QUOTE(Jofky @ 2012 01 12, 09:10)
Tai perskaityk
Some of our accommodation providers charge different rates for different nationalities staying at their hotel particularly if you are a citizen of the country in which you wish to stay. In most circumstances this does not apply to an EU resident travelling to a different country within the EU. Please note this does not affect UK or Irish citizens. If you think this may affect your booking, please ask our Customer Service team to confirm your booking will be accepted by the hotel, as resolution once you are abroad will be very difficult.
O čia jų visos sąlygos
Mano užsakymą atšaukė pagal šį straipsnį www.go-there.co.uk
The suppliers reserve the right to charge extra or cancel the booking of non-UK residents. The prices shown on this website are set at tourist rate and are applicable to UK residents and some members of the EU. Some hotels will only accept bookings from UK passport holders and some non-EU countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Morocco & Tunisia don't allow certain nationalities (Russian, Ukraine and nationals of that country) to book at the tourist rate and if your booking is processed you may be asked to pay a supplement once in resort or your booking may be refused. We and the hotels UK agent have the right to refuse any booking but where a client has made a booking and tried to ignore these conditions a 95% refund (minus any cancellation cost imposed by the hotels or its agent) will only be made. The 5% will be used to cover our cost and charges made by our bank. If we request verification of nationality you must respond within 12 hours or the booking will aotomatically be cancelled. Having stated this we do take many bookings from overseas clients without any problems whatsoever but if unsure then please email james@tltg.co.uk stating the country you wish to visit and the nationality of all guest and we will give you a quick answer. We would recommend that all overseas bookings are paid for in full at time of booking unless you pay in GB Pounds (see 4b).
Some of our accommodation providers charge different rates for different nationalities staying at their hotel particularly if you are a citizen of the country in which you wish to stay. In most circumstances this does not apply to an EU resident travelling to a different country within the EU. Please note this does not affect UK or Irish citizens. If you think this may affect your booking, please ask our Customer Service team to confirm your booking will be accepted by the hotel, as resolution once you are abroad will be very difficult.
O čia jų visos sąlygos
Mano užsakymą atšaukė pagal šį straipsnį www.go-there.co.uk
The suppliers reserve the right to charge extra or cancel the booking of non-UK residents. The prices shown on this website are set at tourist rate and are applicable to UK residents and some members of the EU. Some hotels will only accept bookings from UK passport holders and some non-EU countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Morocco & Tunisia don't allow certain nationalities (Russian, Ukraine and nationals of that country) to book at the tourist rate and if your booking is processed you may be asked to pay a supplement once in resort or your booking may be refused. We and the hotels UK agent have the right to refuse any booking but where a client has made a booking and tried to ignore these conditions a 95% refund (minus any cancellation cost imposed by the hotels or its agent) will only be made. The 5% will be used to cover our cost and charges made by our bank. If we request verification of nationality you must respond within 12 hours or the booking will aotomatically be cancelled. Having stated this we do take many bookings from overseas clients without any problems whatsoever but if unsure then please email james@tltg.co.uk stating the country you wish to visit and the nationality of all guest and we will give you a quick answer. We would recommend that all overseas bookings are paid for in full at time of booking unless you pay in GB Pounds (see 4b).
Tai pas www.go-there.co.uk aiškiai parašyta. O pas alpharooms neaiškiai O pas TravelRepublic dar neaiškiau.
Būdamas ES pilietis, rezervuodamas viešbutį kitoje ES šalyje per trečios ES šalies rezervacinę sistemą nesitikiu būti diskriminuojamas. Taip ir parašysiu Travel Republic'ui, kai tik refundins depozitą Aišku, tai nieko nepakeis, bet bent jau pyktį išliesiu
QUOTE(racke @ 2012 01 12, 08:57)
Bijau sumeluoti, bet ar kartais ne iš čia pernai kažkam atšaukė rezervaciją motyvuodami tuo, kad esate ne UK pilietis
Aš antrą kartą užsisakinėjau iš čia quickrooms.com
Pernai dar asmeniškai klausiau ar nebus problemų atsiskaitant lietuviška kortele. Viskas praėjo sklandžiai. Šiais metais ir vėl viešbutukus išsirinkau iš šio puslapio
Aš antrą kartą užsisakinėjau iš čia quickrooms.com
Pernai dar asmeniškai klausiau ar nebus problemų atsiskaitant lietuviška kortele. Viskas praėjo sklandžiai. Šiais metais ir vėl viešbutukus išsirinkau iš šio puslapio
QUOTE(Aukštaitė @ 2012 01 12, 09:07)
Esam pries gerus 6-7 metus uzsakineje siame puslapyje, na tada tikrai viskas vyko sklandziai, ka uzsisakem ta ir gavom. Buvo pas juos metas kai is LT neleisdavo uzsakineti (kitaip sakant LT kaip sali atmesdavo). Dabar jau vel leidzia.
Esam pries gerus 6-7 metus uzsakineje siame puslapyje, na tada tikrai viskas vyko sklandziai, ka uzsisakem ta ir gavom. Buvo pas juos metas kai is LT neleisdavo uzsakineti (kitaip sakant LT kaip sali atmesdavo). Dabar jau vel leidzia.
Ačiū už nuomones.
Hmmm, kuriam dabar bandyti Štai kur klausimas.