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čia patarimas iš patirties. kažkada buvau įtikėjus, kad Etro padirbtus iš ebay nusipirkau. purškiu iš atomiko ant vieno riešo, ant kito - tuos iš ebay. aaaaa, kvapas skirias, čia silpnesnis, čia aštresnis. kitą dieną pabandžiau, viskas ok pasirodė besą
va, radau
temą tuo pačiu klausimu:
When I bought a bottle in spring from an online discounter store, I got different color juice. It was definitely not as pink as the sample: subtler, more orangey, leaning towards soft brown - I wouldn't even classify it as pink at all! I instantly thought that I got a fake product or something old, returned the perfumes (with ~20% loss), and decided to order from Hermes online store. To my biggest dismay, the Hermes edt was the same as the discounters one!!