As be tos geltonos dar emiau beige fairly light ir beige sandy fair. Tai kol kas isbandziau tik fairly light. Tinka visai, nes dabar kazkiek idegus esu, o tas sandy fair manau turetu tikt saltuoju metu laiku, kai idegis isnyks O ta golden fair manau normaliau atrodys uz mano golden fawn, ji tokia tamsesne atrodo ir ne tokia geltona
QUOTE(Redgrape @ 2008 08 19, 11:37)
As be tos geltonos dar emiau beige fairly light ir beige sandy fair. Tai kol kas isbandziau tik fairly light. Tinka visai, nes dabar kazkiek idegus esu, o tas sandy fair manau turetu tikt saltuoju metu laiku, kai idegis isnyks O ta golden fair manau normaliau atrodys uz mano golden fawn, ji tokia tamsesne atrodo ir ne tokia geltona
na ekrane tai man irgi golden fair visai pusetinai atrodo, laukiu nesulaukiu kol galesiu isbandyt. bet vat labai domina kas tas buff ir olive undertones- niekaip nesuprantu
o beje labai domino ir beige sandy fair- ji tokia ekrane naturali atrodo- ar tikrai grazi spalva ir realybej? ne oranzine? ir ne ruzava? situ dvieju spalvu negaliu pernest, jau geriau tada geltona
QUOTE(illiusion81 @ 2008 08 19, 10:46)
na ekrane tai man irgi golden fair visai pusetinai atrodo, laukiu nesulaukiu kol galesiu isbandyt. bet vat labai domina kas tas buff ir olive undertones- niekaip nesuprantu
o beje labai domino ir beige sandy fair- ji tokia ekrane naturali atrodo- ar tikrai grazi spalva ir realybej? ne oranzine? ir ne ruzava? situ dvieju spalvu negaliu pernest, jau geriau tada geltona
o beje labai domino ir beige sandy fair- ji tokia ekrane naturali atrodo- ar tikrai grazi spalva ir realybej? ne oranzine? ir ne ruzava? situ dvieju spalvu negaliu pernest, jau geriau tada geltona
Nea, nei oranzine nei ruzava Tokia neutrali sviesi Mano nuomone olive yra atspalviai siek tiek tamsesnei odai, o del buff, tai nzn
Va radau toki nemaza aprasyma apie olive skin
If your complexion is slightly beige with yellow undertones and you look good in warm colours like yellow, orange and warm brown, chances are you have olive skin. Olive skin is a great asset, because it tends to hide blemishes well, and is fairly resilient, however you need to find the best skin products to ensure you look after your skin.
Still, the more you learn about your olive skin, the better you'll be able to take care of it, and keep it looking great for years!
Olive skin is found on people from lots of different ethnic backgrounds. People with olive skin may come from Mediterranean countries like Italy, the South of France, Turkey, or Spain; from Mid-European countries like Belgium, France, Latvia, Estonia or Germany; or Scandinavian countries like Norway, Finland, or Russia. People with olive skin can have blue, green or brown eyes, and will have anything from dark blond to black hair.
If you have olive skin, you'll find that your skin hides blemishes well, and that when you're out in the sun, you'll tan well and readily. This doesn't mean that prolonged sun exposure doesn't pose a health threat to you, just that since your flesh contains more melanin it's better able to protect itself from the most harmful rays. You'll also have slightly larger pores than those with very fair complextions, and will be less likely to have a problem with dryness. Your flesh tends to age well, forming fewer wrinkles than your fairer counterparts, but the wrinkles formed will be deeper. Your thicker dermis and subcutis also mean that you are at more of a risk for sagging and jowls in later life.
O apie buff radau, jog yra panasi i beige, tik sviesesnio pilkesnio atspalvio
If your complexion is slightly beige with yellow undertones and you look good in warm colours like yellow, orange and warm brown, chances are you have olive skin. Olive skin is a great asset, because it tends to hide blemishes well, and is fairly resilient, however you need to find the best skin products to ensure you look after your skin.
Still, the more you learn about your olive skin, the better you'll be able to take care of it, and keep it looking great for years!
Olive skin is found on people from lots of different ethnic backgrounds. People with olive skin may come from Mediterranean countries like Italy, the South of France, Turkey, or Spain; from Mid-European countries like Belgium, France, Latvia, Estonia or Germany; or Scandinavian countries like Norway, Finland, or Russia. People with olive skin can have blue, green or brown eyes, and will have anything from dark blond to black hair.
If you have olive skin, you'll find that your skin hides blemishes well, and that when you're out in the sun, you'll tan well and readily. This doesn't mean that prolonged sun exposure doesn't pose a health threat to you, just that since your flesh contains more melanin it's better able to protect itself from the most harmful rays. You'll also have slightly larger pores than those with very fair complextions, and will be less likely to have a problem with dryness. Your flesh tends to age well, forming fewer wrinkles than your fairer counterparts, but the wrinkles formed will be deeper. Your thicker dermis and subcutis also mean that you are at more of a risk for sagging and jowls in later life.
O apie buff radau, jog yra panasi i beige, tik sviesesnio pilkesnio atspalvio
QUOTE(Redgrape @ 2008 08 19, 13:37)
Va radau toki nemaza aprasyma apie olive skin
If your complexion is slightly beige with yellow undertones and you look good in warm colours like yellow, orange and warm brown, chances are you have olive skin. Olive skin is a great asset, because it tends to hide blemishes well, and is fairly resilient, however you need to find the best skin products to ensure you look after your skin.
Still, the more you learn about your olive skin, the better you'll be able to take care of it, and keep it looking great for years!
Olive skin is found on people from lots of different ethnic backgrounds. People with olive skin may come from Mediterranean countries like Italy, the South of France, Turkey, or Spain; from Mid-European countries like Belgium, France, Latvia, Estonia or Germany; or Scandinavian countries like Norway, Finland, or Russia. People with olive skin can have blue, green or brown eyes, and will have anything from dark blond to black hair.
If you have olive skin, you'll find that your skin hides blemishes well, and that when you're out in the sun, you'll tan well and readily. This doesn't mean that prolonged sun exposure doesn't pose a health threat to you, just that since your flesh contains more melanin it's better able to protect itself from the most harmful rays. You'll also have slightly larger pores than those with very fair complextions, and will be less likely to have a problem with dryness. Your flesh tends to age well, forming fewer wrinkles than your fairer counterparts, but the wrinkles formed will be deeper. Your thicker dermis and subcutis also mean that you are at more of a risk for sagging and jowls in later life.
O apie buff radau, jog yra panasi i beige, tik sviesesnio pilkesnio atspalvio
If your complexion is slightly beige with yellow undertones and you look good in warm colours like yellow, orange and warm brown, chances are you have olive skin. Olive skin is a great asset, because it tends to hide blemishes well, and is fairly resilient, however you need to find the best skin products to ensure you look after your skin.
Still, the more you learn about your olive skin, the better you'll be able to take care of it, and keep it looking great for years!
Olive skin is found on people from lots of different ethnic backgrounds. People with olive skin may come from Mediterranean countries like Italy, the South of France, Turkey, or Spain; from Mid-European countries like Belgium, France, Latvia, Estonia or Germany; or Scandinavian countries like Norway, Finland, or Russia. People with olive skin can have blue, green or brown eyes, and will have anything from dark blond to black hair.
If you have olive skin, you'll find that your skin hides blemishes well, and that when you're out in the sun, you'll tan well and readily. This doesn't mean that prolonged sun exposure doesn't pose a health threat to you, just that since your flesh contains more melanin it's better able to protect itself from the most harmful rays. You'll also have slightly larger pores than those with very fair complextions, and will be less likely to have a problem with dryness. Your flesh tends to age well, forming fewer wrinkles than your fairer counterparts, but the wrinkles formed will be deeper. Your thicker dermis and subcutis also mean that you are at more of a risk for sagging and jowls in later life.
O apie buff radau, jog yra panasi i beige, tik sviesesnio pilkesnio atspalvio
aciu labai vat is buff to ir tikiuos kad pilkesne bus nei beige, bet galvoju gal ir beige nebloga butu reik sulaukt savo siuntinio ir tada jau bandysiu. nors is "olive" aprasymo man irgi viskas tinka tik kazkaip oranziniai ar geltonai apsirengusios saves neisivaizduoju
As laukiu laukiu siuntinuko BE jau net uzmirsau kokias spalvas pasirinkau..belaukdama ir idegi praradau bus grazu kai gausiu sitaip laukta siuntinuka ir netiks spalva
QUOTE(Renatata @ 2008 08 20, 13:36)
As laukiu laukiu siuntinuko BE jau net uzmirsau kokias spalvas pasirinkau..belaukdama ir idegi praradau bus grazu kai gausiu sitaip laukta siuntinuka ir netiks spalva
as tai uztai specialiai ziemines spalvas uzsisakinejau bent jau taip manau- nors gal kai atskris tai dar per tamsios bus
siaip tai pasitamsint labai lengvai galima su bronzantais ivairiais, o vat jau per tamsios pudros tai nepasviesinsi
na imanoma siek tiek ir tamsia pasviesint, tam labai man tinka gurlean, uzstrigo rasyba meteorai..mane jie truputuka nusviesina tai padeda..
Labas, merginos!
viena ausim teko girdeti apie mineraline kosmetika, jusu diskusijas perskaiciau.
Ar gali kuri sugaist laiko ir man vis info surasyt? Kur ziuret del uzsakymo? Koks ten dar filmukas besitepliojant? Kiek moket uz parsiuntima? ir koks pagaliau cia efektas, kad taip giriat??? Turiu ant savo skruostu likusias nuo spuogu demes. Tepu balinanciais kremais, pudruotu, teplioju, bet vis tiek siek tiek matosi. Gal sios kosmetikos deka veidukas pasidengia lygiu kaip pas moenkenes pudros sluoksniu?
Aciukas uz info. Tikiuosi atrasysit ir as dar su jumis konsultuosiuos
viena ausim teko girdeti apie mineraline kosmetika, jusu diskusijas perskaiciau.
Ar gali kuri sugaist laiko ir man vis info surasyt? Kur ziuret del uzsakymo? Koks ten dar filmukas besitepliojant? Kiek moket uz parsiuntima? ir koks pagaliau cia efektas, kad taip giriat??? Turiu ant savo skruostu likusias nuo spuogu demes. Tepu balinanciais kremais, pudruotu, teplioju, bet vis tiek siek tiek matosi. Gal sios kosmetikos deka veidukas pasidengia lygiu kaip pas moenkenes pudros sluoksniu?
Aciukas uz info. Tikiuosi atrasysit ir as dar su jumis konsultuosiuos
QUOTE(Faustikas @ 2008 08 21, 11:05)
Labas, merginos!
viena ausim teko girdeti apie mineraline kosmetika, jusu diskusijas perskaiciau.
Ar gali kuri sugaist laiko ir man vis info surasyt? Kur ziuret del uzsakymo? Koks ten dar filmukas besitepliojant? Kiek moket uz parsiuntima? ir koks pagaliau cia efektas, kad taip giriat??? Turiu ant savo skruostu likusias nuo spuogu demes. Tepu balinanciais kremais, pudruotu, teplioju, bet vis tiek siek tiek matosi. Gal sios kosmetikos deka veidukas pasidengia lygiu kaip pas moenkenes pudros sluoksniu?
Aciukas uz info. Tikiuosi atrasysit ir as dar su jumis konsultuosiuos
viena ausim teko girdeti apie mineraline kosmetika, jusu diskusijas perskaiciau.
Ar gali kuri sugaist laiko ir man vis info surasyt? Kur ziuret del uzsakymo? Koks ten dar filmukas besitepliojant? Kiek moket uz parsiuntima? ir koks pagaliau cia efektas, kad taip giriat??? Turiu ant savo skruostu likusias nuo spuogu demes. Tepu balinanciais kremais, pudruotu, teplioju, bet vis tiek siek tiek matosi. Gal sios kosmetikos deka veidukas pasidengia lygiu kaip pas moenkenes pudros sluoksniu?
Aciukas uz info. Tikiuosi atrasysit ir as dar su jumis konsultuosiuos
as tai pati dar nebandzius to stebuklo, laukiu siuntinuko kai sulauksiu pasidalinsiu ispudziais
QUOTE(Faustikas @ 2008 08 21, 09:05)
Labas, merginos!
viena ausim teko girdeti apie mineraline kosmetika, jusu diskusijas perskaiciau.
Ar gali kuri sugaist laiko ir man vis info surasyt? Kur ziuret del uzsakymo? Koks ten dar filmukas besitepliojant? Kiek moket uz parsiuntima? ir koks pagaliau cia efektas, kad taip giriat??? Turiu ant savo skruostu likusias nuo spuogu demes. Tepu balinanciais kremais, pudruotu, teplioju, bet vis tiek siek tiek matosi. Gal sios kosmetikos deka veidukas pasidengia lygiu kaip pas moenkenes pudros sluoksniu?
Aciukas uz info. Tikiuosi atrasysit ir as dar su jumis konsultuosiuos
viena ausim teko girdeti apie mineraline kosmetika, jusu diskusijas perskaiciau.
Ar gali kuri sugaist laiko ir man vis info surasyt? Kur ziuret del uzsakymo? Koks ten dar filmukas besitepliojant? Kiek moket uz parsiuntima? ir koks pagaliau cia efektas, kad taip giriat??? Turiu ant savo skruostu likusias nuo spuogu demes. Tepu balinanciais kremais, pudruotu, teplioju, bet vis tiek siek tiek matosi. Gal sios kosmetikos deka veidukas pasidengia lygiu kaip pas moenkenes pudros sluoksniu?
Aciukas uz info. Tikiuosi atrasysit ir as dar su jumis konsultuosiuos
o jus visas temas paskaitet?nes jose tikrai atsakymu i jusu klausimus su kaupu
o jei veido oda turi nemazai trukumu nemanau kad reikia tiketis jog atsiras pudra kuri ji padarytu visai "kaip pas moenkenes"
bent jau BE siuntimas i lt man rodos tik per ebay imanomas,o mokestis uz siuntima ten skirtingas.
O ar BE tik amerikietiskose Sephorose yra? Europoje ne?