fry for a few seconds.

Gal šitas, jei angliškai skaitot ax.gif
Skaitom, dėkui. Bandysim blush2.gif 4u.gif
bandziau traskia vistiena ir su bulviu krakmolu ir kukuruzu, galiu pasakyti kad su kukuruzu ji traskesne buna, na bent man skaniau smile.gif
As papratai volioju i labai gerai isplakta baltyma, krakmola ir i labai ikaitinta alieju dedu.
O kukuruzu krakmolo pirkau Kaune, Molo maximoj, jei ne pardaveja, nebuciau pastebejus, nes ant ju pakuotes didziulis keksas nupiestas biggrin.gif
Ieskau ryziu makaronu (rice noodles), maximoje nera, lur dar galima rasti? Veiksmas Kaune 4u.gif
Radau žuvies baklažanu skonio recepta.
Būtų labai šaunu, jei kas jį ir išverstų tiksliai. Nes receptukas toks, kad improvizuoti neiseina ax.gif

Yuxiang Qiezi is one of my favorite Sichuan dishes. It is delicious fresh from the wok, but also works well after it has sat overnight. The flavors of ginger and peppers penetrate the eggplant, and make a wonderful salad or topping for bread.

“Fish flavor sauce” contains no fish. The story goes that long ago chefs made a fish topped with a red pepper sauce. During times when fish was too expensive or scarce, people began to cook other ingredients but use the same sauce. Because of its original association with the fish dish, the sauce became know as “fish flavor sauce.”

* Eggplant- preferably the long, thin Japanese type (450 g)
* Pickled red peppers, seeds removed (50 g)
* Ginger (10 g)
* Garlic (20 g)eggplant
* Chinese scallions (30 g)
* Stock (200 g)*
* Soy sauce (20 g)*
* Salt (5 g)*
* Vinegar (30 g)*
* Sugar (30 g)*
* Gourmet powder (1 g)*
* Wet starch (20 g)*
* Sesame oil (5 g)*
* Oil (150 g)


1. Split the eggplant lengthwise into quarter. Cut quarters into approximately 6 cm pieces. (Don’t cut the eggplant too small as it shrinks during cooking.)
2. Peel ginger and cut into small grains.
3. Mince garlic.
4. Finely dice scallion. (For “fish flavor,” the sauce should be 1 part ginger to 1 part garlic to 3 parts scallion.)
5. Mince pickled peppers.


1. Eggplant option 1: Deep fry eggplant until lightly yellow. (This option will result in a much oilier dish.) Eggplant option 2: Saute eggplant in a small amount of oil until no longer white and reduced in size. Set eggplant aside.
2. Season wok and heat oil.
3. Add pickled pepper. (The pickled pepper is watery so stir it until the water steams out and the oil is red.)
4. Add garlic and ginger. Stir and cook until fragrant.
5. Add warm stock.
6. Remove from heat. Add eggplant, soy sauce (very little- it is just for color), sugar (the sauce should be sweet), and vinegar.
7. Return to heat and stew eggplant until very soft.
8. Remove from heat and taste sauce. Adjust as necessary.
9. Add wet starch (some dry from bottom of bowl mixed with some liquid from top of bowl). Return to heat and cook until thickened.
10. Add gourmet powder, scallion and a little sesame oil.
11. Briefly return to heat and stir well.

QUOTE(Viltuke84 @ 2010 02 18, 17:22)
Ieskau ryziu makaronu (rice noodles), maximoje nera, lur dar galima rasti? Veiksmas Kaune  4u.gif

Ryziu makaronu yra IKI ir Maximos parduotuvese kinisko maisto stenduose 4u.gif