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Improvement of vitiligo after oral treatment with vitamin B12 and folic acid and the importance of sun exposure.
Juhlin L, Olsson MJ.
Department of Dermatology, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden.
The aim of this 2-year study was to test the hypothesis that folic acid, vitamin B12 and sun exposure could be helpful in treating vitiligo. One hundred patients with vitiligo were treated with oral folic acid and vitamin B12 after being informed that sun exposure might enhance repigmentation. They were requested to keep a record of sun exposure in summer and UVB irradiation in winter. The minimal treatment time suggested was 3-6 months but should be longer if improvement was achieved. Clear repigmentation occurred in 52 patients, including 37 who exposed their skin to summer sun and 6 who used UVB lamps in winter. Repigmentation was most evident on sun-exposed areas, where 38% of the patients had previously noted repigmentation during summer months. Total repigmentation was seen in 6 patients. The spread of vitiligo stopped in 64% of the patients after treatment. Folic acid and vitamin B12 supplementation combined with sun exposure can induce repigmentation better than either the vitamins or sun exposure alone. Treatment should continue as long as the white areas continue to repigment. Further studies are needed to determine ideal minimal dosages of vitamins and UV exposure, as well as treatment time.
Atsiprasau, kad angliskai, pabandysiu paverst:
Vitiligo gydymas B12 vitaminais ir foline rugstimi. Saules spinduliu svarba.
Buvo atliktas dviejus metus trukes tyrimas, kurios tikslas - irodyti, kad foline rugstis ir B12 vitaminas bei saules spinduliai gali buti naudinti gydant vitiligo. 100 pacientu buvo gydomi geriama foline rugstimi ir B12 vitaminiais. Jie taip pat buvo imformuoti apie tai, kad buvimas sauleje gali paskatinti repigmentacija. Pacientu buvo prasoma registruoti, kai laiko praleido sauleje vasara ar UVB spinduliuose ziema. Minimalus gydymo kursas - 3-6 men, taciau su galimybe pratest, esant geriems rezultatams. 52 pacientai pamate akivaizdzius repigmentacijos rezultatus - 37 is ju vasara deginosi sauleje, o 6 naudojo UVB lempas ziema. Daugiausiai atsistate tos vietos, kurios buvo veikiamos saules spinduliu - dar vasara 38 procentai pacientu pastebejo repigmentacija. Visiskai pasveiko 6 pacientai.64 procentams pacientu po gydymo nustojo plisti demes. Geresni rezultatai pasiekimi naudojant kartu foline rugsti, vitamina B12 ir saules spindulius, nei vartojant tik vitaminus ar saules spindulius. Gydymas turi buti tesiamas, kol matoma baltmiu repigmentacija. Reikia atlikti tolesnius tyrimus, siekiant issiaiskinti idealias vitaminu ir UV spinduliu dozes, bei gydymo laika.
geras straipsniukas, bet kur ta saule gauti, tai eiti i soliariumus? Ir kas lietuvoj istirs kokios dozes reikia vitaminu